Trinova Technologies: Join Today! (NFD-Trident Industries merger)

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Life is great in the faction, especially when everyone collectively teams up against Skype bots, and hilarity insues


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    [4:34:41 PM] Peekie30: I got a bot request
    [4:34:51 PM] Peekie30: what am I gonna do with it
    [4:35:00 PM] FlyingDebris: accept then shitpost
    [4:35:16 PM] Peekie30: like what
    [4:35:58 PM] FlyingDebris: idk
    [4:36:44 PM] Karkinos: ... imitate a telemarketer
    [4:36:57 PM] Karkinos: and try to sell them penis enhancement stuff
    [4:37:05 PM] Karkinos: bonus points if they are female.
    [4:37:11 PM] Peekie30: is female I think
    Aug 26, 2013
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    [4:34:41 PM] Peekie30: I got a bot request
    [4:34:51 PM] Peekie30: what am I gonna do with it
    [4:35:00 PM] FlyingDebris: accept then shitpost
    [4:35:16 PM] Peekie30: like what
    [4:35:58 PM] FlyingDebris: idk
    [4:36:44 PM] Karkinos: ... imitate a telemarketer
    [4:36:57 PM] Karkinos: and try to sell them penis enhancement stuff
    [4:37:05 PM] Karkinos: bonus points if they are female.
    [4:37:11 PM] Peekie30: is female I think


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    Meanwhile, in Trinova...

    Very top, small blue-grey thing is therimmer96 's Krunkel. Below that is TTS Aldrin. Below that is TTS Armstrong. And all the way at the very bottom, that white speck is an Aquarius C-105B. For reference, the Aquarius at bottom is just under 20 meters long. The two large ships are both just over a kilometer long each.

    Rear view

    Front view

    The Aldrin (Left) is set to become an assault carrier with a docked compliment of two Rockhoppers, two Iroquois, three of Master_Artificer 's NFD-Trinova version Washtenaws, plus somewhere between ten and twenty fighter-bombers and five to ten Myrmidons and Aquarii.

    The Armstrong (Right) on the other hand, is set to become a fleet tender ferrying two destroyers (Yet to be built) and a Rockhopper plus a complement of planetary invasion transports to whever they might be needed as well as acting as a mobile base to support fleet operations in hostile systems.
    Oct 15, 2013
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    *salutes FlyingDebris* I have no idea what my ign is, and i don't have skype either, but I'll try to get it. If not, I have teamspeak 3. The only build I've ever had in this game is basically a cube with wings. I'll edit this post with my ign and maybe pictures of my old cube later. Reason for joining: I'm coming back to the game and don't want to be alone, and I've also been part of DFN when it was around a couple years ago.

    Edit: Here, two pics, one outside and one inside my old doom cube Also, just got skype, name is Gantrypengy380. That will also be my ign
    Last edited:


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    GANTRY! :D

    If and when you get Skype, I'll add you as soon as I can. I'll also whitelist you on the NFD server as soon as possible.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    So here's a little status update

    We're doing stuff on like five different servers, basically totally unorganized aside from 'go here and do the thing'

    We located another 1st MEF hideout and will hopefully be into the removings in a day or two. I posted a status update a while back detailing the stealing of their literal flagship (See flashback)


    Yeah, same ship, same faction, different server this time. Here's hoping they leave it undocked at their ally's homebase again, but that probably won't happen. Pure luck on that, really.

    Also on a related note, we found our good buddy Thomas Jetson. You know, the one that tried to steal literally every member in trinova? Yeah, found him. Plans to nuke him, but his faction leader doesn't want us doing that. *shrugs* meh. We'll try to minimize collateral or something.

    So moving on to the nonviolent stuff, Jake_Lancia has been working on a shitload of stations and they all look pretty badass. Peekie30 is doing some really sweet fleet submissions along with myself and a few others, and we're still slowly working away at the carrier and fleet tender mentioned in the last update as well as a new homebase station on the backburner.

    Also, I'm still taking commission work if any factions out there want a recruitment poster or a custom signature, just shoot me a PM or post here and I'll see what I can make for you. ^^


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    Just did a rooty tooty point and shooty with a NeoMillenium guy named Strategist

    There was me in my Hidatsa (CL-206H) [1.6mil blocks] and Strategist in his Akula [139k mass at start] and there was a third player, hippo[something, lots of letters] that showed up right at the end.

    Nobody died since we all warped out due to some super srs lag, but the end result was my Hidatsa sustaining light armor damage and ending with 99.6% SHP while Strtaegist's Akula ended the fight with ~56% SHP. Hippo showed up right before the shooty dooty ended, dunno what he was flying though.

    All in all, gg to Strategist for being a good sport about the whole thing and putting up a pretty good fight for a ship the size of his and gg to Hippo for showing up even though it basically was already over when he got there.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    Another easily successful attack on the Vaygr Empire today, by Jake_Lancia acting as scout and myself in the Hidatsa used in the previous engagement. This time we struck a Vaygr planetary base which had a number of ships in orbit. All Vaygr ships in the area were destroyed, and the planet was blown up. From the wreckage of the Vaygr mining ships, we recovered millions of resources, which have since been turned into parts for a new series of cruisers set to be deployed soon.

    No Trinova ships or personnel were injured or destroyed in the attack, and all Vaygr ships and combatants were destroyed.

    May 3, 2016
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    That is a dirty tactic you came up with there, afaik, that base was from when Vaygr were getting setup with the new instance of the server that was on, and funny thing is you have shown nothing to prove that Vaygr ships or combatants were destroyed, all that has is a few Consortium Starter Cargos and a Lucifer (whatever the fuck those things are)

    All in all, you gave given yourself no credibility, the Lucifer and Starter Cargo is not a ship in the Vaygr fleet


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    That is a dirty tactic you came up with there, afaik, that base was from when Vaygr were getting setup with the new instance of the server that was on, and funny thing is you have shown nothing to prove that Vaygr ships or combatants were destroyed, all that has is a few Consortium Starter Cargos and a Lucifer (whatever the fuck those things are)

    All in all, you gave given yourself no credibility, the Lucifer and Starter Cargo is not a ship in the Vaygr fleet
    I'm sorry, what? I don't see any claims that the Starter Cargo or Lucifer are ships in the mainline Vaygr fleet, just that the ships were owned by Vaygr.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    Translation: 'We lost everything there and have no way to claim we didn't, but still don't want to admit it's ours.'

    Your faction lost everything there to my guns, now go play somewhere other than the forums. No need to rage over some lost ships, please.
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    Dec 2, 2015
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    Your faction lost everything there to my guns, now go play somewhere other than the forums. No need to rage over some lost ships, please.
    How about you take your own advice, Vaygr Raiders has destroyed far more shit in a day then you have in a week