Trade Fleets

    Feb 21, 2015
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    You still need to load all the models to apply the damage at which point you might as well do a real simulation.
    yes maybe - but i was thinking simplified models, with simplified/low calculation 'random' damage, no separate turret entities, and maybe the whole performed/applied in a lower priority calculation space (compared to 'primary-combat-near-a-player')...i have know idea of the relative benefits/efforts, having never written a single piece of code in my life :)...idea was reduction in load/lag rather solution per se.

    If unloaded combat is a necessity, then KISS (and raw/crude) is probably the best approach, no? - including maybe loss of advantages such as 'spread-damage' designs like waffle boards and turrets for NPC vs NPC combat.

    [maybe the Decartes Method - everything turns to demons once the player looks the otherway :)]
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