Doc Industries Shipyard

    Sep 29, 2013
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    Makers me want to build trench setup for the fighters to fly though in pursuit of an X-wing.
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    November Progress Report
    Starting this month I wanted to make a log, or progress report at the beginning of each month detailing the things I did over the previous month (In this case November) To get a list out of possible ideas I have circulating, and overall just have a log of what I've done.

    November 2020 Releases & Updates
    Slave I
    Tantive IV
    TIE Shuttle
    TIE Boarding Craft
    TIE Interceptor - Royal Guard

    TIE Bomber - Removed Chin-mounted cannons, and added wingtip cannons
    TIE Interceptor - Added Chin-mounted cannons

    Begun Construction:
    Razor Crest - Finished
    YT-608 - Finished

    December 2020 Plans/Ideas

    • Release U-Wing 2.0
      • Ship is finished, just needs to be released. Exterior is more accurate/detailed. Doors are now on rails. Has a proper interior. Plex Landing Gear, and a second variant which has door cannon/turrets.
    • Release Updated Millennium Falcon
      • It's been finished for awhile I just want to make a video showing the upgrades/differences, but have yet to complete it
    • Continue work on Razor Crest
      • Currently I have the rough frame and cockpit layout completed, as well as a solid draft of the side door/ramp
    • Continue work on JW608 Community Challenge
      • I had a late start as I've been pretty busy towards the end of this month, but I have been working on an entry for his Royal Rebuild challenge. So far I have most of the exterior done, as well as maybe 40% of the interior
    • Continue work on Y-wing
      • Basic framework. Might scrap
    • Take Orthographic images of DI Ships. Saw images like this on the AVALON Discord, fashioned on blueprint paper, and they looked pretty cool. Would be nice to have a catalogue like that for my fleet that is consistent across all ships. Probably would make it an individual post that I add onto/update over time.
      • Didn't end up doing orthographic, but did take updated pictures of everyship 12/14
      • Did eventually do it somewhat, as a practice attempt for doing the Community Scale Chart. 5/15/23
    • Begin reskins for Tantive IV
      • With the completion of the Tantive IV, this leaves open the possibility for a bunch of other CR-90 corvettes including but not limited to:
      • Liberator, Transport One, Unnamed (to my knowledge) Rebels Variant, Tantive III (Which would require upgrades), Green CR-90's from Star Wars: Squadrons (They have 2 extra escape pods, and extra Turbolasers)
    • Video Projects
      • Showcase Video for Slave I (Not yet started)
      • Showcase Video for Tantive IV (Not yet started) Postponed until all variants are finished 12/25
      • Showcase Video for Royal Rebuild Challenge (Ship not finished)
      • 2020 year in review video (8% complete, given up)
      • Updated Showcase Video for Millennium Falcon (Not yet started. Basically remaking the original video with the updated ship) Postponed until new interior is finished 12/17

