Starmade is boring

    Feb 19, 2015
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    Joke aside, I agree with what you said. Thing is, if the game is not going to evolve, it will keep losing players, possibly losing the trust of the playerbase, which could cause quite some problems in the future. That's that.
    Agreed, thats why i hope that the implementation of all base features and system will be done in the next few month, so that the creation of content can start with the main work force behind it, without creating mediocre content that needs to be updated or replaced yet again later.
    Aug 21, 2013
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    The core is tooooo daaaaaaamn BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG compared to the rest of the planet... I suggested having it's size in the config file, yet nothing happened...
    The reason cores are so big is because of codding difficulties handling the gravity and number of blocks.

    Way back when all planets were just discs there was a lot of talk about how to fix the planets. The biggest issue was not with the shape, but with the gravity. If the planet core is smaller, then directions of gravity start to overlap.

    As I understand it, the planet core is essential for determining the gravity of objects/players and is used in raycasting. If it was smaller, the raycasts wouldn't be able to tell which side of the planet the player/entity is on.

    I am not sure if this is a big ask or not but is there the possibility that we can get a list stickied that shows aspects of the game that the devs know full well require development but are just nowhere near being able to address yet and then a separate list of things that much closer to being actively developed that need a clearer consensus from the community to get a full bodied concept.
    In theory I agree with you, but I don't think it would play out as smoothly as this seems. Imagine what would happen if the Dev's published a list and then ran into a snag and learned that they need to re-arrange the list, or remove something, or add something else, etc. People would flip tables over having been 'promised' something that was on the list and then having it re-arranged, re-prioritized, or not implemented due to compatibility.

    When you look through the forums, some subjects have tags on them. "Planned," "Acknowledge," "In Development," "Rejected," and so on, you may want to try doing a forum search for particular tags to get a quasi-list of planned features.


    Builder of Very Small Ships
    Apr 17, 2015
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    I wholeheartedly agree that beyond building [insert your favorite ship here] there's not much reason to keep playing StarMade, online or offline.

    That said, I'd like to add that the trend of building big ships doesn't help either; instead of having to take forever to mine and put together a big ship/big target, I think another problem this game has is that small fighters aren't as dangerous as they need to be.

    In short, the game both is too big, and prioritizes ships that are too big. Size is what's currently most wrong with StarMade.
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    Dec 14, 2014
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    I wholeheartedly agree that beyond building [insert your favorite ship here] there's not much reason to keep playing StarMade, online or offline.

    That said, I'd like to add that the trend of building big ships doesn't help either; instead of having to take forever to mine and put together a big ship/big target, I think another problem this game has is that small fighters aren't as dangerous as they need to be.

    In short, the game both is too big, and prioritizes ships that are too big. Size is what's currently most wrong with StarMade.
    Well of course small fighters are not as usefull as larger ships, fighters are to be used in groups and squadrons.

    Edit: While my point still stands, I do agree with you in saying the game is too big prioritizing massive ships. without enough drawbacks for said ships.


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    Sep 6, 2013
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    Most of the right things have been already said on the thread, but there is one thing that I'd like to point about.

    And again combat and balance is not the thing to priorize over the real features of the game, especially when combat is almost inexistant PvE or PvP.
    The lack of PvP is due to the new blueprint system, which came on the right place, but at the wrong time.
    No one is willing to lose anything now. And if you PvP, people will stamp you as an "asshole" , because, it's not a fallacy, but the person that you just blown up it's ship took an AWFUL amount of work to get this ship up and running.
    Dec 14, 2014
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    Most of the right things have been already said on the thread, but there is one thing that I'd like to point about.

    The lack of PvP is due to the new blueprint system, which came on the right place, but at the wrong time.
    No one is willing to lose anything now. And if you PvP, people will stamp you as an "asshole" , because, it's not a fallacy, but the person that you just blown up it's ship took an AWFUL amount of work to get this ship up and running.
    From what I have seen thus far this is true, what I will say I mean in no offence; people are not willing to take on the risks and responsibilities of operating an armed or even unarmed ship in what is hostile space but what I think players should realise is that even if they lose a ship in combat, they will always have the blueprint to build another and improve on it.


    So far as someone who has spent a majority of the game on single player, I will say I'm sometimes dissapointed and extremely hesitant to leave my starting system due to the lack of things to do.
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    Builder of Very Small Ships
    Apr 17, 2015
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    Well of course small fighters are not as usefull as larger ships, fighters are to be used in groups and squadrons.

