Hey guys,
Once again, thanks for the kind words.
Yes, i too loved Sphax texture pack for minecraft, infact, without it i would probably never play it!
It was definately an inspiration for this, clean lines and bold colours. I also really like Blendo\'s recent Citizen Abel chapters, like Gravity Bone and 30 flights of loving. To be told it is similar is quite a compliment, i just hope i have enough of my own style in there to stand apart.
I didn\'t know Sphax was releasing for Starmade too! How exciting! Although this now seems like a race to finish!
@ Hunterlanier03; Yes i changed the resolutions of the textures. I have upscaled the block texture sheets to 4094x4094 from 1024x1024. This gives each block face a texture size of 256 x 256 instead of 64x64.
If you would like a lower resolution i would be happy to provide it. I will be sure to post about it when i\'m near complete.
@Nebulon-B; I agree with you (partly). I don\'t think my hull textures are fitting in quite as well as i hoped. I will re-do them before i release. However.. i think a more plain material for a standard hull block will work better than the original. I know i have said i want to stay close to the original, but i will change the hull blocks.
@Schultz81; Thanks man, i do want to keep that \"techy\" feel. Hopefully i can keep a clean and techy feel for all the ship parts! If i fail a block, please let me know.
@MichaelSeph; I\'m yet to find water in the game!! (no seriously... where is it haha) So i\'ll have to figure out my approach after seeing it. Glass however will be more transparent and have a very little frame. I want to try and keep it seamless so you can have big glass cockpits or observation bays with little \"mess\" in the way. Sound ok?