
    Jul 4, 2013
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    I have not tried the new dev build so I wouldn't know. however, the ai will not turn towards your target if there is salvagers on the turret (or I think that was the case when I tried to test it, which you should try and test aswell)
    If they don't turn, it could be solved with a single pulse weapon block. The AI works for that as far as I'm aware (AI ships will even try to get into close range with it, which is the behavior it's usually used for). That's assuming the AI will turn before it is in range, however. I'm not sure if it does.

    UPDATE:I tried making a turret set to selected target in the April 13th dev build, but it refused to do anything even when given just a plain AMC cannon and some power while I sat in front of an asteroid. Settings were Turret, selected target, and active. Same thing happened with the stable build. The only thing it would shoot at was an NPC (I later against hostile ships, and it also would shoot at them). Is there some kind of bug with turrets not shooting selected targets? Those asteroids won't destroy/mine themselves.
    Last edited:


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    Selected target turrets seem to not fire on asteroids, planets or ships belonging to you (or maybe its your faction) in my experience.
    Apr 1, 2014
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    It's the kind of turret that you do not see pointing at you, because it is three sectors away. I personally make all my turrets to be closer range, becaue I dont like how pinpoint accurate the AI is with them, its not fun being sniped from outside of draw distance
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    Aug 14, 2013
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    UPDATE:I tried making a turret set to selected target in the April 13th dev build, but it refused to do anything even when given just a plain AMC cannon and some power while I sat in front of an asteroid. Settings were Turret, selected target, and active. Same thing happened with the stable build. The only thing it would shoot at was an NPC (I later against hostile ships, and it also would shoot at them). Is there some kind of bug with turrets not shooting selected targets? Those asteroids won't destroy/mine themselves.
    I like to have my SD-BB missile turrets set to "selected target" so I can fire missiles at will by simply locking onto an enemy ship. I was playing last night and I did notice that they were in fact not firing in this mode and I had to set them to "any" in order to actually have them do something. Of course I've been removing all my missile turrets from my ships because they otherwise will destroy everything else docked to it. I had my missiles destroy every ship inside my carrier, some I had not saved because I figured they would be safe on the largest most heavily defended ship on my server. I lost my storage crate that contain my entire supply of building materials as well... Stupid bug.
    Sep 3, 2013
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    I thought turrets were limited to 2.6km and wouldn't shoot after that limit?
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    Aug 28, 2013
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    Well, as long as sectors are loaded between the target and the turret you're fine.

    I personally don't customize the weapons on my turrets at all (or my ships for that matter) so large turrets always wind up with uber-range
    Jul 4, 2013
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    I like to have my SD-BB missile turrets set to "selected target" so I can fire missiles at will by simply locking onto an enemy ship. I was playing last night and I did notice that they were in fact not firing in this mode and I had to set them to "any" in order to actually have them do something. Of course I've been removing all my missile turrets from my ships because they otherwise will destroy everything else docked to it. I had my missiles destroy every ship inside my carrier, some I had not saved because I figured they would be safe on the largest most heavily defended ship on my server. I lost my storage crate that contain my entire supply of building materials as well... Stupid bug.
    It seems like turrets in selected target mode only fire on hostile-factioned ships and NPCs, which is extremely irritating. I don't remember reading that there would be a change in what things they would shoot...
    Aug 14, 2013
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    It seems like turrets in selected target mode only fire on hostile-factioned ships and NPCs, which is extremely irritating. I don't remember reading that there would be a change in what things they would shoot...
    I was actually fighting pirates when I noticed my attached SD-BB missiles didn't work. This may also be a glitch related to only "hard points" as it's not technically a turret. I like to use regular docking modules to have fixed guns with all the added benefit of AI. I'll have to test my AMC based hard mounts to see if they are affected, last time I was out with that ship I think I had it set to "any"
    Oct 6, 2013
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    I personally don't customize the weapons on my turrets at all (or my ships for that matter) so large turrets always wind up with uber-range
    Same here! I used to tinker with the settings, but I found that it kept resetting them back to the defaults when I logged out or let the sector with the turret/ship unload. :( So now I just make the build in such a way that I'm sure the default settings will give me whatever stats I want. If it gets to where it saves my settings reliably (as of two minutes ago, it still doesn't), then those default settings can just be tweaked to make the weapons even better than what I want :)


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    340k dps at 6km

    150ish meter length

    Heat sinks for the massive lasers

    View from the business end
    Jeez... That has more dps than my mega turret with the same range! However, the power consumption must completely drain your ship :P (something mine doesn't)


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Here, have the two main turrets from my frigate (5.3k mass without turrets, 6.9k mass with turrets, including the 8 small turrets I'm not picturing here)

    Top turret, the Sixgun.

    11k DPS, ~1km range. Not amazing, but not terrible either.

    Bottom turret, the Railgun:

    8.7k DPS, 1.8km range. Almost as far reaching as the frigate's main guns. Would have *completely* split the rails if I had confidence that setting the output cannon block could be saved in the blueprint. As it stands, though, I'm going for the unscientific cop-out, "It has a guide tube in the center for the slugs".
    Sep 4, 2015
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    yo can you guys supply me with small to medium sized turrets for on my ship?
    needs some good damafe but not too much power ussage (have arround 7 mil regen and 450mil storage


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    you do realize this thread is over a year and a half out of date, right?