    Edit: While my point still stands, I do agree with you in saying the game is too big prioritizing massive ships. without enough drawbacks for said ships.
    I respectfully disagree - in real militaries, fighters perform two roles: A) bombing, to inflict massive damage on a large vessel (possibly rendering it inoperable, or even destroyed), and B) interception, to prevent enemy bombers from doing all the stuff I said in point A. In real life, fighters are a threat to large ships. In StarMade, this is not the case.

    In addition to breaking my willing suspension of disbelief - kind of important in a fictional work - it also makes an entire playstyle obsolete (people who like building the best small, maneuverable ship they possibly can.) To me it's important, because I don't like building big ships, to me making a small, effective fighter is the acumen of a builder's skill.

    I'm not going to joss the skills of players like SkylordLuke who build beautiful and functional large ships, but I find that the current system encourages brute force over anything resembling finesse. When an effective means of mining involves A) nuking a planet for millions of damage in one shot, and B) mining the cast-off plates (this is commonplace on the multiplayer server I've been playing on), I'm sorry, that's just ridiculous.

    The first time was awesome; the awesome factor fell off sharply after that, and not because of jealousy (though, I will confirm some slight jelly status, of course.) It's proof that the mechanics in this game are just plain broken. I think Schine needs to rein in big ships. I'm sorry if this neuters your DreadCruiser or DoomCube/Brick/Beachball, I just don't see how this game can continue to be fun if every battle is won in a single shot.

    For me, it isn't. I'm not to the point of asking my money back, because there's more good in this game than bad. I just don't see the need to play when the game doesn't encourage me to play my way.
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    Dec 14, 2014
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    I respectfully disagree - in real militaries, fighters perform two roles: A) bombing, to inflict massive damage on a large vessel, and B) interception, to prevent enemy bombers from doing all the stuff I said in point A. In real life, fighters are a threat to large ships. In StarMade, this is not the case.

    In addition to breaking my willing suspension of disbelief - kind of important in a fictional work - it also makes an entire playstyle obsolete (people who like building the best small, maneuverable ship they possibly can.) To me it's important, because I don't like building big ships, to me making a small, effective fighter is the acumen of a builder's skill.

    I'm not going to joss the skills of players like SkylordLuke who build beautiful and functional large ships, but I find that the current system encourages brute force over anything resembling finesse. When an effective means of mining involves A) nuking a planet for millions of damage in one shot, and B) mining the cast-off plates (this is commonplace on the multiplayer server I've been playing on), I'm sorry, that's just ridiculous.

    The first time was awesome; the awesome factor fell off sharply after that, and not because of jealousy (though, I will confirm some slight jelly status, of course.) It's proof that the mechanics in this game are just plain broken. I think Schine needs to rein in big ships. I'm sorry if this neuters your DreadCruiser or DoomCube/Brick/Beachball, I just don't see how this game can continue to be fun if every battle is won in a single shot.

    For me, it isn't. I'm not to the point of asking my money back, because there's more good in this game than bad. I just don't see the need to play when the game doesn't encourage me to play my way.
    I am affraid that you missunderstand me... Yes real Planes are a threat to ships somewhat, but you must understand that they are only a threat in numbers and always have been, in both interception of a force and bombing of ships. One plane can not at all pose a threat to most warships due to point defence CWIS and desensive missiles/countermeasures.

    One single fighter can't hope to contend with larger ships.


    Builder of Very Small Ships
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    I am affraid that you missunderstand me... Yes real Planes are a threat to ships somewhat, but you must understand that they are only a threat in numbers and always have been, in both interception of a force and bombing of ships. One plane can not at all pose with most warships due to point defence CWIS and desensive missiles/countermeasures.
    No, I got that part quite clearly. As you said - it takes a squadron of interceptors and bombers to successfully attack a larger ship. The problem with StarMade is, due to how the maths work out, it's pointless. A ship above a certain mass simply can't be harmed by small ships - whether it's one, or a dozen. And, that's without PD turrets.

    Worse? Due to the way nukes work, one shot - not even targeting a fighter, something nearby will do - with cause a big enough, and damaging enough explosion to simply wipe the fighter squad(s) out in one shot.