    • Future Ideas - Ships that I haven't started yet, that I may or may not complete eventually
      • Update Millennium Falcon
        • I'm still not completely happy with the Falcon, one of the main reasons being the interior layout. While it's technically accurate to legends, the new cannon version is different. If I eventually make the Lando, and Sequel reskins of the Falcon, I want to first make a more canon-accurate interior, which is why I've renamed my current version "Millennium Falcon - Legends"
        • Sequels Millennium Falcon. The differences include an extra bunk in the main room, as well as a kitchen added to the crew cabin, which was a wedding gift to Leia. Also the square dish. I also want to include the galaxy map possibly that they see in Episode VII projected by BB-8 all across the main room, by using forcefields
        • Lando's Millennium Falcon. This one has obvious differences regarding the outer hull coloring, as well as the escape pod. It also has different turrets that are only single barrel rather than quad, and also the interior has several differences all throughout.
        • Updated Cargo Pod. Not that the freight that's currently included necessarily has anything wrong with it, I just think it can be upgraded to be more aesthetically pleasing, as well as more segmented so it can form a proper train as intended
        • This is a pretty vague idea, plus I doubt there is space for it, but possibly add the remote Luke fights in Episode IV by just having a core with a button on it, that when pushed will float up and go back and forth, or possibly rotate, attached by a rail somewhere in the distance.
        • Update Escape pods. While the escape pod setup is somewhat accurate to Legends, there is supposed to be 5 back there in Legends that simply don't fit in Starmade. On the other hand in Canon, I learned that there is only a single escape pod access, and that there is a magazine of extra pods instead. EDIT: Or maybe not it's hard to tell, possibly just inconsistancies
      • Zorii's Y-wing
        • Assuming I finish my Y-wing in December, I eventually want to make a reskin for Zorii Bliss who has a Y-wing seen in Episode IX
      • N-1 Starfighter(Naboo fighters)
        • I used to have one, but It's been lost over time somewhere, but either way I'd like to make a new one.
        • Padme N-1 Starfighter. If I do there is a repaint I could do where there is no yellow, and it's all chromed that Padme is seen using in Forces of Destiny.
        • While I have no intention of making this ship anytime soon, the J-Type Royal Starship, and Diplomatic Barge would be pretty cool to build. The Barge has mountings on the wings for 4 N-1 Starfighters to dock as an escort
      • Liset (Warframe)
        • During my Hiatus I put at least 100 hours into Warframe if not more. In that game the main ship you use is called the Liset, and I would love to build it, only there are a few complications: Namely the fact that the entire front light gray part is a window. On the inside it's transparent, but the outside is solid, and Starmade doesn't exactly have 1-way glass. Another minor issue would be all the moving control surfaces on the ship, which I don't necessarily have to include, but I would want to.
      • Video Ideas:
        • Create a video showing changes in how I build, namely the changes to the Falcon, Tantive, and Slave I over the years. Not sure yet If I want to, but might be interesting.
        • Turn these monthly posts into monthly videos.
          • While I'm not sure I'll have the time, it would still be nice to try and put together a video to coincide with these monthly reports to show visually what's been going on.

    While I'll probably not even finish half the ideas on this list, it's still good to write them down so I have some goals for the coming month. I hope to continue this in the coming months, and possibly make videos on them as well
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    Reactions: Celotown777
    Sep 29, 2013
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    I would not mind seeing a new update vid of your builds. Its always fun to show progress.
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    Reactions: docpenguindoc
    Oct 23, 2013
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    Doc Industries YT-608
    Just released my version of the 608 Royal Freighter. Comes equipped with 2 primary laser cannons, 1 small laser cannon, hangar space for 2 A-wings, A luxury escape pod, tractor beams in both front and back, upgraded hyperdrive and engines, as well as basic scanning, and jamming functionalities.

    I go over most of the details on the download page:

    I also made a showcase video going over the ship:

    [Video is segmented when played on YouTube]
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Shipyard Showcase - Slave I

    [Video is segmented when played on YouTube]

    Sources for my build are in video description
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Progress Report
    Razor Crest is pretty much done
    It's got 3 ramps, 3 landing feet, 1 escape pod, and 1 turret, on top of a full interior and systems


    Also just basically finished my updated Y-Wings, it's got all the systems and everything

    starmade-screenshot-0216.png starmade-screenshot-0213.png
    (To the right is the original Y-wing)

    New U-Wing's have been finished for awhile, I just havn't gotten around to updating posts. They've got rail doors, turrets, and proper interior

    The white one is basically Cassian's, and the blue one is the one we see over Scarif with the door turrets
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Discord Server
    There's no real benefit to joining or anything, as it's mostly for me, but I'm just posting a link here to a Discord for Doc Industries

    I made it a few years ago when I was getting back into Starmade to post all of my reference images I found, then forgot about it, but after getting back into Starmade I figured I should use it again. This time however I've been much more active, so I figured I should post this in case anyone wants to see what I'm up to on a more frequent basis

    Basically I'll just be posting progress pics every time I finish a building sessions, as well as posting any passing ideas I have, or reference images I find that might prove useful

    Feel free to mute the discord, as I'll be posting progress quite frequently...
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Nebulon-B Frigate Deck Plans
    Still a long ways out from even starting this project, as a Nebulon-B with full interior would be a massive project for me, considering how long the CR-90 took, but nonetheless I've been doing lots of digging on any sort of deck plans, or interior layouts that I could find, and many are either inconclusive, or clearly inaccurate, however today I just struck gold, and found exactly what I've been looking for, so I'm posting this here as It'll eventually turn into what my Nebulon-B layout will be.

