There are more useful things than "eyecandys" in games

    Sep 13, 2014
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    Since Starmade is heavily focused on multiplayer experience, people need more stable servers rather than more things to lag them or crash them. Rails, weapons, slabs they are cool, they create the content for players to explore.
    But how they can enjoy them if they have no reliable server to connect to? Servers somtimes randomly crash due to bugs or exeptions. That is expected to happen.
    But what is not expected to happen is that some guy goes from server to server crashing them just for fun.
    Owners of the server have to then look in the logs to find his name and ban him. However admins who are actualyl in the game are helpless, since they can not do anything to provent him or even dedect him if he has already done it.

    I suggest adding more options for in-game admins such as: ability to see who is in specific faction, search through logs for specific events (names of players, date, log of the crash before rebooting the server...) in some format in which is easy to navigate through.

    If you are too busy then release at least basic API and able owners will add this feature themselfs. Thats why people want the API so badly, they would have more control of the server they are playing on. So by releasing API you would make a lot of server owners and admins happy. Besides you would save your time and resources in futher develompment.

    Thank you for your time you have spent reading this.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    I had to search through the NFD Build logs to find out who whitelisted a certain person that had been banned, I had to look through all the logs which are thousands of files and lines of "commands"
    All I did was download them put them into a folder and use notepad++ to search through all the files and lines of text.
    Took a fair time to find it all but it was quite fast compared how much I had to go through.
    They key is knowing what to search for.

    But yes I agree, admins needs more admin powers to look through things, more lists and so on to go through.
    Sep 13, 2014
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    I know i could search for it in notepad but its so unpractical and as you said it takes really long time to do and nobody has the will to do it every single time when something "interresting" happens on the server.
    Feb 23, 2014
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    I think 1/2 of time developing new features, 1/4 time bugfixing and last 1/4 API and server. Without stable servers will not grow community, players...


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    I assure you the dev team is working on it. Bench can probably name off several things that were done just recently and a few upcoming things designed to address the concern you expressed here. I can tell you there have been some SERIOUS optimizations for servers, one of which reduced database bloat (the current largest issue for my home server) by about half. That's huge. Really huge. That means we have to move everyone's sectors to a new map half as often now. Faction permissions will follow soon I bet, and more admin tools. Keep in mind that for an alpha game, Starmade is shockingly playable as it is. We can actually play it almost like it's a finished game, and it hasn't even reached beta yet.