    Yes, big ships should be hard for small ships to take down. I'm not griping about that. The thing I'm griping about is that in this game, there's no reason to build a small ship in the first place - the game's own mechanics make it a generally bad idea. This runs contrary to reality, where in numbers, small ships are a threat to larger vessels/installations. This breaks suspension of disbelief, and that's before you get to "wiping out a play/building style," which is a worse game design no-no for a sandbox game.
    Dec 14, 2014
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    No, I got that part quite clearly. As you said - it takes a squadron of interceptors and bombers to successfully attack a larger ship. The problem with StarMade is, due to how the maths work out, it's pointless. A ship above a certain mass simply can't be harmed by small ships - whether it's one, or a dozen. And, that's without PD turrets.

    Worse? Due to the way nukes work, one shot - not even targeting a fighter, something nearby will do - with cause a big enough, and damaging enough explosion to simply wipe the fighter squad(s) out in one shot.

    Yes, big ships should be hard for small ships to take down. I'm not griping about that. The thing I'm griping about is that in this game, there's no reason to build a small ship in the first place - the game's own mechanics make it a generally bad idea. This runs contrary to reality, where in numbers, small ships are a threat to larger vessels/installations. This breaks suspension of disbelief, and that's before you get to "wiping out a play/building style," which is a worse game design no-no for a sandbox game.
    I agree that large ships should not be impossible to fight, but there isn't really a sollution that can be made that won't also effect smaller ships (Since ships are all made from the same single blocks). Small ships should have a small chance at taking out large ships but the sollution to this problem is to fill the space in the game more with things that will force players to add a level of diversity to how they build ships and how combat is orientated i.e: more desnly packed asteroid fields, worm hole travel, maybe electronic warfare such as shield jamming, sensor jamming and even jamming/hacking that may effect ai (Make these somewhat expensive with ai jamming/hacking being one of the most expensive features in game)
    Add the ability to control your own ai faction (This could greatly help with singleplayer)

    The only real sollution is to add more levels of diversity to the gameplay and progression.
    Dec 17, 2014
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    Earthbound fighter planes of the present day are the size they are because of their role and the ordinance they must carry. The ordinance weighs as much as it does because its targets are made in such a way as they are vulnerable to ordinance of that particular size and weight. People need to get away from the idea that a "fighter" has anything to do with size. Can this ship deliver useful ordinance? No? Well construct it so that it does. The problem with SM isn't big ships, it's big power. If smaller ships had access to more compact power supplies They would be better able to deliver meaningful ordinance to the target without sacrificing their precious manoeuvrability.

    In my opinion.


    Builder of Very Small Ships
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    Earthbound fighter planes of the present day are the size they are because of their role and the ordinance they must carry. The ordinance weighs as much as it does because its targets are made in such a way as they are vulnerable to ordinance of that particular size and weight. People need to get away from the idea that a "fighter" has anything to do with size. Can this ship deliver useful ordinance? No? Well construct it so that it does. The problem with SM isn't big ships, it's big power. If smaller ships had access to more compact power supplies They would be better able to deliver meaningful ordinance to the target without sacrificing their precious manoeuvrability.

    In my opinion.
    There's another problem too, though. In addition to small ships not being able to generate enough power, there's not enough useful ordinance in the game. Right now, missiles are king - that's all you need to know to play. Laser cannons? Useless. Beams? Useless (though, helpful for lock-on missiles.) Damage Pulse? Worse than useless (unless you're making nukes, in which case load yourself up.) Also, even though it appears that the latest update nerfed shield recharge a good bit (oh happy day!), the fact is large ships still regenerate shields faster than they can be dropped, and there's no way to do anything about shields other than eat through them...which, a smaller ship simply can't do.

    This is what makes StarMade un-fun: the early game sucks, unless you like sucking on rocks for hours.
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    Dec 28, 2014
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    There's another problem too, though. In addition to small ships not being able to generate enough power, there's not enough useful ordinance in the game. Right now, missiles are king - that's all you need to know to play. Laser cannons? Useless. Beams? Useless (though, helpful for lock-on missiles.) Damage Pulse? Worse than useless (unless you're making nukes, in which case load yourself up.) Also, even though it appears that the latest update nerfed shield recharge a good bit (oh happy day!), the fact is large ships still regenerate shields faster than they can be dropped, and there's no way to do anything about shields other than eat through them...which, a smaller ship simply can't do.
    IMO the only reason Missiles are better at this point is because only method to spot them is visually , and they home on cores (which should be fixed by hp system hopefully) ... beams are ... great for slave systems, but what makes you say cannons are useless?