    1608204085401.png 1608204103565.png
    These two images, are as far as I'm aware from official sources, so as far as a general layout, I'd consider these two to be my baseline for what sort of deck plans I'd find acceptable

    And after digging through forums and fan-made plans that didn't line up with the ones above,
    I found this:

    Edit: Link is broken. Thank god I downloaded a PDF.

    These plans cover 15(ish) decks in incredible detail, and while there might be more decks, I'll probably only build these 15. I'm not sure exactly where these plans are from, although they're presumably fan made, but cross referencing them between the official plans, it's clear a lot of effort went into them to make it as accurate as possible. There are two docking bays included, which I doubt would fit properly, but presumably at the time this was made it was assumed the Nebulon-B had them, which it no longer does officially, and as for the massive TIE area, I'll likely replace it with more crew quarters (as it's supposed to support 850 crew)

    As far as systems: (starmade-ified)
    - Jump Drive (decent chambers)
    - 12 cannon-cannons
    - 6 fore
    - 3 port
    - 3 starboard
    - 12 cannon-beams
    - 6 fore
    - 2 port
    - 2 starboard
    - 2 aft
    - At least 1 missile-beam
    - Dual tractor beam
    - Thrust is about 1/2 of the CR-90
    - 15 Escape pods

    Here's my breakdown of those deck plans above, and changes I would make:
    • Deck 1 - Primary Communications
    • Deck 2 - Short Range Communications
    • Deck 4 - Galley
      • If there is more room to this deck, I may add more crew bunks
    • Deck 5 - Crew Quarters
      • Since TIE Fighters clearly don't fit in a Nebulon-B, I'll be replacing them with more crew bunks, and possibly crew facilities.
        Also the tube may have to be combined into one deck rather than two
    • Deck 6 - Docking Tube
      • Since most of Deck 6 is undocumented maybe more crew bunks
      • Not sure if I'll have room for two decks in the tube, so may have to consolidate, or make the top deck more of a jefferies tube/very small
    • Deck 7 - Docking Bay
      • Again, since the Nebulon-B doesn't really have room to internally dock, I'm probably repurposing this into a docking bay for not shuttles, but just things like cargo pods if possible.
    • Deck 8 - Medical & Security facilities
      • Maybe instead of filling deck 5 with crew bunks, I could move some of the security stuff there but we'll see
      • Also the docking bay might be able to stay? For emergency patients? Not sure how'd I'd fit it in
    • Deck 9 - Main Engineering (For Engines)
      • This deck has monitoring stations, workshops, storage, an office for the chief engineer, and a main engineering room. Also some catwalks in the back seeing the engines, although not entirely sure how to get there
    • Deck 11 - Officers Quarters
    • Deck 14 - Guest Quarters
    • Deck 16 - Engineering
    • Deck 17 - Bridge
    • Deck 18 - Offices, Armory
    • Deck 21 - Secondary Engineering (For Power)
    • Deck 26 - Life Support/Essentials

    As far as building a Nebulon-B in Starmade, I'll likely go with El_Poulpy's as a base, but cut it up, rip it apart, and stretch it out to make it a bit bigger for my scale, as well as so it can fit everything I need it too, while still being proportionate with itself.

    Again I probably won't be getting around to building this anytime soon, but these deck plans are definately a good motivator to make a Nebulon-B with interior someday in the future, and I just wanted to post my discovery so I could reference these whenever I do get to building.


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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Progress Report

    Progress continues on my CR90 variants. I just completed the Liberator, and previously have done the Tantive IV, and Transport One.

