Okay. So my currently being built "dreadnought" (It's going to be more of a mothership and just the command deck gives the ship over 30 million power capacity. The command deck is length 560m+ and 374m wide if you want to know and there will be a saucer ( the saucer is much larger, by how much, not sure as its still on paper) like hull under it holding multiple hanger bays and a couple massive power cores and shield generators) (The ship is going to resemble a Star Trek federation cruiser) So basically it's going to have a huge ton of multi-purpose turrets (each one has rapid fire cannons, lock in missiles or sniper cannons and missile + beam) however when I mean a ton of them I mean like practically 1/3ish of the ship is covered in them, which brings up the problem, what is the quickest and most efficient way to place down 1,000+ turrets? In the past for a trial battleship I used a "turret carrier" but it was horribly inefficient. Any ideas? And yes, I'm working on it on my own.
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