Taken from my own:
AI Ideas Thread
My idea is that astrotechcomputers could be hooked up to a storage with blocks. It woulduse the input design in the shipcore(I have heard much talk ofthis, it would be basically the shipyard design and putting it in the core [leave it to

to find out how]) to replace blocks on the ship. It would have a punch-through beam effect that would heal all blocks in a line(and maybe an area effect too). However, when it placed blocks it would place then with one hitpoint, and AI would replace all blocks in an area(decided by the program? If you piloted it it would do where you pointed it? Give me your opinions) before starting to heal them. This would mean if you got hit by a missile you could call in support drones to heal you, but risk getting hit with another weapon that could be very weak that would destroy all of your newly placed blocks. It would also look really cool, like a scab or something glowing red as repair drones healed it.