What Creatures/Aliens and other life forms would you like to see?

    Feb 20, 2014
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    Ok maybe I'm just too into simulators and "realistic" games I love StarMade I really do... I've known of this game only for about a year now and started playing after trying every other game out there having to do with space and sandbox. Now I love battling ships pirates (aliens/people) in control of a ship or drones but I HATE completely HATE the idea of ANY life form that lives thrives attacks and procreates in the vacuum of space... Pirates are enough don't need squid/whales and other BS like giant flying doughnuts eating hulls of my ship or stations, don't need massive swarms of beings ravaging my server sector to sector though it would be nice for large wars now and then.
    What I would like are creatures specific to each planet and an ecosystem that keeps balance of life on each (when loaded) meaning you kill off or over harvest one life form you may need to repopulate creatures from another planet to get things back in order or certain plants and stuff wont grow or certain life forms attack each other for food. I'd like to see small things added to give a scientific aspect to the game, like researching aliens will give you knowledge about that life form thus making weapons and breeding skills more effective when attacking hunting or breeding a life form. And like to see us needing alien life for food and requirements for water and air mined from the surface by science teams. The ability to breed/train certain life forms as pets, and take them into battles, either arena style on some illegal trade planet or station or used as ship raiding beast released into the halls of enemy ships your trying to take over slaughtering any crew it comes across I mean who hasn't dreamed of having an alien superdog?

    I love this idea of alien life but I don't want to play a game that has turned to 90's/80's themed B-movie like floaty alien life in space... that shoots plasma weapons or pulse weapons of all things (and I know there is all sorts of possibility of different forms of life) but ANYTHING that isn't planet based should require a spaceship and be considered a higher form of intelligence i.e. more default factions at the most I would accept a life form like the reapers from Mass effect 2-3 or the AI from X3 Terran Conflict, they have all the qualities that I just said I don't want but makes more sense to me. My hopes are for an ancient alien life that has been turned into the highest form of evolution aside (pure energy) and that is to become the ship itself... a machine with organic heritage and mind, machines so old they don't even know where it came from... they don't reproduce they are built and they are built for one reason... to build more.
    This creature does not care about anything that doesn't help them in some way and normally can be found closer to the sun because they use solar heat and light for energy and one main tactic they use is to attack using the suns brightness to mask their approach. They don't attack that often in fact are very rare, but when they do it would take the joint effort of humans the Trading Guild and even the Pirates to set aside differences and drive the alien life back to their "hot zones" or out faraway from the sun killing power and killing the "reaper like" ships until their numbers rise again and they can attempt another attack.... not every star will be home to them as again they are very rare but when they do show their face you will be in amazement as to how or where they even hide themselves in the first place. When they do attack they will focus one generally one sector unless there are no ships in the area and will come from as far as 20 sectors away meaning attacks can be very long or in waves short/long.

    Though there are some things I can't stand and purely hate (floating space aliens/space whales) and I wish were never introduced into the realm of science fiction even, I can find that with a little compromise we can all come to an agreement in what type of life we would like to see... I wish I knew how to make a poll as we should be voting on this subject... give pictures and a short description of how the life form acts/lives/attacks... and a check box next to if you would like to see something same or similar in the game, and a small box to note things you'd like to see different if it was in the game...this way devs can have a clear picture on what want as users. Thanks guys and gals.
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    Aug 28, 2013
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    Yes, packs of similar ships would probably be better. Randomly built ships made from prebuilt parts would be cool, but I'm not sure if thats possible. If it is, though, that'd be cool.
    I know that stations can be procedually generated, but I'm not sure how good a procedually generated ship would look. Procedually switched weapons might be good.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    I know that stations can be procedually generated, but I'm not sure how good a procedually generated ship would look. Procedually switched weapons might be good.
    Randomly generated weapons would add a lot to alien ships (or just in general with pirates), along with randomized hull colours.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    Randomly generated weapons would add a lot to alien ships (or just in general with pirates), along with randomized hull colours.
    For random encounters maybe but for factions colors should be consistent.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    For random encounters maybe but for factions colors should be consistent.
    Yeah, faction colours should stay consistent. I meant the faction as a whole would have its colour choice randomized.
    May 7, 2014
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    I felt like elaborating more on my ideas. I have here a mock-up I made of how I think the system could work. Similar to Spore, a big database of "parts" could exist. Depending on how complex the specimen is, the more "high-level" parts it could have. A simple headcrab would be nothing more than a stubby torso and four spider-ey legs, but a sapient lifeform may have the whole gamut.

    The game could also have either a repertoire of textures, or just generate them. Preset "faces" could exist for creatures with heads, or perhaps even a random face texture generator for eyes, mouths, noses etc.

    Notice that in my picture below, all the parts are somewhat angular and blocky. This is to fit into the art style of StarMade, as well as to increase performance - something I know the devs are big on. Also note the wings with sprites in place of feathers - sprites could be another way to improve performance, especially if there were a bunch of aliens in one area.

