Simply put; How big is the ship.
The simplest way is through scaling. How do you scale? You take a refference point thats is know by all and work from there. For those who played the Game " Knight of the old republic " and "Kotor 2" when you go to the port or staboard side of the ship you see 3 beds lined up on each sides. Beds are a know quantity 6 feet long. Thats your refference point from that, take the lenght of 3 bed line up 3X6=18 feet; measure the inside of the map of the ship and calculate the ships dimensions. I've done it for ya. Conservative size if you take the inside map and the outside of the ship, the hull plating and all you get:
Length=204.1 feet or 61.8 meters Width=185.9 feet , 56.3 meters
How do i get those; take your 3 beds X 6 feet=18 feet divide by measurements 24 mm=1.3 feet. So each mm on your ruler=1.3 feet , thats your scale. Now take your floor plan and start calculating. You'll find that:
Cockpit=19.5 feet X 13 feet wide engine room=9 feet X 4.3 feet Dormatories=18 feet X 8 feet port and starboard corridors=6.5 feet wide ( circular remember so only the base can be walked on like the Falcon) Ramp=28.6 feet X 3.1 feet Swoop Bike garage=46.8 X 41.6 feet Cargo Hold=40.3 feet X 19.5 feet Sick bay=14.3 X 14.3 ( both axes ) Communication station=28.6 feet X 16.9 feet ( wonder why so big not useful in story) Main Hold=45.5 feet X 32.5 feet and 9 feet tall at least( Zaalbar is a WOOKIEE )and stands on one side.So we can assume that this room is the tallest since are corridors are 6.5 feet circular and leads to most of the other rooms. The center of the ship is also naturally the highest it stand to reason.
Wich brings the theory that the Millenium falcon woud be bigger...Wrong!! the numbers don't add up. The number of room alone in the Hawk is greater, the cockpit size alone, there's no swopbike size roon on the Falcon, or 2 sets of bunk beds(6). The famous two turret fact on the falcon is weak at best if we caculate map wise. So any debators?
Retrieved from "" Basile Basile 15:21, 14 May 2008 (UTC)
I'm not sure if we're going to like this, or if it just muddies the waters further. Using 3dvia Print screen [1] I captured the geometry (and many of the textures) from KOTORII TSL. Then using koichiSenada's 3dsMaxConvertXml [2] I imported the geometry into 3d Studio Max. The scale wasn't exactly right but the models also included HK-47, which according to the databank is 1.8 meters tall. I made a ruler 1.8 meters tall and sized HK-47 and the rest of the model according to that. Unfortunately this is when it got strange. When capturing the geometry of the outside of the Hawk, the dimensions were 30m long X 26.8m wide, pretty close to the measurements listed. I was surprised to find this so I dug a little deeper. Evidently the Hawk is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. I entered the Hawk and did another capture, still including HK-47 and resized it the same way. Using this as a template, I imported the geometry from the external 3d model and it (the previously mentioned external render) was very much smaller. Upon carefully resizing the external model to correctly fit the rendering of the inside, the new dimensions were 77m wide X 87m long. My best guess is that the game designers found it much easier to show a smaller model when not boarded so that it would fit in the game modules better. These aren't exact but by changing the way I import the geometry I believe I could come up with an exact size. Here's a link to some renders that I created of the geometry used to make this estimation. [3] If there is interest I can go further to determine the exact dimensions created by the game designers. I do certainly believe that the size of the Hawk needs to be adjusted. woodmattc 1/16/2009 12:11 (CST)
Unfortunately, that is all considered Original Research, which we don't apply here at Wookieepedia. The article's size information comes directly from a legitimate canon source, Starships of the Galaxy. Toprawa and Ralltiir 18:35, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
And since that legitimate canon source disagrees with the original source, the offending figure shall be removed accordingly. 12seraph 23:50, November 16, 2011 (UTC)
Who keeps putting the number back? 12seraph 04:48, November 18, 2011 (UTC)
Not I.Woodmattc (talk) 17:56, October 15, 2012 (UTC)
Very well. But you should know that I'm emailing Leland Chee over this. :-D It was fun, thanks for looking at it anyway. BTW, I did figure out how to get the model to import while keeping the original dimensions that the designers used. It was 86.4m long and 77.5m wide, and Canon or not that's the size I'm building my own model! Woodmattc 20:13, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
Could we perhaps add something about this to the "Behind the Scenes" section? The game designers built the ship bigger on the inside than the outside for purposes of fitting into the game modules and state the dimensions? I am quite sure within .25 meters that the last stated dimensions are accurate to the build, since I did no resizing but adjusted editing parameters to match those of the imported geometry prior to importing. Woodmattc 15:20, 17 January 2009 (UTC)