StarMade 0.14 RELEASE


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    Hello, and welcome to StarMade,

    Edit#2: A fix (0.1401) is uploaded to fix the ClassCastException and the exception you get in the options if no controller is attached

    Edit: I'm uploading a version now, which will override the "USE_NEW_PLAYER_MODEL" options to true, since for client updates it were set to false, and they werent getting dave without a manual settings change. No server update required.

    Finally, the new update is in release state. There might still be some bugs, as this is a huge update with mostly core design upgrades, and there are only so many testers. If you have problems starting, please try to change your settings and send in a report (especially shadow, texture resolution, multi-sampling/anti-aliasing, and normal mapping)

    Important New Features

    Graphic Effects


    What started as a little one-day experiment turned into one of the best looking graphical upgrades of the update. Due to limitations in the size of shadow map textures, long range shadows need a lot more parts and are harder to implement. StarMade is using "Cascading Shadow Maps", which is a technique to combine shadow textures rendered from multiple distances to archive the best quality vs distance.

    (Thanks to Tomino-sama and the mushroom fleet for some of the pictures)

    Normal Mapping (Bump Mapping)

    Normal mapping is a standard graphics effect used in most modern game. The milestone of that feature is less the implementation, but the work of Tom (Kupu) creating the actual normal maps for each texture.

    Lighting Model update & fixes

    Not only was the lighting model upgraded to pre-calculate the lighting a lot faster, but also the shaders were upgraded to better represent darker areas and to distinct better between lighting from block-light-sources and lighting from outside. Additionally, StarMade switched to per-pixel lighting to make lighting look a lot better. Furthermore, most of the lighting bugs resulting from angled shapes have been fixed. There are however still some lighting errors on some resulting from incorrect normals. I'll try to fix those in the coming updates.

    Procedural Backgrounds

    Since the static "sky-box" was getting boring, new procedurally generated backgrounds have been implemented. They will be unique to each star system (16x16x16 sectors), and persistent in the universe. This will also help players to recognize familiar territory.


    Texture Packs

    One of the biggest upgrades is a complete new look for StarMade.

    Tom (Kupu) created 3 all new texture packs for StarMade. You can now choose between "Cartoon", "Realistic", and "Pixel". You can still switch back to the old texture, but please keep in mind that additional blocks might have a different art style in that texture pack.

    Furthermore you can now choose higher resolution texture packs if they exist for a texture pack (currently for "Cartoon", and "Realistic"), and your graphics cards support it.

    "Pixel" Texture Pack

    "Cartoon" Texture Pack

    "Realistic" Texture Pack

    New skin files

    A new format for skins has been implemented, as skins now include multiple textures. More about that in the next section.

    Player Model


    Another one of the biggest changes is the new player model called "Dave". Keaton (Omni) created this new model as well as a lot of animations for it. He also created its texture model (UV-Map) and default-skin. Templates for your own custom skin can be found in StarMade/data/SkinningResources/. But we didn't just replace the system one to one; a whole new system to have all kinds of models and animations has been developed and implemented. More about that in "New Animation System".

    All new models and accessories now have a emission map additionally to the standard texture. This map basically makes part of the texture glow even in shadows.

    Helmet Item

    In addition to Dave himself, we added a new item: the helmet. It's currently purely decorative, but it will serve gameplay functions later. You can put your helmet on and off at will. You can even customize your helmet texture, as it is now part of the new skin-format.


    An all new tool was implemented. At the moment the fabricator will be equipped automatically when placing and removing blocks in astronaut mode, and can be seen on the arm of other players, or in 3rd person mode. Removing has been replaced with a time based personal salvage beam of the fabricator for balance reasons. Upgrades to this tool are planned.

    New Animation & Model System

    Part of the reason this upgrade took a little longer was the creation of an abstract animation and model interface. This interface will help to add new models without having to do a single line of programming code, as they can now be defined in XML configuration files. This will also help with modding, as new models can be added without having to modify the game's code.

    Abstract Creature toolbox

    The major reason for having this new animation system was to prepare for a major content update that will be added soon. The system is the foundation to have critters, aliens, monsters, and all sorts of entities on planets, ships, and stations. The system enables us to combine different parts of creatures into new creatures, clearing the way to randomly generate a virtually infinite amount of unique looking and behaving creatures.


