It is already known, and on the Buglist,
there exact reasons this happens are not known, but there is a way to reproduce the behavior,
so there will be a way to fix it.
(May take some time, as the list is already a bit long xD, but new features and codechanges always cause bugs. So please be patient, a tempfix to repair a ship was provided
Just to make this 'proof' for the old site to go down:
AndyP said:
This seems to happen,
when you change the direction a turret is facing in any way and then switch out of it and in again.
Easiest way to reproduce the bug is:
- Enter in a turret
- switch to flight mode
- press and hold C until it will aling to sector but may have a wrong position for the docking port
- while still holding C press R to exit the turret, the angle seems to be saved in that position
This also happens on update/conversion of older blueprints. Since the saved orientation for the 'docking blocks' did change several times.
To 'repair' it again you have to:
- undock it
- place and remove a single block below the core (to reset its angle)
- redock
instant fix :p
Didnt have this bug while switching through a ships turret that had the turrets in a 'proper' position before.
After repairing all turrets angles it should never break again on UP/DOWN switching.
- Andy
- Andy