trade network

    1. crazyf22raptor

      Trade and Economy idea

      Trade and Economy idea (warning this is quite dense and covers quite a few aspects of the game so try and read it all so you don’t get confused) OK so, we all know that universe 2 is the next big thing for starmade changing hopefully several issues and rebuilding how the galaxy is navigated...
    2. MacThule

      Trade Fleets

      I am considering a suggestion regarding trade UI and gameplay activity. Does anyone else think that it would make a lot sense to make all trade network exchanges use an actual, iterated (not necessarily spawned, obv) trade fleet every single time an exchange occurs - including requiring...
    3. MacThule

      Add Banking to Shop Module Function

      No new blocks, no big new dynamics, very easy to code & use solution to banking & finance in game. SUGGESTION: Add a new "Bank" tab to shops, and remove the deposit/withdraw functions currently existing in shops. Bank functions would be accessible to whomever the Shop Owner allowed to use the...
    4. MacThule

      Marketplace: Ship Sales

      Add a tab to the new marketplace/trade network feature allowing expedient sales of ships (all ship entites; including turrets). Owned ships currently docked to the entity the shop is on could appear in a list, similar to selecting new fleet members. Once selected, the shop owner could set their...