    Joystick & Gamepad Support

    An abstract system was implemented to support every kind of joystick and gamepad. Input axes can be defined and edited: their sensitivity, as well as the option to invert, can be customized individually.

    UI fixes

    A lot of fixes have been made to make the GUI more easy to use. We are still planning a complete overhaul, so I held back on some redesignes to not have to do twice the work. One major change is the addition of sliders in various parts to make tedious setting changes a lot more convenient.

    Cockpit Docking beam

    A minor change, but an often requested one, is that the docking beam will now originate from the cockpit. This will help especially larger ship in the docking procedure.

    Log Panel

    This new panel (activated from main game menu, or by pressing F1) will help you keep track of every message in the game. You can apply filters, so it's a lot more comfortable to read. It also makes chatting privately to other players a lot easier. Just select a player from the dropdown, and as long as the panel is open, pressing enter will automatically prepare a private message to that player.

    Additional Block & Shapes

    The basic block format has been changed to allow up to 32 styles of blocks. The migration of the old format to the new will be done on-the-fly, so there are no version compatibility issues. The only downside is that segments(chunks) will load a little slower one single time. Once they are loaded and saved in the new format they will have no downside at all. Please make sure either way you have all your important data backed up!

    All Corners

    All different rotations of the corner blocks are now finally usable.


    A new block style that has 7 sides. It's basically a cube with one corner chopped off.


    The part that is missing on a penta block

    Gravity Orientations

    Gravity can now be orientated and used in a 6 directions. That means you can walk on walls, the ceiling, or use gravity elevators.

    Flower Orientations

    Flowers and other spite-style blocks can now be orientated to all sides


    Advanced shops

    For the new AI, there is now a new slightly different type of shop that will spawn with an NPC. Those shops will spawn in 2,2,2 on new universes, and can always be found in not yet explored parts of the universe with a lower probability as normal shops. To find them in navigation, look for the NPC indicator rather than the shop.

    Planet rotation versus system rotation

    Since rotating a cube on a grid had too many logical problems, which in the end resulted in endless bugs like teleportation, etc, and since the only real gain of them was to have a day/night cycle on planets, the rotation has been moved from star-systems to individual planets rotating. Everything in a planet's sector will be rotating with that. There is still a minor issue that objects build over the sector borders of planet sectors have no collision, as that caused a lot of potential for lag and bugs. I'll try to make it solid again in the future.

    The main gain from using that system is that a lot of problems - lag, warps, and unwanted orientation changes resulting from the system rotation - are now a thing of the past, which makes traveling a lot easier


    Personal Enemies

    A new option has be added for factions to have personal enemies. Also setting your faction to "declare war on hostile action" won't set your faction to attack all neutrals anymore if attacked by a neutral player. It will now add that player to the personal enemies of the faction.

    NPC & AI

    NPC system

    With the NPC system, a whole new logic system behind it was implemented. The NPC system is made to have all kinds of monsters, people, critters, etc, with an artificial intelligence populate the StarMade universe in the future. For now, only humanoid NPCs are spawned in the game, but that will change very soon.

    Path Finding

    One major part of the implantation of character AI was the addition of an efficient block based path finding algorithm. Because the requirements for such an algorithm were such, that the details of movement could change (moving in gravity or without, different model scale, etc), I took a lot of time to design a modular system that can be customized for any requirement. The path-finding is fully threaded, and will therefore work in the background while the game can still run without lag.

    I chose to use a modified A* (A-Star) algorithm, which builds the path based on heuristics on the cost to move to a position. This way implementing penalties for jumping, or in the future moving on bad terrain is possible.

    NPC Crew

    You can now hire your own AI controlled crew. This is currently only possible at advanced shops when talking (press R) to the shop NPC there. Upon buying an NPC, he will be in your current crew. You can then control that NPC with holding down the control button. The options to control the AI will be on the left of the screen. You can also modify his name and control it from the AI panel, which is now always accessible. Your group can have 5 NPCs at max, but that doesn't mean you only get 5 NPCs in total. You can place them on your ship and dismiss them from your command to get more NPCs. They will be waiting for you.

    Please keep in mind that there are still a few hiccups with NPCs. The system at the moment is that they need to have an "affinity" to a structure. The NPC will behave relative to that structure. To change that affinity, the best way is to make the NPC follow you and then order it to a point on the object you want that NPC to belong to. Without ordering it to move to the new object, the NPC will remain in the last affinity it belonged to.

