Read by Council Variable Cost for Base Protection + Allow it to extend to more than 1 base


    Join the Dark Side
    Aug 21, 2015
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    Hello there. Please be sure to read this whole idea before judging it. It requires all parts to work proper-like.

    The idea:
    1. Allow players to designate a "Home System."
    2. Allow more than one base to have invulnerability protection, but these bases MUST BE within the home system.
    3. Make base invulnerability cost faction points, which would be based on the size of the base and the entities docked to it. The larger the base, the more faction points it costs. Balance this so that new players will be able to sustain a small base and a few ships. A larger faction would be able to protect a larger base, or several smaller bases, so long as their members stay active. If their members go inactive, then they'd need to downsize a bit or unprotect some of their bases.

    Why make these changes?
    A. This is moving toward being more realistic. I know that people need to have a way not to lose everything all of the time or the moment they set foot on a server, but at least if there was a realistic cost to the protection, it would make more sense. Why should this protection come free? Also, why should an extremely large base be able to be protected, but not two small bases?
    B. The larger a faction gets, the more reason they would have to use up their resources in combat (or hide them somewhere). This would encourage PVP and encourage people to search for these hidden bases.
    C. Planets being loaded in can create a lot of server lag. They would no longer make for good home bases for starting players because they'd take a LOT of faction points to hold and protect.
    D. Larger factions could comfortably hold several bases, which they could opt to protected. Presently, factions aren't that attractive because everyone wants to park their ships at the home base for the protection, but boy can this make a home-base laggy.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Interesting ideas, but it needs to balance out, I think, with some system that will prevent camping in all these homebases. Perhaps FP earned can be based on player ACTIVITY rather than "Did you log on or not". As in, the further players travel, the more FP the faction earns. Or perhaps the more time players spend moving, and the further away from their homebase they get, the more FP they earn.

    Just to balance out the homebase protection.


    Join the Dark Side
    Aug 21, 2015
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    Interesting ideas, but it needs to balance out, I think, with some system that will prevent camping in all these homebases. Perhaps FP earned can be based on player ACTIVITY rather than "Did you log on or not". As in, the further players travel, the more FP the faction earns. Or perhaps the more time players spend moving, and the further away from their homebase they get, the more FP they earn.

    Just to balance out the homebase protection.
    What is to stop anyone from camping at their home base right now? Nothing, right? At least there'd be a cost to it and larger bases would probably be too costly to protect.

    I like the idea of earning faction points by actually doing things though. Exploring being one of them. However, I think it would make sense to require things only a player can do, such as scan. The more undiscovered systems scanned, the more faction points earned. The reason I say this is because if it's simply movement, what is to stop someone from dumping all their items and credits at their base, then entering a cloaked/jammed ship and just going in a straight line while they go watch a movie? (ensuring they move laterally to any stars) I think combat should earn FP as well. It should be based on the ships they defeat, their size, and their ratings (more offensive ships earn more points). I also think there should be more uses for FP, such as upgrades for a faction or a player.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    That's why I proposed it-it discourages all forms of HB camping.

    The comment on camping was not directed at your idea in particular, it was a general improvement I thought of when considering how having half a dozen small, indestructible turret-bases around your HB will be a nasty problem.
    Jan 25, 2015
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    • Wired for Logic
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    I'm sorry to say but the devs already have plans for faction points and home bases and such.