    In regards to their AI, I realize the devs have their work cut out for them, which is why I think the AI should be rather simple, at least in the beginning. There could be three tiers: complexity, intelligence and aggression.

    complexity: how many "high level" parts the organism has, such as a head and grasping appendages. This would also determine its intelligence.
    intelligence: could mean how many AI subroutines the creature has. Maybe a low-intelligence creature would only have 2 directives: find food, and fight or flight when attacked. A higher-intelligence creature may travel in packs and actually interact with the environment somehow. Could also help determine what kind of sounds it makes.
    Aggression: how aggressive the thing is; whether it attacks on sight or runs when you get close.

    Editing Fauna, such as DNA manipulation, is a fun and powerful concept that has certainly been considered plenty. What exactly you'll see I can't say, but I for one would like to see a means of altering Fauna, though not an easy one. I think it'd be more interesting if such experiments were unpredictable and would require many attempts or generations to alter something to what you want. That's just my personal thoughts, though. Even if the default game didn't come with a means of editing Fauna, I'm pretty sure modders would be quick to add something like that in. :)
    Lastly, I think it would be awesome if there were a way in-game to customize creatures, whether it comes from the devs or mod software like SMEdit, such as an expensive set of "laboratory blocks" with a double helix on them or something. As you can see by the xenomorph above, it would also be pretty sweet if players could skin their own alien races as well :D
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    Apr 25, 2014
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    I felt like elaborating more on my ideas. I have here a mock-up I made of how I think the system could work. Similar to Spore, a big database of "parts" could exist. Depending on how complex the specimen is, the more "high-level" parts it could have. A simple headcrab would be nothing more than a stubby torso and four spider-ey legs, but a sapient lifeform may have the whole gamut.

    The game could also have either a repertoire of textures, or just generate them. Preset "faces" could exist for creatures with heads, or perhaps even a random face texture generator for eyes, mouths, noses etc.

    Notice that in my picture below, all the parts are somewhat angular and blocky. This is to fit into the art style of StarMade, as well as to increase performance - something I know the devs are big on. Also note the wings with sprites in place of feathers - sprites could be another way to improve performance, especially if there were a bunch of aliens in one area.

    In regards to their AI, I realize the devs have their work cut out for them, which is why I think the AI should be rather simple, at least in the beginning. There could be three tiers: complexity, intelligence and aggression.

    complexity: how many "high level" parts the organism has, such as a head and grasping appendages. This would also determine its intelligence.
    intelligence: could mean how many AI subroutines the creature has. Maybe a low-intelligence creature would only have 2 directives: find food, and fight or flight when attacked. A higher-intelligence creature may travel in packs and actually interact with the environment somehow. Could also help determine what kind of sounds it makes.
    Aggression: how aggressive the thing is; whether it attacks on sight or runs when you get close.

    Lastly, I think it would be awesome if there were a way in-game to customize creatures, whether it comes from the devs or mod software like SMEdit, such as an expensive set of "laboratory blocks" with a double helix on them or something. As you can see by the xenomorph above, it would also be pretty sweet if players could skin their own alien races as well :D
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    Apr 30, 2013
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    It seems these Mushroom Fleet guys may have discovered an alien NPC already in the dev build's code. Either that, or they somehow modded it in themselves. How do these guys know so much about the game? Anyway, it appears to be some sort of space crab/spider thing, and the art style is pretty much what I would imagine it would be: slightly blocky and angular.

    I guess what I'd like to see would be slightly blocky-looking (to keep in the art style) aliens, with randomly generated features, natural weapons (fangs, claws, stingers, etc.) and modes of locomotion. Perhaps they could have varying levels of intelligence, swarming behavior and aggression as well. If there are planned alien customization features, I would love to make a Xenomorph :)
    That little guy is not modded in, as others have said. I modeled and textured it myself as test Fauna, and it does generally represent the art style I plan to go for. :) (Though the texture is actually partially incomplete if you look at the underside of the ridges on the back, haha. Only the bottom ridge is textured, the other two are a flat color.)

    Ok maybe I'm just too into simulators and "realistic" games I love StarMade I really do... I've known of this game only for about a year now and started playing after trying every other game out there having to do with space and sandbox. Now I love battling ships pirates (aliens/people) in control of a ship or drones but I HATE completely HATE the idea of ANY life form that lives thrives attacks and procreates in the vacuum of space... Pirates are enough don't need squid/whales and other BS like giant flying doughnuts eating hulls of my ship or stations, don't need massive swarms of beings ravaging my server sector to sector though it would be nice for large wars now and then.
    Don't worry. While I do actually like the idea of some limited Fauna that can exist in space, I feel that it being common would make space no longer feel like space. My default inclination would be to make any Fauna that can survive in space very specialized - perhaps even through sacrifice of other characteristics - due to the incredibly inhospitable environment (or lack of environment) that is space. So while I can't make promises about what will be made or what you will see, I lean towards any space Fauna being limited, rare and simple by default. This game IS focused more on fun than scientific accuracy, though, so Rule of Cool and Rule of Fun should be expected within reason. Actually, I think adequate attention to the Rule of Fun is a key factor of what separates StarMade from others of the genre.