    This is the current slate for the variants I plan on doing:
    • Tantive IV
    • Transport One/Ahsoka's CR90
      • Uses modified Rebels turrets, and A-wing docking capacity. Will include A-wing Docking arms
    • Liberator
      • Uses modified Rebels turrets, and A-wing docking capacity.
    • Unnamed Rebels CR90
      • Uses modified Rebels turrets, and A-wing docking capacity. Will include USD Turrets
    • Unnamed Squadrons CR90
      • May require modified/limited interior for system space. Extra turbolaser, and 2 extra laser cannon escape pods
    • Jaina's Light
      • Limited interior and more systems
    • Thunderstrike
      • Tantive IV clone, but without docked entities, and minimal interior. Packed with systems
    • (Possibly) Scarlet Thranta
      • Simple redeco
    • Tantive III
      • Requires several changes, as it's a CR70 not CR90. This includes adding a internal docking bay among other changes
    Others I could do but probably won't
    1. Bail Organa
    2. Candor
    3. Dodonna's Pride
    4. "Pirate CR90 Corvette"
    5. Renthal's Fist
    6. Star Ravager
    7. Most other listed CR90 Corvettes are identical to the Tantive IV livery

    Other than that I still need to upload my 2 U-Wing Variants, Razor Crest, and Y-Wing which are all basically finished.
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Starmade 2020

    This video is just going briefly over the stuff I've built this year as somewhat of a general showcase, and assuming all goes well next year I'll probably do it at the end of 2021 as well, although it likely won't have quite as many ships.

    Hopefully next year at some point Starmade will get at least some announced progress on the Universe update, and although that may breathe some life into the community, it's nothing I'm necessarily holding my breath for or anything.

    I will still be posting a December 2020 progress report going into more detail on the stuff I've done and the goals for January.
    Oct 23, 2013
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    December Progress Report
    Progress has slowed these last few days, as I've been tied up with some other stuff so might not get too much done in these first few months of 2021.

    December 2020 Releases & Updates
    Transport One

    Tantive IV - Added updated landing gear, and a few other minor changes
    Slave I - Minor changes

    Begun Construction:
    Razor Crest - Finished
    Y-wing - Finished
    Liberator - Finished

    Videos Released:

    DI YT-608 Showcase - Starmade
    DI Slave I Showcase - Starmade
    Starmade 2020

    January 2021 Plans/Ideas

    • Release U-Wing 2.0
      • Ship is finished, just needs to be released. Exterior is more accurate/detailed. Doors are now on rails. Has a proper interior. Plex Landing Gear, and a second variant which has door cannon/turrets.
    • Release Updated Millennium Falcon
      • It's been finished for awhile, and I should just release this version as it is until my new interior is finished
    • Release Razor Crest
      • Build is finished, just needs to be released
    • Release Liberator
      • Build is finished, just needs to be released
    • Release Y-wing
      • Build is finished, just needs to be released
      • I do want to eventually do Zorii and Holiday Special versions of the ship
    • Zorii's Y-wing
      • Repaint of the Y-wing
    • Continue reskins for Tantive IV
    • Video Projects
      • Showcase Video for Tantive IV (If all variants are completed)
      • Showcase Video for Razor Crest

    • Future Ideas - Ships that I haven't started yet, that I may or may not complete eventually
      • Update Millennium Falcon
        • More detailed explanation in the November 2020 Progress report, but in essense I need to rebuild the interior, and then make variants for Solo, Episode VII, and Episode III. I also want to redo the cargo pod to be more modular
      • N-1 Starfighter(Naboo fighters)
        • Again, went over this in the November report, but basically the classic yellow ship, and then a full "chromed" one for Padme
      • Liset (Warframe)
        • Warframe is another game I love playing whenever I'm on break because it's just no think, just loot, so it helps me come up with more motivation/inspiration, and I'd love to build the ship from Warframe, but it's pretty complex for it's size in terms of shape and moving flaps, and on top of that a one-way window that I have ideas on how to do but haven't tested it
      • Video Ideas:
        • Create a video showing changes in how I build, namely the changes to the Falcon, Tantive, and Slave I over the years. Not sure yet If I want to, but might be interesting.

    Might be slowing down for the next few months and go into hiatus, as I'm working on a real life project that should be finished around February-March. I do still check the forums though daily.
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    January Progress Report
    Nothing new to report this month, officially beginning a hiatus for now so won't be any monthly reports for a few months until I'm back. In the meantime I've just been playing Battlefront, and Lego games until the creative juices are back to full so I can come back to working on projects.

    Will be back by the summer at the latest
    Mar 30, 2018
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    That's a shame, i really liked your monthly reports, just to see how things were going, but i guess I can't blame you, i'm in a huge hiatus myself.
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    You are entirely too good at this.

