Recognized Turrets system with Pictures - [ Poll]


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    Aug 18, 2013
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    well, too bad I can't have blocks overlap the blocks space offered by the turret docking...
    Dec 24, 2014
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    Am I the only one aware of AREA COVERAGE CHANGE this would make and who has problem with that change?
    I like the idea, but I dont like angles the picture shows. Barrel rotation should be 45° upwards, not 90°. 90° would completly remove turret blind spots. Which would completly remove ability of fighters to abuse them and concept of strategicaly distributing turrets over your ship to cover all the blind spots to prevent fighters from doing that and to be able to shot missiles coming from all angles.
    I would like option to make upward facing turrets, but they should have their downside.
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    Jan 24, 2015
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    maybe use block shapes to determine hinge flexibility. for example a wedge would have a 90 degree field of motion across its slanted face. and a block would have 180 degrees. Perhaps combining a block and a wedge to increase declination to a turret (maybe at the cost of rotation speed).

    90° would completly remove turret blind spots.
    It would remove blind spots, yes but it would also require the turret to completely rotate to continue tracking a target that moves past it. which would make it difficult to engage close and or fast targets.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Am I the only one aware of AREA COVERAGE CHANGE this would make and who has problem with that change?
    I like the idea, but I dont like angles the picture shows. Barrel rotation should be 45° upwards, not 90°. 90° would completly remove turret blind spots. Which would completly remove ability of fighters to abuse them and concept of strategicaly distributing turrets over your ship to cover all the blind spots to prevent fighters from doing that and to be able to shot missiles coming from all angles.
    I would like option to make upward facing turrets, but they should have their downside.
    AA guns don't HAVE blind spots m80
    Aug 18, 2013
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    This turret system only requires to have chained turrets. I mean a turret on a turret on a turret on a turret and so on.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    In the very first picture on the head post: I see an issue there. The turret body beneath the part that holds the barrel is thinner than the rest of the turret. Turret-docking areas are boxes though. I guess it's codeable to have a docking area that is shaped that way and all, but lets assume the docking-area stays a simple box.

    The part of the turret within the hull would be as thick as the turret above it and you could easily see it turn within the hull, which might look bad. So instead of splitting a turret into barrel and body, why not split it into plattform/base, body and barrel. All three would share their block-stats, but the plattform can't turn, the body can only turn horizontal and the barrel can only turn vertical. That way we could have stronger turrets which are sunk into the hull and still have only the top part moving around, which would look better. The plattform/base would have to dock in such a way though, that it has no distance to the mothership though, so you don't have a random square-shaped gap ,surrounding your turret, in your hull.

    Of ocurse if it is not an issue to code the box to simply be shaped as in the example picture, then this issue doesn't arise since the thinner part of the turret would not be visible due to the top part hiding it.
    Feb 26, 2014
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    This turret system only requires to have chained turrets. I mean a turret on a turret on a turret on a turret and so on.
    As basic requirement definitely, but i think there's more needed.
    In order to have a point in using different movable parts, turrets should only be able to move around the y-axes.
    Also, these big docking boxes are pretty restrictive in terms of creativity. I would reduce the minimal size from 7 to 1 (atleast for turrets).
    That way the necessary openings for the actual cannons only have to be at least two blocks wide.

    Yet another edit: As for shared shields, i think we should first try it without sharing and see how that works.
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    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    As basic requirement definitely, but i think there's more needed.
    In order to have a point in using different movable parts, turrets should only be able to move around the y-axes.
    Also, these big docking boxes are pretty restrictive in terms of creativity. I would reduce the minimal size from 7 to 1 (atleast for turrets).
    That way the necessary openings for the actual cannons only have to be at least two blocks wide.

    Yet another edit: As for shared shields, i think we should first try it without sharing and see how that works.
    The different parts of a single turret should share shields. This is so you don't need to put shields on each part of the turret.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Yeah, they should share every stat. I mean, it's literally just one turret we are talking about. The barrel isn't it's own turret, at least not in game mechanic terms, in code-terms it might be. :D The weapons put in the turret body should be combined with the ones in the barrel, too, etc etc. Otherwise the suggestion would be kinda useless, since it aims to make turrets smaller, yet more powerful by sinking them into the hull AND make them look better, too!
    Jun 28, 2013
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    In the very first picture on the head post: I see an issue there. The turret body beneath the part that holds the barrel is thinner than the rest of the turret. Turret-docking areas are boxes though. I guess it's codeable to have a docking area that is shaped that way and all, but lets assume the docking-area stays a simple box.

    The part of the turret within the hull would be as thick as the turret above it and you could easily see it turn within the hull, which might look bad. So instead of splitting a turret into barrel and body, why not split it into plattform/base, body and barrel. All three would share their block-stats, but the plattform can't turn, the body can only turn horizontal and the barrel can only turn vertical. That way we could have stronger turrets which are sunk into the hull and still have only the top part moving around, which would look better. The plattform/base would have to dock in such a way though, that it has no distance to the mothership though, so you don't have a random square-shaped gap ,surrounding your turret, in your hull.

    Of ocurse if it is not an issue to code the box to simply be shaped as in the example picture, then this issue doesn't arise since the thinner part of the turret would not be visible due to the top part hiding it.
    That's my suggestion; no docking boxes. I realize this would be a rather large change, but IMO allowing for mass/energy drain instead of volume allows more creative designs.
    Also, 1st post in forever :D
    Jul 11, 2013
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    We have to have this. There is no discussion :3

    I wanted this for such a long time now :3 And so it turns out did half of the community
    Aug 6, 2013
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    12 pages in, yeah Im not reading them all, sorry.

    That said, I thought of something while going over the first post, so if this has been mentioned, once again, sorry.

    Would a "hinge" block be necessary? could you not just make the docking block only allow horizontal rotations (Reletive to itself). So one block for the turret base to dock to, and another on its side so that the guns could mount. I'm sure the game could tell if something is double-docked (Yo dawg, heard you liked docking...) and apply any necessary restrictions or properties.

    Not sure of any technical reason why that wouldn't work, so a grain of salt would be advised XD.

    Anyhoo, I would love these types of turrets.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Well, if you use two docking blocks, it might think you have two turrets. It's supposed to treat the barrel as a part of the turret though, so the barrel and turret share stats.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    wedge docking modules - YES! (for turrets and ships)
    sharing shields - YES
    collision check instead of docking zone - YES
    ignore collision on connector blocks - YES
    some form of hinge system to stop massive turrets clipping through an entire ship/station -YES
    (I prefer the Idea of double docking turrets over a completely new hinge block as it easily allows for 180 degree field of view for the turret)

    Amazing suggestion(s)
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Would it be possible to have the turret's base be bigger than the turret body? Then turrets don't need to take up that much -flat- area on the surface of a ship while still remaining strong. It would simply look better.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
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    Would it be possible to have the turret's base be bigger than the turret body? Then turrets don't need to take up that much -flat- area on the surface of a ship while still remaining strong. It would simply look better.
    If that wouldn't create a problem with a very small hit-box for a very strong turret.

    I'd like sunken turrets, but it has to be balanced too.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    It is balanced. You sacrifice your mothership's blocks in order to make your turrets stronger. Every block that your turret takes up under the hull weakens the actual ship.