    Builder of Very Small Ships
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    IMO the only reason Missiles are better at this point is because only method to spot them is visually , and they home on cores (which should be fixed by hp system hopefully) ... beams are ... great for slave systems, but what makes you say cannons are useless?
    They're too weak to do anything.

    EDIT: And, while I still assert the shipbuilding metagame in its current state makes the game un-fun/boring, it occurred to me that this is slightly tangent to what the OP was going for, even though it is a part of the OP's boredom. As a result, I made an entirely separate thread for everything I see wrong with the shipbuilding metagame, that way the objective-based complaints the OP has can be heard and argued on their own merits, without my shipbuilding-metagame-complaining getting in the way.
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    Aug 18, 2013
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    The reason cores are so big is because of codding difficulties handling the gravity and number of blocks.

    Way back when all planets were just discs there was a lot of talk about how to fix the planets. The biggest issue was not with the shape, but with the gravity. If the planet core is smaller, then directions of gravity start to overlap.

    As I understand it, the planet core is essential for determining the gravity of objects/players and is used in raycasting. If it was smaller, the raycasts wouldn't be able to tell which side of the planet the player/entity is on.
    The same result could be achieved with smaller cores, if some time is spent into creating a scaled version of it. Because, the way I see it, the core is choosing the gravitational ray depending on the position of the player related to the straight line going from the center of the core and through the margins of the core representing the margins of the plate. It can be done, it just requires a bit of time to figure the things out.

    In theory I agree with you, but I don't think it would play out as smoothly as this seems. Imagine what would happen if the Dev's published a list and then ran into a snag and learned that they need to re-arrange the list, or remove something, or add something else, etc. People would flip tables over having been 'promised' something that was on the list and then having it re-arranged, re-prioritized, or not implemented due to compatibility.

    When you look through the forums, some subjects have tags on them. "Planned," "Acknowledge," "In Development," "Rejected," and so on, you may want to try doing a forum search for particular tags to get a quasi-list of planned features.
    And why not simply have a list with the stuff "planed", "Acknowledged", "in development" or "rejected" after being on the list (= removed from the list)?

    I wholeheartedly agree that beyond building [insert your favorite ship here] there's not much reason to keep playing StarMade, online or offline.

    That said, I'd like to add that the trend of building big ships doesn't help either; instead of having to take forever to mine and put together a big ship/big target, I think another problem this game has is that small fighters aren't as dangerous as they need to be.

    In short, the game both is too big, and prioritizes ships that are too big. Size is what's currently most wrong with StarMade.
    I completly agree! The game is applying too much accent on the BIG aspect...

    I respectfully disagree - in real militaries, fighters perform two roles: A) bombing, to inflict massive damage on a large vessel (possibly rendering it inoperable, or even destroyed), and B) interception, to prevent enemy bombers from doing all the stuff I said in point A. In real life, fighters are a threat to large ships. In StarMade, this is not the case.

    In addition to breaking my willing suspension of disbelief - kind of important in a fictional work - it also makes an entire playstyle obsolete (people who like building the best small, maneuverable ship they possibly can.) To me it's important, because I don't like building big ships, to me making a small, effective fighter is the acumen of a builder's skill.

    I'm not going to joss the skills of players like SkylordLuke who build beautiful and functional large ships, but I find that the current system encourages brute force over anything resembling finesse. When an effective means of mining involves A) nuking a planet for millions of damage in one shot, and B) mining the cast-off plates (this is commonplace on the multiplayer server I've been playing on), I'm sorry, that's just ridiculous.

    The first time was awesome; the awesome factor fell off sharply after that, and not because of jealousy (though, I will confirm some slight jelly status, of course.) It's proof that the mechanics in this game are just plain broken. I think Schine needs to rein in big ships. I'm sorry if this neuters your DreadCruiser or DoomCube/Brick/Beachball, I just don't see how this game can continue to be fun if every battle is won in a single shot.

