NP The Helkan Imperium - Recruitment Open

    Aug 19, 2013
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    As an Admin of the Shatteried Skies server i must say you are NOT THE strongest faction on the server. The fact you almost got killed by a 1 man factioned, bullied the faction, and harrassed factions does not make you the strongest. Helkan is INDEED a strong faction. Just not the strongest on SS or in Starmade. Please refrain from false information so server admins dont have to correct you.

    I Wish you the best of luck because with saying your the strongest will draw people to attack you.

    Admin On Shatteried Skies

    Peace :p
    Are you causing issues on a faction thread? You know that's against the rules, right?
    Jul 3, 2013
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    I don't know what goes on about factions these days, but if Helkan and Thryn go to war, then won't N.O. get involved? And what proof do you have in terms of this theft?
    Aug 19, 2013
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    I don't know what goes on about factions these days, but if Helkan and Thryn go to war, then won't N.O. get involved? And what proof do you have in terms of this theft?
    Yes the situation has been resolved. I made a mistake, words were exchanged, I was humbled, we laughed.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    I don't miss being in it, and I don't have to miss all the fun from it since it's still happening.
    Aug 19, 2013
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    Causing Issues?? Did i once insult anyone??? No i just stated to correct cockiness since that does get people in trouble. Im all for pvp but dont claim false information when no one on SS pvps at this time. That all i ask. Also the pirates are ONLY I SAY ONLY controlled by Chckn_Wildstyle!!!!! If you have issues about them GO TO HIM. Each admin does there own thing. Also if you have a problem about the SS admins we have a G+ page called Starside you can post on for that. Thats why we have a G+ and soon we will have a website
    First of all, calm down. Don't you dare come into my faction's thread and start yelling at us like you have authority here. You don't. You came in to insult and berate our accomplishments, despite your adminship's constant interference.

    I would really suggest that the admins work together a lot better in the future, instead of letting everyone do 'their own thing.' It doesn't instill in me the greatest confidence that any of you are capable of your jobs. We have broken no rules, and we expect to be treated the respect we are afforded.

    Rest assured, I will be filing a formal complaint with the adminship on their less than professional behaviour.
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    Jun 20, 2013
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    As an Admin of the Shatteried Skies server i must say you are NOT THE strongest faction on the server. The fact you almost got killed by a 1 man factioned, bullied the faction, and harrassed factions does not make you the strongest. Helkan is INDEED a strong faction. Just not the strongest on SS or in Starmade. Please refrain from false information so server admins dont have to correct you.

    I Wish you the best of luck because with saying your the strongest will draw people to attack you.

    Admin On Shatteried Skies

    Peace :p
    Ahhhh the SS admins still are furious when they get overpowered by their own players.

    Show that Helkan are not the strongest on SS, then talk.

    Also some important fyis for helkan guys, ss admins will do all they can to keep players "under control". For example use infinite shops, protected sector command for outposts, and use underhanded spy tactics. Be careful with your blueprints. He'll spawn them in and analyse them for "making sure they don't cause lag".
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    May 10, 2013
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    Here are some people we've fought against on SS:
    Blood Stained Empire
    Science Faggtion
    Aethi Imperium
    Cobalt Vector
    Marked of Kane
    Various individual players

    Mind you, all our fights have ended either in our victory or been unresolved due to gamebreaking lag. Your statement is blatantly false, dear adminerino.
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    Apr 25, 2013
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    Even just the concept of an "admin faction" is awful to think about. I would expect better from StarSide.
    Aug 22, 2015
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    Can confirm acefaces claims, infact now that the admin team seems to be encroaching on factions with authority. We will now be releasing the video of their admissions to the allegations. SS has an issue with being knocked off their throne in any sense. This is why I admire bobbybighoof. Through and through he remains a neutral party
    Apr 21, 2013
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    Full disclosure: we would've jumped ship but pur asteroid base is greater than 5m blocks and it looks rly good
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    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    I honestly don't get why people get so pissy over the "strongest faction" title. If Helkan really is the strongest faction then that's just one more reason for attacking them (pew pews and fun ^_^). I think that Helkan has proven over the last month or so that they are the strongest ACTIVE military faction on SS, if anyone wants to contest that claim then they should prove it with pew pews in-game.
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