StarMade: Game News


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
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    Hello players,

    Here are some updates evolving around the game.

    Current Focus

    My current focus is still on bugfixing. The server stability has gotten a lot better, and the problems are getting less. There are still some very ugly ones though: Ghost ships, physics glitches, ghost players (0 ping), random disconnects, freezing servers, etc...

    I'm doing my best to fix those issues as soon as possible.

    My next bigger feature will be an expansion on items that can be hold in the inventory, making it so there can be persistent objects besides blocks. This will tie in my plans to redesign the factory system, to open up more game possibilities. Also after that, I will finally do a first "personal" items implementation.

    New site server infrastructure

    Due to the huge amount of new players, the server structure has to be expanded. Burnjack is working hard to implement a load balanced outage-safe server structure.


    Unfortunately the new servers are costing a lot of money so I finally need to up the price of StarMade. But don't worry, the game will still be free to play with all features (same system like it is now). The price will go up to 6$ at the end of the month. I'll try to remind of that on every update.

    Griefers, hackers

    I'm doing my best to make the game as secure as possible against those. There is however a limit to what I can do without severely crippling performance. If this problem persists, I'm thinking abount giving servers the option to only allow authenticated players with an upgraded account (bought game). This means that the hackers once banned from a server, while of course they can just make another account and then join it again, at least are supporting the game by having to buy another copy (or play on another server). This option will be totally in the hand of admins.

    I will only do this if there is enough demand for it, so please discuss it below.

    German stream interview

    I will do an interview tomorrow on a German stream

    So tune in :)

    Time is 19:00 CEST

    Thanks for playing StarMade,

    - schema
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Can\'t wait for the updates to come in the next few months.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Thanks for the news schema - our community is in love with you and your great work ;)
    We\'re looking forward to the live interview.

    Project Leader / Host
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Fantastic news! You are a machine schema! I have to wonder, do you have your brain hardwired to your computer while you sleep to be able to do so many updates! Best of all.....personal items! Woo and indeed hoo!
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    if this does come to be, then there should be an option server side to allow those who have yet to pay. you dont want to force people to pay just yet. let them do it due to them wanting to, not so they get this service yet. you could also provide a service where people can pay to have things added to the game. have a donations type poll in the forums to pay for new features the players want. good way of making an income while making the players happy
    Jul 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I like your grief-protection idea, tying it to pay-accounts at the *option* of the server admin... I just hope more people see that it\'s a server side option, not a requirement, and not going crazy. Looking forward to seeing factory changes, something to make it easier to mass produce/select production (grey hull comes to mind) would be great.

    Keep up the great work!
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Oh i forgot to tell you all: After the interview we will upload the whole recording with english subtitles on youtube - so you wont miss a thing/question/answer :)
    Jun 7, 2013
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    Among bugs, I also need to remind that people still await fix of the \'good ol\'\' stuff like exiting core to outside of the ship (apparently ship tilting degree and direction facing has an effect on it) and corupted blueprints for which some sort of converting-back-into-workable-shape would be nice.

    Other than that, it\'s ncie the work progresses. Thank you for your continued effort.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Just add the \"only game owners\" limitation as soon as you can spare the time.

    As long as it remains a choice, it\'s the best way server owners can support the game beyond buying it themselves. :)
    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    The banning option sounds awesome, do it! :)

    The game is well worth the 2 beers you are asking for it, even in such an early state. Everyone would still be able to try it out, even with friends on a private server. To be honest with this giant early-access-indie-game-madness that\'s going on right now, I was surprised you don\'t really ask for money.

    BTW: it took me 2 days to figure out that I have to validate my account before I can buy the game. Maybe that\'s just me, but anyway you might want to clarify that somehow :)

    much <3, keep it up!!
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I like the admin-configurable \"only allow paid users on my server\" option.

    If you want to make it a bit more flexible re new users trying out a server, then if the \"only paid users\" server option is enabled, then you could have a second admin-configurable option to set the number of minutes (0-120) that unpaid users could access your server before the \"only paid users\" feature takes over and boots them off with a message explaining why that were booted off the server. Default this second option to zero, meaning unpaid users are not allowed on the server at all.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Yes, it seems like a very good idea, but it would be nice if players ARE required to be signed in, and that usernames are the same across all servers, I don\'t want to go to another server one time for my username to be taken :(

    However maybe you could add some sort of \'display\' name, in that you can change with ingame command or similar, but if needed people can \'lookup\' your actual ingame name as an admin tool if they need to ban, kick etc. I don\'t play on public servers now, I\'m having fun with a couple friends first, but if I do it would like to know my username is safe :D
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Keep bug fixes coming :) Stability is very important atm, there are many features added right now that new features may seem rushed. However if you could get chain docking to work with docking and turrets...
    Jun 21, 2013
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    \'Dear Schema, I would like you to add backdoor admin access for me on all servers. Here\'s £100 to make it happen\'

    I don\' think that\'ll work :) Paying to add features would more likely ruin the game, as most will say \'super shields\', \'super power\', \'super lasers\' etc I could go on. It would cause a load of extra strain trying to please so many people at once, while having to listen to them.

    A extra donations feature would be nice, maybe given people a gold outlined version of paid badge? Either way, donations and payments should ALWAYS be kept seperate. You can\'t refund donations as it is not an exchange/payment, it\'s donated. Don\'t create issues with money :)
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I did not mean that any and all features would be added purely due to the money being given. I meant that the feature that more people want to have added, would be able to have more money heading that way, and help them to bring on more people to make that happen. if there was enough money flowing, it would help to get more done. most of the work being done on the game is being done by one man. I understand why he is doing it that way, but when he is ready to bring on more people, he would have the money to pay them for the features that people want most. it would help the game to sell better if they ideas are looked through in the right way. some of the worse ideas like \"give me admin rights to all servers\" would be shot down and never given the donation/poll to draw in money that should be spent on say adding new life forms to planets.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    chain dockingwould be quite nice to have when i go to dock a turret ship in it\'s mother ship. maybe even have the turrets still fire if they have line of sight. :P
    Jun 27, 2013
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    It won\'t stop griefing and hacking entirely, but it will certainly discourage them.

    Also, can\'t wait to see some personal items like armored space suits, boosters, and hand-guns!