Are you going to cut the bullshit and not hire a mercenary to do all your fighting for you this time?Ok, we all voted, and we declared war on the Tartaran Empire. Respectively ending the cease fire. Reasons being to resolve the conflict we had in the past and to prove that our faction is back and can conduct a good war.
Like last time? I'm not interested if this is going to the exact same thing as last time. Insults over chat, attacks over the forums, the childish behavior of your members and yourself. This time must be different, we play this war out in a respectful and civilized manner or I swear I will destroy the CR in such a brutal and barbaric manner it'll make ridik cringe. Enough has happened to me over the past week that I'm perfectly capable and willing to do it.I assure you that we won't be needing any external help this time round.
I'll reshape it for you.
First off, you're the one being a childish flamer here, next off, the last time we fought you never even left your base. Lastly I would like to see you unleash your full "wrath" so please "destroy the CR in such a brutal and barbaric manner it'll make ridik cringe. " cuz I would really appreciate it if you were to leave your base and fight us on open ground.Like last time? I'm not interested if this is going to the exact same thing as last time. Insults over chat, attacks over the forums, the childish behavior of your members and yourself. This time must be different, we play this war out in a respectful and civilized manner or I swear I will destroy the CR in such a brutal and barbaric manner it'll make ridik cringe. Enough has happened to me over the past week that I'm perfectly capable and willing to do it.