Carebear Extraordinaire!
So again, tell me how limiting one transporter per entire docking chain is going to help boarding enough to justify hurting the rest of the game?Did you read the recent development direction post? Ships are precisely not going to be all about one pilot in a core forever. Yes, you can currently choose to not have any interior at all, but this issue precisely is going to be covered in future development.
Tell me, how is this limitation going to help anything? Because I honestly cannot think of any argument in it's favor that can't be immediately countered to keep the original intent of stopping boarders from just walking right on in.
Heck, for that matter, even if you managed to limit it and it worked exactly as you have planned, all it takes is a single innership remote on the hotbar to activate blast doors in every single block of open hallway to seal the individual rooms down. Walk in, get to the controls, turn the hallways into solid steel. Guess we better ban doors more than 1 block thick! Oh wait, then they'll just make every other row a solid door, we better ban doors altogether!
Do you see how ridiculous this is?
Anyone that would want to go to that extreme a level to prevent boarders already can. The only thing it would prevent is actual utility usage that make getting around larger ships and stations easier. And at that point you are blocking the expressed intention of having transporters in the first place.