    However, I consider options and customization to be of utmost importance. So a server owner/admin (or someone in singleplayer) could choose to do things like make them common, more deadly or more varied. Modders could likely add in basically anything, space whales or sentient clouds, whatever they can come up with. In other words, while I may not lean toward space Fauna being a common sight by default for StarMade, I've no intent to prevent others from having it as much as they want and in whatever way they want. :) I want people to be able to make the game what they want to play.

    ...I may want to add small four-toothed, floating, asteroid-dwelling monsters as an homage to Corneroids, however. Those things were cute.
    Feb 20, 2014
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    That little guy is not modded in, as others have said. I modeled and textured it myself as test Fauna, and it does generally represent the art style I plan to go for. :) (Though the texture is actually partially incomplete if you look at the underside of the ridges on the back, haha. Only the bottom ridge is textured, the other two are a flat color.)

    However, I consider options and customization to be of utmost importance. So a server owner/admin (or someone in singleplayer) could choose to do things like make them common, more deadly or more varied. Modders could likely add in basically anything, space whales or sentient clouds, whatever they can come up with. In other words, while I may not lean toward space Fauna being a common sight by default for StarMade, I've no intent to prevent others from having it as much as they want and in whatever way they want. :) I want people to be able to make the game what they want to play.

    ...I may want to add small four-toothed, floating, asteroid-dwelling monsters as an homage to Corneroids, however. Those things were cute.
    I have no problems with mods/modded servers as It gives you the ability not to use or download the mod... The option is ALWAYS welcome but by default? no that will force some people (like myself) to deal with mobs that I don't feel fits into the role play universe I'm making... too add* new mobs via mods are cool as it give us more options but to have them there by default means we can't remove what we don't like... So maybe those types of things be an option on creation of a new universe?
    This way we are all happy and I don't want you unhappy, don't you want the same for me? :)


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    I'm actually quite interested in both how the NPCs are generated and how they tie into the rest of the game. Having another way for the game to tell the player something instead of the other way around is a good step towards a 'living' universe.
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    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    They better implement bug-spray/D.E.E.T when all these AI aliens are implemented. I hate giant space mosquitoes.
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    Apr 30, 2013
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    I have no problems with mods/modded servers as It gives you the ability not to use or download the mod... The option is ALWAYS welcome but by default? no that will force some people (like myself) to deal with mobs that I don't feel fits into the role play universe I'm making... too add* new mobs via mods are cool as it give us more options but to have them there by default means we can't remove what we don't like... So maybe those types of things be an option on creation of a new universe?
    This way we are all happy and I don't want you unhappy, don't you want the same for me? :)
    You're assuming that while you can mod in new things, you can't remove things that are already ingame. In theory, it will be just as easy - if not easier - to remove things in the default game. :)

    While my hope would be that it would be extremely easy to do so (such as having it directly in the options), worst case scenario people could make extremely simple mods to make the change. Or it may be that the options can adjust some of the basic things, but mods would be required for more specific changes. Either way, I wouldn't worry. Being able to remove the default things in StarMade that don't fit the universe you want to play in is just as important as being able to add new things. :)
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    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    I want giant floaty space jelly-fish that can zap ships, nuff said.

    They better glow Omni ;)
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    Jul 24, 2013
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    the thing i would love to see made possible in starmade is this:
    If you watched movie made by James Cameron, Avatar,,there is a small moon called Pandora,and its a beautifull moon full of life. trees,lakes,all kinds of big strong,and small and weak creatures.
    but there is also a smart humanoid race, Na"vi. and if you watched this movie,you know what happened there..
    long story short,i wanna bring some democracy to some aliens
    Oct 12, 2013
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    If there is less advanced species, I want them to not know that there are aliens. It would be so fun to fly around the planet and scare them and watch them run around in little circles.

    If any aliens are reading this, can I have a spaceship?


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    the thing i would love to see made possible in starmade is this:
    If you watched movie made by James Cameron, Avatar,,there is a small moon called Pandora,and its a beautifull moon full of life. trees,lakes,all kinds of big strong,and small and weak creatures.
    but there is also a smart humanoid race, Na"vi. and if you watched this movie,you know what happened there..
    long story short,i wanna bring some democracy to some aliens

    Democracy for everyone
    Feb 14, 2014
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    Yeah, infectious lifeforms are cool, but...

    How do you survive in singe player if it takes multiple factions to take them out?
    Well I think at one point in the streams they mentioned NPC generated factions besides the trade guild. And if the system was in THAT much danger, they could really ally the pirates, the player, the trade guild, and all other NPC generated factions together.

    Not only that, but there should be sub-factions of each faction, much like how ME had blue suns mercenaries, but there were all of the mercenaries united against 1 enemy, but thats a little off topic and faction related I suppose.
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