The Rebel Alliance wants YOU!

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Our home station, soon to be located in sector (0,0,0), will be 900 blocks high and 600 blocks wide. It will have 22 turrets and 4 missile lauchers in total. I will list from top to bottom. It will have a viewing area, meeting rooms, which includes the Main Meeting Room (for minister heads and admins only), a meeting room for the Minister of Industry, a meeting room for the Minister of Supply, a meeting room for the Minister of Patrol, and a meeting room for the Minister of War. Only people in those ministers can enter. Below that will be a Viewing Area.It will have a hangar, which will also be an entryway for a Ship Storage room. It will hold all of the starfighters, Rebel Transports, CR90 Corvettes/Corellian Corvettes, and DP20 Frigates/Corellian Gunships . I might include the Marauder-Class Cruiser if it can fit. The hangar will have a 60X40 door. Connected to the Ship Storage will be an extended Lookout Bay with 2 turrets and 2 missile launchers. Further down is the center of the home station, also referred to as the Spawning Point, where the faction block is located. Connected to that will be extended Capital Ship Docking Bays, which can have ships dock to unload their things. Further down is the Energy Storage, what the whole station is powered by. Finally, further down is the Shield Generator. From top to bottom, it kind of narrows down. It is almost like random sized cylinders stacked on each other. You all will know what I mean when it is built.
    Jul 9, 2013
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    Thanks for the Quick Answer, well i was reading the ministers, and i see you need more crew for Supply

    Minister of Supply, helper

    And if you Want a reaseon, i must repeat im a noob, that means im not good for battle, so i think i will be more useful in the Supply chain. And sorry if i spell a word not good, or write it bad, im not an English person, actually im from South America.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    before they had the help of admiral ackbar and the mon-cal, they had to use any ship they could get their hands on because before then they had nothing that could really match the star destroyers.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Thanks for picking the supply ministry. We can always use more of those, as everyone seems to usually want to be fighter pilots (Not a problem there, and understand myself on that one). What we can do when the server is running and we have a good rhythm going, is I am going to be creating a Z-95 headhunter for training purposes (thought it would be a cool thing to have training craft. Just popped into my head) and I can jump into a fighter, and teach you a few things if you\'d like. :)
    Jun 24, 2013
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    just as i said, the rebel alliance used anything they could get their hands on, including Z-95 Headhunters(these ships were made in the clone wars)
    Jun 24, 2013
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    also i will be creating the K-wing heavy fighter/bomber for the faction. this fighter/bomber was created by the rebel alliance as an \"upgraded\" version of the Y-wing bomber.

    Referance image:
    Jul 3, 2013
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    I appreciate you offering, but we\'re just going to stick to the ships that I put up there that the Minister of Industry will build.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Hey Troller,

    Even though Obi said don\'t build it. Please do, I\'m sure way down the road if we need new weaponry, we can put it to use. :D I don\'t mind seeing you guys build fighters like that, as even though we might not ever use it, doesn\'t meant that someone in the community won\'t want to, plus it helps you get better at building ships, and designing them.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Sounds good to me.

    Also, an update on the B-Wing re-design that I\'m currently doing. Unfortunately, it will not be 34 blocks long. It will be 6 blocks longer than I had anticipated, but I\'m positive everyone will like the finished product. I don\'t think it being that much larger will ruin any of our designs.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    and mon cal starships did have weak armour due to the fact that they were all once luxury ships that transported people around tha galaxy but then they were refitted into warships.

    but, they did forfill their purpose.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    if the K-wing doesnt look exactly like the referance image, i had to change some of it so there would be room for the power modules/shields.