shopuldnt there be a "hostile" in there before "post"?I'd prefer it end here, FD if u make one more post here rest assured you will be reported.
much professionalism has been displayed in this sentence, would you require me to bring up past cases as to when only one party of an argument was punished, to justify Leanson's statement? cuz I keep track of these things you know?Civility
or else :3
Also if someone is violating a known rule report them right away. Because when we find this sort of thing already underway and no one reported anything we get to have the fun of doing terrible things to all sides of the argument.
The main situation has been resolved, and now it is just the residual mess that is being taken care of.evidence does not support your assertion
i hope you're at the point too
Accepted, Two add him to comms pmsusername: Mortiferum
past factions: Void Templar, Calderon Republic, Tartaran Empire
role you would like: Any
post a ship you have made: N/A - (Schematic lost xD)
do you have a mic: Yes
and lastly your reason for joining: Looking for a group to play with :D