Head of Testing
I still don't see the problem though, turrets on small ships, if they have 30, or 50 DPS, it does not matter since they either get blown up instantly (which isn't going to happen anymore if your ship shares shields) or their DPS is just so tiny that the only reason you would want them is to use them as anti missile.I will edit my OP to emphasize what I intended to say, because I didn't make it clear enough.
My issues is not with DPS, it is with the minimum size of the smallest possible turret.
I spent a good 4 hours last night trying to refit some smaller ships (50 - 25 meters) with the new turrets. The issue really is with the 3 block swivel stick you need to move the turret from right to left. Mounting the swivel stick out of sight inside the ship is all well and good, but you now need 4 blocks just to mount the turret opposed to one.
I am going to make a post some time soon with pictures showing exactly what I mean as it is a little hard to explain.
Basically turrets on small ships are going to loose functionality if you try to visually keep them the same size.
That being said, I do get the new system and am not opposed to redesigning ships, but I think your going to find a lot more people complaining.
Might not be a bad idea to get out ahead of it and have some turret "workshops" to help people out.
Visually I can keep any new turret exactly as before, but now without a gap between turret dock and the docked entity.
Now the only way to make turrets work in 2 directions (at this moment -> wip) is when your last dock can pivot to the top or bottom. That's because this is an early wip and just doesn't work the other way around yet. So the mother ship would have the offset swivel stick, and that stick would have a horizontal rotate block on top => acting like just a normal turret docking unit.

Left turret is the old system, Right is the new system, they all have the same functionality.
Notice that the new system has no gap. Now it does have that offset rail dock but like i mentioned before, later we could change that to a downward facing rail dock (so basically one of your bottom blocks that is replaced by this one).