Read by Council Target friendly on Bobby AI/ NPC, pitfalls to avoid

    Nov 6, 2015
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    Was going to do my usual thing and write a thesis-sized essay pontificating on this subject, but since it is finals season in several parts of the world, I decided to not. Instead, here are some options I'd like to see for AI targeting that take advantage of the fleet system and a feature that I assume is planned, targeting allied ships. It is safe to assume I will spout paragraphs of nonsense to defend any implicit assumptions made.

    1.Target enemy/own flagship: only targets flag ship of the fleet the AI is a member of/is fighting.

    Target fleet top to bottom: priority is given to top ships in the fleet list first

    Target nearest ally/enemy: it's a strategy!

    Target largest: and another one!

    Target Smallest: and there's one too!

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Already a few topics with those exact suggestions, including one by me. The search function is your friend, necropost before repost, et cetera.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    We need a combination of BOBBY AI functionality with fleets. Right now, as far as I know, fleet ships all act the same...which doesn't really work.

    And you think that YOU write long posts? Have you seen some of my suggestions?

    So yeah, similar things have been proposed. Maybe, in order to make this one different, propose an exact system for this and why it would be good compared to other systems.
    Nov 6, 2015
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    No need to even search, SkylordLuke has been kind enough to do it for you.
    FSM, #25
    Well cuss, I swear I've read that thread a dozen times and this simply didn't register with me. I really do try to avoid doing this I swear. Then again, now that I have an unneccessary thread and am making another post in it anyway...

    My list of crap I keep thinking I should say, then thinking better of it:

    1. Hey Devs, make sure you get AI pathing and targeting priority down solid before integrating friendly targeting. It could be pretty terrible if friendlies started acting like enemy ships sometimes do.
    2. Hey Devs, make sure Astrotech ships don't try to repair ships with full hp, or ships that are only low on hp because they lost some blocks, because that would look pretty stupid.
    3. Hey Devs, can you explain to me why explosive passively defends against movement effects? I don't get it.
    4. Hey Devs, you know what would increase my personal enjoyment of the game while probably driving everyone else away? More complex patterns to boost block efficiency, like the whole thing with power reactors. I would personally love fractal thrust and shields that work better in large, flat sheets.
    5. Hey Devs, I'm sure no one's mentioned this, but you know those slabs? I bet you could do something similar with wedges.
    6. Starmade should be more like Wing Commander/Allegiance/Galactic Starfighter in The Old Republic/ F-Zero/ every space game I've ever played.
    7. Hey, I realize I'm real rusty in coding and can only work a few hours a week, and that I don't know most of the languages you guys use, but I have great ideas so you should hire me to give them to you.

    OK, that should be all my stupid for this week. Now to let this thread die so no one ever sees it...
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Oh no, we're going to mummify it so you can see it forever, in all its dehydrated and overly preserved glory.

    Also, we're pasting "Come look at this guy's stupid ideas" in huge, hot pink hieroglyphs right across the entrance to it's tomb.
    Jan 25, 2015
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    • Wired for Logic
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    I would rather have the possibility to "program" the AI based on a drag and drop system much like "scratch"

    Ow wait..... you wanted this thread dead? Guess it's too late for that :p
    Feb 25, 2016
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    HEY YOU! Quit making zombies out of these mummified threads! Bad enough that there's tons of lame horror movies already around with moving mummies, now you're gonna bring this back to life as well?

    Quick, somebody get me a flamethrower!