

    Jan 19, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Wired for Logic Gold
    • Thinking Positive
    My logic always seems to end up with half adders and fractals.

    Anyways, this was a small experiment looking at the Thue-Morse sequence. Doubt it's even worth sharing but here's something.

    I'm also looking at some logic games since that seems to be in fashion. I always seem to have good ideas for them but never feel like doing them, so maybe if I put the ideas out there someone will catch them. The first one I thought about building (and got semi built - logic done, no viable platform) is The Prisoners Dilemma. Very simple game, so much so that rudimentary *ai* could even be built in fairly easily. The scoring system I was thinking about with it would go so that a mutual cooperation would give both players two points, a defection vs a cooperation would result in +3/+0 and a mutual defection would result in both players earning a point. This scoring system would incentivize players to defect even though that is the worse option of the two. AI could follow a few paths, one being purely cooperative, one being purely defective, another being random and the last being the famous tit-for-tat.

    Another game I thought about making is Dr NIM. Unfortunately I find the logic in that increasingly dull as the easiest way to make the machine work wouldn't require any conditional statements. Still, the idea of making a game that is totally unwinnable is funny.

    Upon reading another thread, someone else mentioned the idea of 3d tic-tac-toe. It wouldn't be too far of a stretch to modify/repeat the logic from my 2d tic-tac-toe platform into 3d, but the controls would have to be a bit different. Having a rail-turret based platform that could rotate around the playing field in both axis while having the center of the playing field always in view, with inner ship remotes as controllers would be an interesting control scheme.

    Anyways, all of this sums up to the fact that I don't do anything original, constantly copy others and myself, and have essentially no work ethic. :^)



    Jan 19, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Wired for Logic Gold
    • Thinking Positive
    I decided to make a new thing.

    It looks a bit like this:

    And turns this:

    Into this:
    F: 6 E: 7 D: 4 C: 3 B: 2 A: 7 9: 2 8: 5 7: 3 6: 8 5: 4 4: 4 3: 4 2: 3 1: 0 0: 7

    But also into this:

    Alternatively, it can turn this:

    Into this:
    F: 5 E: 5 D: 5 C: 4 B: 2 A: 4 9: 4 8: 4 7: 1 6: 5 5: 5 4: 4 3: 6 2: 3 1: 5 0: 7

    And this:

    Overall, this is really just something that's useful for an upcoming project I may or may not release.
    TL;DR, I made something that can count.
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