    For me, it isn't. I'm not to the point of asking my money back, because there's more good in this game than bad. I just don't see the need to play when the game doesn't encourage me to play my way.
    Alright, let's say that the mining won't be changed (through I think it would be usefull to scale it up, as well). The possible fix is to simply scale the damage of every weapon type, augument, effect and shield in the game. And maybe reduce the HP of the cores. It's plain absurd that I could easily destroy all the plates of the planet, yet the core just sit there, floating alone through space. This makes no sense! I mean, I get it having quite a lot of HP and some good regen, but unless you have a ship few times the size of the planet, you ain't gonna even scratch it. If you would plain scale the damage dealt by weapons and maybe shields and effects, than building a small, extremly efficiently weaponized ships would actually be worth the time. Because we all know that building big ships takes a lot of time. Why not simply spawn with one cannon barrel which does the same damage as the 15 (I think) barrels you spawn with? And maybe buff the mining 5 times so you only have 5 salvage modules when you spawn. This alone would get the game in a whole new world of gameplay, focusing more on small ships than before, since the same damage can be dealt with virtually one fifteenth of the current systems. And that physicly means ships at least 3 times smaller having the same performance the current ones have. Currently, the 15 barrels barely do 10 damage if they're connected together. Why than have them 15 when you could have one? I mean, any less than that and you would do no damage at all...

    There's another problem too, though. In addition to small ships not being able to generate enough power, there's not enough useful ordinance in the game. Right now, missiles are king - that's all you need to know to play. Laser cannons? Useless. Beams? Useless (though, helpful for lock-on missiles.) Damage Pulse? Worse than useless (unless you're making nukes, in which case load yourself up.) Also, even though it appears that the latest update nerfed shield recharge a good bit (oh happy day!), the fact is large ships still regenerate shields faster than they can be dropped, and there's no way to do anything about shields other than eat through them...which, a smaller ship simply can't do.

    This is what makes StarMade un-fun: the early game sucks, unless you like sucking on rocks for hours.
    To sum it up, the small ships are fighting with nerf guns, while the big ships are fighting with real weapons with live ammunition.
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    Jun 24, 2013
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    No, I got that part quite clearly. As you said - it takes a squadron of interceptors and bombers to successfully attack a larger ship. The problem with StarMade is, due to how the maths work out, it's pointless. A ship above a certain mass simply can't be harmed by small ships - whether it's one, or a dozen. And, that's without PD turrets.

    Worse? Due to the way nukes work, one shot - not even targeting a fighter, something nearby will do - with cause a big enough, and damaging enough explosion to simply wipe the fighter squad(s) out in one shot.

    Yes, big ships should be hard for small ships to take down. I'm not griping about that. The thing I'm griping about is that in this game, there's no reason to build a small ship in the first place - the game's own mechanics make it a generally bad idea. This runs contrary to reality, where in numbers, small ships are a threat to larger vessels/installations. This breaks suspension of disbelief, and that's before you get to "wiping out a play/building style," which is a worse game design no-no for a sandbox game.

    You should check out the ultimate drone R&D thread. I'm fairly sure you will find some actual in game evidence on the big vs small debate.
    Aug 21, 2013
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    The same result could be achieved with smaller cores, if some time is spent into creating a scaled version of it. Because, the way I see it, the core is choosing the gravitational ray depending on the position of the player related to the straight line going from the center of the core and through the margins of the core representing the margins of the plate. It can be done, it just requires a bit of time to figure the things out.
    But even so, you still face the problem of having more chunks per plate. Planets are awful when it comes to lag, particularly when mining. There have been some advances in this area, but it is still a problem. If we make planets deeper, we make them more laggy. We can offset the deepness by making them smaller, but then we loose surface area (which I think is more important than depth).

    So even if you completely changed the calculations for addressing gravity direction, there are still problems to face on server lag. Which is more desirable:
    A) a large planet with shallow plates and a large core
    B) a large planet with deep plates, a small core, and server lag when you are near the planet
    C) a small planet with deep plates and a small core

    And why not simply have a list with the stuff "planed", "Acknowledged", "in development" or "rejected" after being on the list (= removed from the list)?
    Because, as I stated in the post you quoted, it would be bad for the community as a whole.
    It is nice to know what the devs are working on, I agree. Having a list would be nice if the community were only a few dozen in size. But looking at the 'official list' and seeing that ITEM X is not listed is disappointing, and seeing that ITEM Y is listed is irritating, and why should ITEM A come before ITEM B?
    Then the forum decides to introduce ITEM Z, which is added to the list, but conflicts with ITEM W which now has to be removed, and now people are upset that ITEM W was on the list for so long and is now removed. Were the Devs lying when they but ITEM W on the list? What other items are on the list but not going to be implemented? What's the point of having an "official list" if it keeps changing all the time?

