v0.092725 - Turret Dock & Station Clipping

    Nov 12, 2012
    Reaction score
    Turret Dock Bug

    Prior to this update when docking on a turret docking point ships were able to freely rotate. Now when docking on turret docking points they can no longer move, however they can still freely fire their weapons.
    This is a bit of a conundrum when you have a 3 man ship using 2 turrets and the bottom turret can do nothing but shoot the main ships engines to smitherines lol.

    Reproduced : 100% of the time

    Station Clipping Bug
    When going into the sector with the factions station, if the station is not completely loaded into view and a ship gets into a position that part of the station would naturally normally posses, the server will attempt to warp the ship out of the station. However it will attempt to do this over and over in certain instances and eventually crash out the server until the offending ship entity has been deleted from the servers database folder.

    This is easily remidied by a server restart and deleting the ship, however if the ship did not have a blueprint saved it gets annoying to have to rebuild entire ships from this issue.

    Reproduced : 85% of the time.
    (requires getting into position when the station is not fully loaded, this can be difficult estimating the area to position the ship)

    Extra Information

    Should the use of our server, or contacting any of our members about these bugs the below information is provided and full permission to any staff members or administration of StarMade to use it for testing purposes.

    TeamSpeak 3 : ts.nightsongentertainment.com
    Pass : white
    Server : mc.nightsongentertainment.com:4242


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    Thank you for the report! I\'ll take on the turret docking bug immediately (it\'s a victim of the physics update)
    I need a little more info on the warping-out bug, since this function is very new. What happens when it attempts to warp out the object over and over. Is it snapped back before warped again?
    I\'ll try it out myself.
    Can you send in a report from the server next time this happens, so I can maybe spot what is going on from the logs.

    - schema
    Nov 12, 2012
    Reaction score
    The warping from the object depending on the size will attempt to warp you out, but when it fails to completely remove the ship from the object it snaps back to the original position inside of the structure. Also we noticed that if the structure is hollow it sometimes will attempt to warp the ship deeper into the structure.

    I\'ll set up a crash day this week sometime and get some logs running for you just need to find a less populated time on our servers to do it.

    EDIT : We scheduled a crash day at noon PST wednesday, expect reports packed and ready that evening!