The suggestion that must never be real. Ever.

    Aug 12, 2013
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    The server I have, I am designing it for Hardcore, with a custom econemy and a custom pirate faction:
    Aug 6, 2013
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    Insted of totally deactiviating shields why not have a system, in which using the structures panel, you could divert power to different areas of shields around the ship.
    Aug 23, 2013
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    I\'d like to see pulsators used for ship-to-ship transport; where astronauts are loaded into a tube and...
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Some kind of personal teleport commands for players would be very practical actually, as it can be very tedious to fly hence and forth all the time for some. Even better, turn it into some kind of game mechanic, with a teleporter block or something, that requires lots of energy.

    It should be a toggle somewhere though (this is automatically true if it is a block -> blockconfig).. So that the people that don\'t like it wouldn\'t have it shoved down their throat.
    Aug 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I\'m all for WARP speed (isntant teleportation), and also WARP GATES.

    Simply make warp speed require stupid amounts of instantaious power (read big ship with shitloads of Power Tanks), to be doable, and time limit it, e.g. one warp per 30 minutes or whatever, otherwise you risk damage to your ship (on a linear scale depending on how quickly you decide to warp).

    I realy like Warp gates for small fry ships, because you should literally have to fly right through it, like a big Stargate.

    I also like the concept of teleporting from your base to near by ship (that has a transporter room - aka glorified docking module).

    As long as limitations are placed, teleportion is a great feature in Star Made
    Jun 7, 2013
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    • Purchased!
    For planet landing, I\'d rather have shuttles or, well, landing. For accessing different ships, spacestation, what-have-you, I\'d rather have, again, shuttles and boarding parties. In fact, here\'s controversy, I don\'t even care much about warp gates, warp drives or other such gadgets and I was surprised by people strongly demanding such - though here it may be just me exercising some of patience trained in the games like Eve Online where even with the warp drive and gates, travel through galaxy was actual travel, often lasting quite a bit.
    Nov 21, 2013
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    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    • Wired for Logic
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    How about a \'gateway\' that you link to another gateway.. but they ONLY link to one other gateway. Massive power that creates a connection (two-way) between two points. You limit the gateway by making it\'s surface area geometrically more power intensive as the area increases (double the surface area and square the power needed to limit thier use by capital ships).

    For an added complexity require the two linked gateways to be identical in dimensions (surface area or some odd shape) so they can be made for specific shapes or ships. Require a faction block as well in construction and as a final limiting factor.. a tiny chance your ship will be \'voided\' in transit.

    I don\'t know what being \'voided\' might entail but it could be fun to find out.. graveyard of lost ships, parallel universe, random teleport or possibly any of the above.
    Aug 21, 2013
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    NICE! Like FTL boarding drones! \'Breaches through the enemy hull and wreaks havoc. Awesome.\'

    So, you\'d use your rapid fire AMC computer to take down the shields, meanwhile have your player loaded up inside the tube, and while the enemy shields are down for 15 seconds, FIRE THROUGH A BREACH! Then ( use the gravity part\'s idea to stay in gravity etc and anti-personnelllllll.
    Aug 21, 2013
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    Teleportation inbetween DIMENSIONS isn\'t cheaty! Not at all! Think, you still need your vessel etc.
    Nov 14, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Big ships don\'t need teleportation. They can speed up only slightly slower than smaller ships. Think, small ships have small engines, big ships have big engines. They are basically the same, except for turning speed. I think a new feature, like when you travel forward in a big ship turning speed goes up. Like in a car: you can\'t turn when you\'re stopped, but you can when you move forward.

    Teleporting between planets

    If you want to teleport between planets that you own, use a ship. I use ships to travel and I\'m fine. Ships are the point of the game. If the two planets are very far apart, why did you chose them when they\'re so far apart? There are only four types of planets, so finding one you want isn\'t THAT hard.

    And REALLY? Some of you are SO lazy you can\'t just crash into a planet and get out of your ship so instead you need TELEPORTERS? C\'mon!

    I personally like the super speed idea, though. It\'s not OP because it requires fuel, and when I go to meet someone and they\'re across the universe, I sometimes think that\'s a good idea. ;)
    Aug 21, 2013
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    Don\'t crash into planets, land in a shuttle. LAND! Remember, C to level yourself. C is everything, use shift to brake, if you don\'t have enough thrust power to hover completely still in gravity, then use it to slowly descend.

    Also, Fuel... It\'s just terrible for an espace from reality, know what I mean? Hrm... We could nerf hyperspace some other way.