    A list would be more disruptive that helpful. Devloping a game takes forever, and it is extremely hard (especially for Indie companies) to forcast every detail of the finished product. New ideas will surface, and old ideas will have to be dropped, that's the nature of the beast. A loose system like the forum tags is a good system, as a quick search will provide all the answer a player wants to know without promising the moon and more.

    Essentially, there IS an unofficial official list. Using the search feature and tags.

    If you would plain scale the damage dealt by weapons and maybe shields and effects, than building a small, extremly efficiently weaponized ships would actually be worth the time. Because we all know that building big ships takes a lot of time. Why not simply spawn with one cannon barrel which does the same damage as the 15 (I think) barrels you spawn with? And maybe buff the mining 5 times so you only have 5 salvage modules when you spawn. This alone would get the game in a whole new world of gameplay, focusing more on small ships than before, since the same damage can be dealt with virtually one fifteenth of the current systems.
    Do you recall all the various updates that went into balancing weapon systems? There were quite a number of them, and every time it happened someone got upset. But whether damage-per-module went up or down there was no impact on how big a ship a player would build. If it suddenly turns out that 1-cannon does 3x as much damage, I'm not going to use 1/3 as many cannons. I'm going to use the same number of cannons and do 3x as much damage. This has been the mindset of Starmade players for a long time.

    However, I would say you keep an ear out for the HP system. I will be surprised if it does not adjust planets and weapons.
    May 21, 2015
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    Hi, i am new to starmade and i feel the sameway, but also look at the positive side of it, you get to build what you want, in using your witts, fantasay, inspiration, dreams.. and have it ready for when the Dev-Duststorm is gone.

    Perhaps off-topic but may i suggest to our lovely dev's to implement a class system (everyone has their own..) but a generall one
    that affects the shipcore/cockpit and not structure?

    Example: if based on mass or x, y, z in any direction. (best resoruce to use?)

    In meters of any direction.

    0-100m Fighter/bomber/strikecraft/small ship. (40% increase in weapon power. 20% increase in speed.)
    100-200m Frigate (15% increase in weapon power, 0% speed.)
    200-400 Cruisers. (0% increase in weapon, 0% speeed.)
    400-600 Battleship / Carrier etc. (0% increase in weapon, 10%- decrease in speed (but pimp their agility slighty.)
    600+ Capital ship. (0% increse in weapon, 25%- decrease in speed (pimp but less than the above.)

    or use mass (adds reality feeling..)

    A core system for classes based on mass would allow small ships to gain som dignity and epic builds still be worth doing in my opinion,
    classes are pretty general and nothing should stop you from making a 0-100m carrier if that pleases you, or a cube..
    Apr 18, 2013
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    I feel the same as OP. Some more NPC ship controls would be immensely helpful as well. Not extremely intricate ingame menus, even server settings would be enough to help tide us over. Allowing things like:
    -Giving NPC factions control of specific galaxies to protect and police.
    -Creating more factions than just Pirates and Traders. Set at war or not with different factions.
    -Each faction has it's own list of ship blueprints that it is allowed to spawn.
    -% chance of random ships spawning (not as a fighter just in transit somewhere).
    -% chance of dogfights between enemy factions being spawned.
    -Factions can specialize in creating various resources. Will be purchased cheaper from them and restock.
    -force spawn various factions, for events.
    -Faction specific things like retreat chances, weapon accuracy, hostile only if you come close or stay close for too long, ect.
    -Killing enemy factions raises your standing with that faction and so on.

    Just lots of little things for admins or server creators to create ingame events with or create a server that feels like a living universe.
    Aug 18, 2013
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    So even if you completely changed the calculations for addressing gravity direction, there are still problems to face on server lag. Which is more desirable:
    A) a large planet with shallow plates and a large core
    B) a large planet with deep plates, a small core, and server lag when you are near the planet
    C) a small planet with deep plates and a small core
    I would pick having both the current and the C.
    Do you recall all the various updates that went into balancing weapon systems? There were quite a number of them, and every time it happened someone got upset. But whether damage-per-module went up or down there was no impact on how big a ship a player would build. If it suddenly turns out that 1-cannon does 3x as much damage, I'm not going to use 1/3 as many cannons. I'm going to use the same number of cannons and do 3x as much damage. This has been the mindset of Starmade players for a long time.
    But what if after a certain ammout the more you have the more efficiency you lose? I mean, you'd have the shields less powerful than the current ratio, so a smaller ship would have a bigger chance of damaging the bigger ships, unless a shitload of turrets. Also, got another idea. Link.