Transmitter/ Receiver

    May 9, 2012
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    Hi everyone !

    With the new block logic, it would be awesome to have 3 new blocks :

    - Transmitter : Sends away a logical level 1 on activation. Range depend on the number of blocks. Can be set to broadcast on a specified frequency.
    - Receiver : Receives transmitter's signals that are in range by activating when receiving a logical 1. Can be set to input only a specified range of frequencies.

    The possibilities combined with logic are great ! However, the transmitter would require an amount of energy exponential for each different transmitter on an entity. ( This should prevent people from being able to broadcast on all frequencies a signal that set all logic on 1 at a really long range )

    I'm not sure that energy requirement would be the right way to prevent abuses. So if you got an simple idea about it, SHARE IT :) !

    The great point about it would be to transmit signals to activate/disactivate security when entering a base by sending the proper code.

    Eventually, it could replace the warning system. When a base is attacked, it can send a signal ( a AI might be programmed to use an activation block when the base is attacked ) to the other bases but not if the transmitter is already destroyed.

    Well, I can't say all the thing we could do with it but it's the missing gap that would complete the logic system to able us to do everything. ( Drone control, strategic map, security clearance for ships, etc ... )

    Thanks for reading,

    EDIT : Frequency involved with transmitter/receiver aren't the same as the one determined by creating clocks using delays.
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    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I like this :)

    A way to prevent abuse, allow people/factions to claim channels, so that only they can use it.
    May 9, 2012
    Reaction score
    That could be but it would remove the fun of trying to deceive a faction when approaching their base with a ship by sending a signal that would go through their receiver's logic.
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    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Logic doesn't have enough too it yet for that to be worth while. Maybe hijacking computer signals and sending false authentication codes, but that would be when/if we get computers :)
    May 9, 2012
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    Well, it depend, the base can program an identification code to be received. ( Considering ideal signals, it's quite easy, the logic isn't that "large" )
    But yes hijacking computer would be really fun and could be associated with logic a lot ( I made another thread about Hijacking before logic system was implemented : )

    So maybe hacking through a system might able you to "see through" the logic you hacked or something like that.
    Oct 5, 2013
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    I think that is better a little amount of channels, and defense mechanism done with logic. It would be cool that frecuencies have a cuadratic funtion to calculate the energy that you need to use transceivers-receivers when the minimum set to the 0 frecuency. The greedier you are the easiest we will hack you XD.
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hi everyone !

    With the new block logic, it would be awesome to have 3 new blocks :

    - Transmitter : Sends away a logical level 1 on activation. Range depend on the number of blocks. Can be set to broadcast on a specified frequency.
    - Receiver : Receives transmitter's signals that are in range by activating when receiving a logical 1. Can be set to input only a specified range of frequencies.

    The possibilities combined with logic are great ! However, the transmitter would require an amount of energy exponential for each different transmitter on an entity. ( This should prevent people from being able to broadcast on all frequencies a signal that set all logic on 1 at a really long range )

    I'm not sure that energy requirement would be the right way to prevent abuses. So if you got an simple idea about it, SHARE IT :) !

    The great point about it would be to transmit signals to activate/disactivate security when entering a base by sending the proper code.

    Eventually, it could replace the warning system. When a base is attacked, it can send a signal ( a AI might be programmed to use an activation block when the base is attacked ) to the other bases but not if the transmitter is already destroyed.

    Well, I can't say all the thing we could do with it but it's the missing gap that would complete the logic system to able us to do everything. ( Drone control, strategic map, security clearance for ships, etc ... )

    Thanks for reading,

    EDIT : Frequency involved with transmitter/receiver aren't the same as the one determined by creating clocks using delays.
    May 9, 2012
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