    AI Difficulty

    You can now also change the single player difficulty in the login screen. This will only affect single-player.

    Lua Interface

    StarMade now has support for the scripting language Lua. For now, the interface is only used officially for the conversation system, but will be expanded onto other parts. This especially will help modders to make changes to the program without having to dive into the code and having to create a custom build.

    Conversation system

    The conversation system is fully based on Lua and gives a first taste of what is to come. The scripts are located in /data/scripts if you want to experiment (please backup first). The conversations are fully networked so when an admin modifies them, the text and options will be transferred to the clients without them needing the scripts. Also, all decisions are executed on the server for maximum security. Please be careful when modifying the scripts, as there is no real debugging yet, and script errors might result in a server crash.


    As Lua is a script language, doing complex operations can be very expensive. That's why I'm trying to provide several interfaces to make Java do most of the work. One plan is, for example, to create an interface for the structure generation. Admins can then place generation scripts for space stations (even using a random generator) in the game, leading to space stations being created from that script. This will take care of the problem that space stations always looking the same.


    Gif Recording

    Players can now - exactly like screenshots - create gifs in-game. Press the "break" button to start recording and press it again to finish. Size and framerate of the gif can be customized in the settings.cfg file.

    Orbital Cam

    To make it even easier to record ships, an orbital camera (activated by holding backslash (tilde, depending on the keyboard layout; can be reassigned in the options)) was added. This camera will fly around the current position of the player, and the mouse wheel can be used to zoom.

    Optimization and Redesigns

    Most of the work of the update went into finding the weak points of the core and redesigning those to be more scalable, less error prone and easier to expand upon.

    Here are some examples (not all) of core changes. More can be found in the change log:

    Redesigned Topology of Segments (chunks) on Higher Level

    One problem in the old version was that empty segments took away performance on multiple levels: Memory consumption (of course not as much as filled ones), organization (for operations on non-empty segments the system still had to iterate over empty as well as non-empty segments), and physics (those checks between regions of segments were expensive and caused lots of lag even when two object weren't even touching).

    The redesign was implementing the top level from a two-layer region map to array was redesigned into a region to octree structure with a very small memory footprint. Empty segment now take no memory at all, and segments in an area can be iterated skipping empty regions naturally.

    Network Segment Signature Requesting

    To minimize unnecessary client requests and performance spent on finding out what to request, the logical step was to first request a bitmap of a region, so each client knows with minimal effort which segments have to be requested and which are surely empty.

    The current system works great and improves loading times for structures by a lot. That, coupled with a lot of other optimizations, as well as the new octree topology, brings down the loading time of examples from over 3 minutes to under 20 seconds.

    Controller Structure

    Loading what blocks are connected to each other, is a lot of work and data. Modularizing the system cuts the memory usage more than in half and speeds up processing.

    Vertex Buffer Batches

    For some graphics cards, using many small vertex buffer objects was a bottleneck. The new system combines those into bigger buffers. The size can be customized in the options, as its perfect setting directly depends on the graphics card driver, so you may have to try different settings for the best performance (in advanced settings on start-up).

    Now, the work on the next update begins. The game will be updated more frequently from now on, since most of the coming things won't have core changes.

    Thank you for playing StarMade,

    - schema

    Here is the full change log (missing a few internal things that are hard to explain):

