Read by Council The Invisible Intangible Camera

    Apr 6, 2016
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    A camera that is invisible and intangible like the pickup rail blocks. This would allow for cameras to be put on the outside of ships in any location without ruining the outside view.
    May 24, 2016
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    I agree, there should be an invisible camera. However, if you simply bury the camera one block in it still gives a wide view angle while not affecting the outside view. One way your idea could work though is if a camera is wanted near an interior space, like the bridge of a large starship. The camera could be placed right above the pilot's seat to give the flier the impression that he is in the command chair while not creating a visible eyesore for everyone else aboard the ship.
    Mar 31, 2015
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    I have to disagree on this one. Kinda breaks RP elements too. Besides, it takes the fun out of having cameras that can be shot to bits.


    Part-Time Eldritch Abomination
    Mar 22, 2014
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    I would love this so much.

    Agreed, it has potential to break RP slightly, but we can already use shift + scroll-wheel to achieve basically the same purpose (so, not really breaking RP anymore than it already can be broken).

    Either this, or give us that proper third-person chase-cam we've all been asking for for years. (...Is this still only 'planned'?...)
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Either this, or give us that proper third-person chase-cam we've all been asking for for years.
    I have to agree with making improvements to the current camera system, although it might be a nice shortcut. I know I often have problems placing cameras and I always end up with the shaped blocks partially blocking my view. With something like this I could put it where ever I want and not have to worry but it does bring into question about it potentially being impossible to disable cameras in combat.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    I take it this invisible camera would have to have no collision checks?
    If that's the case, what is to keep me from putting cameras way outside my ship to allow probing into other ships' interiors?
    On the other hand, if it were to have collisions enabled, that would open up a bunch of other issues.

    Regardless that this is currently possible with the zoomed-out camera or build mode, I think it is something to consider for any player camera overhaul, be it a new block or an overhaul of the existing mechanisms.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    I take it this invisible camera would have to have no collision checks?
    If that's the case, what is to keep me from putting cameras way outside my ship to allow probing into other ships' interiors?
    On the other hand, if it were to have collisions enabled, that would open up a bunch of other issues.

    Regardless that this is currently possible with the zoomed-out camera or build mode, I think it is something to consider for any player camera overhaul, be it a new block or an overhaul of the existing mechanisms.
    Putting a camera far away from your ship would increase the bounding box and while the one block itself may not collide I think it would increase the load on that ship when doing collision checks, also what stops you from looking inside ships in build-mode?

    I think the ability to configure cameras so that they have a pre-set zoom (in and out) as well as some ability to change the angle would be great. It's so weird that we can zoom out the back of a camera but not in closer like we can with real cameras.
    Apr 6, 2016
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    I have to agree with making improvements to the current camera system, although it might be a nice shortcut. I know I often have problems placing cameras and I always end up with the shaped blocks partially blocking my view. With something like this I could put it where ever I want and not have to worry but it does bring into question about it potentially being impossible to disable cameras in combat.
    I also get blocks blocking my view too which is how I thought of it. Why would it potentially be impossible for adding disabling cameras in the future? it could use radar to find ships and then check if any cameras are on them to disable them.

    As for shooting them, who says they cant make intangible stuff destroyable from weapons?
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