    I see you're another fan of the "little guys". Nice.

    I'll have to keep an eye on you. :)(y)
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    February Progress Report

    I said there wasn't going to be a report for February. However. I did finish a non-starmade project I wanted to share, and while I was at it I figured I'd throw in some ships I finished in December but haven't uploaded while I'm at it.

    CR-90 Corvette News
    First off I wanted to note an update coming to the CR-90 (If I can fit it in there somehow)
    While rewatching Rise of Skywalker, I noticed this ladder leading into the bridge section of the ship so before I do more repaints, I'll have to look into whether or not I can add this. (I already added similar ones previously to the back from Rise of Skywalker)

    U-Wing News
    I'm releasing the updated U-wing onto the dock shortly after this post. It's body is large but more accurate, it's got a proper interior now, and includes landing gear, along with sliding doors. Pretty much a full overhaul, I built it from the ground up.

    Y-Wing News
    I decided it's been far too long since my fleet had a Y-wing. It's been missing from my lineup for years and it's time it finally came back, so I'll also finally be uploading that ship too since it was finished before my hiatus. Similar to the U-Wing it's oversized for functionality

    Non-Starmade News
    Over the past few months I've been working on a real world Star Wars build, and here it is (mostly) finished. It's a total of 32 linear feet long of Death Star walls that stands 8 feet tall. (And yes that is me in the picture with it)

    Below is a little montage of building the base, cutting out the piecies, lining them up and glueing, then painting, and the finished pile
    20210221_131340.jpg 20210221_131417.jpg 20210215_111519.jpg 20210217_160105.jpg 20210218_232529.jpg 20210220_174535.jpg
    It all stacks down pretty small too that final pile is everything, and each panel is only ~10/15 pounds.

    Might not be a Starmade project but it's a project I've been working on nonetheless, and the main reason I went on break so I could finish it off. I still probably won't be back to building in Starmade for another month or two, but I hope to see you then!

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    February Progress Report

    I said there wasn't going to be a report for February. However. I did finish a non-starmade project I wanted to share, and while I was at it I figured I'd throw in some ships I finished in December but haven't uploaded while I'm at it.

    CR-90 Corvette News
    First off I wanted to note an update coming to the CR-90 (If I can fit it in there somehow)
    View attachment 58276
    While rewatching Rise of Skywalker, I noticed this ladder leading into the bridge section of the ship so before I do more repaints, I'll have to look into whether or not I can add this. (I already added similar ones previously to the back from Rise of Skywalker)

    U-Wing News
    I'm releasing the updated U-wing onto the dock shortly after this post. It's body is large but more accurate, it's got a proper interior now, and includes landing gear, along with sliding doors. Pretty much a full overhaul, I built it from the ground up.
    View attachment 58296

    Y-Wing News
    I decided it's been far too long since my fleet had a Y-wing. It's been missing from my lineup for years and it's time it finally came back, so I'll also finally be uploading that ship too since it was finished before my hiatus. Similar to the U-Wing it's oversized for functionality
    View attachment 58295

    Non-Starmade News
    View attachment 58277
    Over the past few months I've been working on a real world Star Wars build, and here it is (mostly) finished. It's a total of 32 linear feet long of Death Star walls that stands 8 feet tall. (And yes that is me in the picture with it)

    Below is a little montage of building the base, cutting out the piecies, lining them up and glueing, then painting, and the finished pile
    View attachment 58282View attachment 58281View attachment 58280View attachment 58279View attachment 58278View attachment 58283
    It all stacks down pretty small too that final pile is everything, and each panel is only ~10/15 pounds.

    Might not be a Starmade project but it's a project I've been working on nonetheless, and the main reason I went on break so I could finish it off. I still probably won't be back to building in Starmade for another month or two, but I hope to see you then!
    That's sick man!
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    Jul 3, 2013
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    February Progress Report

    I said there wasn't going to be a report for February. However. I did finish a non-starmade project I wanted to share, and while I was at it I figured I'd throw in some ships I finished in December but haven't uploaded while I'm at it.

    CR-90 Corvette News
    First off I wanted to note an update coming to the CR-90 (If I can fit it in there somehow)
    View attachment 58276
    While rewatching Rise of Skywalker, I noticed this ladder leading into the bridge section of the ship so before I do more repaints, I'll have to look into whether or not I can add this. (I already added similar ones previously to the back from Rise of Skywalker)

    U-Wing News
    I'm releasing the updated U-wing onto the dock shortly after this post. It's body is large but more accurate, it's got a proper interior now, and includes landing gear, along with sliding doors. Pretty much a full overhaul, I built it from the ground up.
    View attachment 58296

    Y-Wing News
    I decided it's been far too long since my fleet had a Y-wing. It's been missing from my lineup for years and it's time it finally came back, so I'll also finally be uploading that ship too since it was finished before my hiatus. Similar to the U-Wing it's oversized for functionality
    View attachment 58295

    Non-Starmade News
    View attachment 58277
    Over the past few months I've been working on a real world Star Wars build, and here it is (mostly) finished. It's a total of 32 linear feet long of Death Star walls that stands 8 feet tall. (And yes that is me in the picture with it)

    Below is a little montage of building the base, cutting out the piecies, lining them up and glueing, then painting, and the finished pile
    View attachment 58282View attachment 58281View attachment 58280View attachment 58279View attachment 58278View attachment 58283
    It all stacks down pretty small too that final pile is everything, and each panel is only ~10/15 pounds.

    Might not be a Starmade project but it's a project I've been working on nonetheless, and the main reason I went on break so I could finish it off. I still probably won't be back to building in Starmade for another month or two, but I hope to see you then!
    Holy crap, those walls look incredible

    What are your plans with them? Are you gonna decorate your walls with them or do a fan film?
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Holy crap, those walls look incredible

    What are your plans with them? Are you gonna decorate your walls with them or do a fan film?
    If you're aware of the 501st Legion, I troop with them just about every weekend (Until 2020 away) and I'll be bringing them as a set piece for whenever I go to conventions/events with my Garrison.
    Oct 23, 2013
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    May the Fourth be with you
    Although progress has been limited, I do have a ship to be released, namely, the Razor Crest.

    Another ship which I finished in December, but here it is, with a dozen features, and considerable systems.
    You can find the ship here:

    Although there won't be a progress report for May, there could be one for June, and certainly will be one for July.
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    July Progress Report

    Just checking back in, assuring all I'm still alive.
    Despite no literal progress in the past 6 months, I'm continuing my progress reports I began in November. I plan to continue working on builds this August, and want to make a July report as a reminder of where I left off, and where I'm going.
    Although this may have been my first hiatus since I started posting on the forums, knowing my workflow I can assure you it won't be the last, but I'll continue to be checking the forums daily.

    January - July 2021 Releases & Updates

    Razor Crest

    U-Wing - Complete overhaul

    Begun Construction:

    Videos Released:

    August 2021 Plans/Ideas

    • Release Updated Millennium Falcon?
      • It's been finished for awhile, and I should just release this version as it is until my new interior is finished
    • Y-Wing Variants
      • Holiday Special
      • Zorii Bliss
      • Clone Wars
        • Classic Yellow
        • Rex (Blue Deco)
        • Red Deco
    • Continue reskins for Tantive IV

    • Future Ideas - Ships that I haven't started yet, that I may or may not complete eventually
      • Havoc Marauder
        • The shuttle operated by the Bad Batch
      • Justifier
        • Cad Bane's new ship seen in The Bad Batch
      • Fennec's ship
        • Fennec Shand's new ship seen in The Bad Batch
      • Ghost
        • No serious plans yet, however I do want to begin a search for deck plans if possible, although I'm not certain they exist in full.
      • Nebulon-B
        • Still quite excited by the deck plans I discovered, and one day hope to build this ship, however if the CR-90 was any indication, it could take me eons.
      • Updated Millennium Falcon
        • A project that is truly never-ending... Basically, I just want to update the interior layout to the new canon specifications.
      • Video Projects
        • Showcase Video for all ships not yet showcased (including updated ones)

    Again, no promises, but hopefully the creative juices are ready to flow once more, and I can start working on more projects. I just struggle to keep that sort of motivation year round, and often will take some pretty long breaks.
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