    1. improved character physics (hopefully no more gliding through lifts)
    2. improved transformation pipeline in physics, so objects no longer fall out of other moving objects if bound (astronaut in gravity falling out of ship)
    3. changed universe rotation system to local rotation of planet sectors
    4. usernames now case insensitive (means, all variations of cases of the same name point to the same account [e.g. "Test", "test", "teSt" all point to the same player save-file, and have the same protection]. Same goes for
    5. white/black lists, as well as admins. It will be applied automatically, so admins won't have to rewrite any files)
    6. fixed crash on recipe (number overflow)
    7. soft migration for block structure to allow for additional orientations. things get migrated as they are loaded, so no version compatibility issues will occur (unless a newly saved blueprint is loaded into an old starmade version).
    8. old->new: ok, new->old: not ok
    9. added additional corners front/back
    10. added additional corners left/right
    11. cleaned up orientation system (confusing bit of code) with migration
    12. spawn_entity command now works from console
    13. built system to automatically include all symmetry options for all new and old shapes
    14. astronauts can now align themselves with a ship by pressing the jump button. the alignment works just like in gravity without actual gravity
    15. improved block-orientation system to remember last selected for each block type
    16. optimized character physics further (100 characters on the same planet from 10 to >200 fps)
    17. fixed lighting not updating all surrounding segments when a block is added/removed
    18. complete redesign of mid level segment data structure into a dynamic octree structure (on top of the existing low level octree)
    19. integrated new structure for more performance in memory, light calculation, physics, simple iteration, etc. (especially on structure with lots of empty space)
    20. fixed ugly little graphical glitch in planet atmosphere
    21. fixed a memory leak that would fill up over a longer time (mostly on clients)
    22. fixed occlusion bug that would cause areas to be brighter when there is non-opaque objects near (flora, glass, etc)
    23. fixed bug that may have cause faction ids to be wrongly set on server restart
    24. fixed bug where case of the names of members in a faction would cause bugs when logged in with a different case
    25. implemented cascading shadow maps with zoom fitted frustum
    26. improved shadow quality and fixed some bugs in the system
    27. implemented shader preprocessor to efficiently handle options and backwards compatibility
    28. fixed bug from new system where single blocks are not updated on server
    29. fixed turrets not being controllable by players
    30. a set-recipe a player buys (coarse/refine) will now refund credits instead of blocks if the recipe cost credits
    31. fixed command auto-complete
    32. added player name auto-complete to all command parameter as well as /pm and /f
    33. improved method to check on modified blueprints (hopefully won't misfire modification)
    34. fixed turret movement in chain docking
    35. turrets no longer reset rotation when entered (and flight mode is used)
    36. made restricted camera (turrets) homogeneous to be much easier to use for advanced application
    37. turret rotation is now persistent (does not reset when turret get loaded after being unloaded)
    38. chain docked objects are no longer excluded from faction home base protection
    39. player movement speed in gravity now independent from look direction
    40. added key for player walking in gravity (default left shift)
    41. implemented multiple texture packs chooser
    42. fixed graphical glitch where stars/sun would be visible on glass/water (or through any other transparent object) even when there is a solid block somewhere in the background
    43. fixed client turret glitching if rotation has been already modified by another client before the client enters a the sector containing the turret
    44. fixed docked structures becoming physical on client when the docking process was not completed yet (major lag)
    45. improved loading times of structures by setting initial sizes of maps from expected data
    46. improved blueprint loading time using a faster method to transfer block connection data
    47. improved general block-block physics collision performance
    48. debug mode no longer stays active when joining a multiplayer game after activating it on single player
    49. fixed faction offer/relation id's possibly colliding leading to random war/peace declarations
    50. added error handling for texture packs (to check if all files are there and if they have the right resolution), so modders get good feedback
    51. added fixed helmet animation triggers
    52. fixed character getting stuck on ceiling when jumping
    53. implemented directional gravity blocks. Players can walk on walls/ceiling
    54. fixed new-block-transmission not generating segments other then 0,0,0
    55. further improved shadow quality (not quite there)
    56. fixed bug that caused clients to have a 5-10 second delay when adding/removing/harvesting blocks or open/closing doors
    57. decreased network overhead by using pure primitives for buffers when applicable
    58. fixed background when using frame-buffer only
    59. implemented signature fetching: clients request a map of what the server knows for sure at the time and the region file is going to be empty. This decreases load times and network overhead because empty segments don't have to be processed in the segment-manager at all. And thanks to the octree system, the update of empty segments takes 0 memory and is very fast
    60. fixed out-of-direct-memory danger for 32-bit java when using texture arrays
    61. fished shadows of characters being falsely frustum culled
    62. fixed method of saving virtual memory (memory outside the heap). Out-Of-Memory crashes on 32-bit systems should now be eliminated
    63. added auto-rotate camera
    64. added gif recorder
    65. chain-docked objects now also in home-base protection (if origin is home-base)
    66. fixed faction home not resetting when removing faction block
    67. added info to track a faction home change (faction news) to track eventual bug causing faction home resets (made that already more robust already, also)
    68. redesigned AI panel
    69. added crew tab
    70. added fleet tab
    71. implemented crew AI control
    72. implemented fabricator animation control
    73. docking beam origin is now currently used cockpit
    74. fixed 6 sided gravity
    75. implemented fabricator to harvest blocks instead of being able to remove at once
    76. added scaling to bone implementation
    77. added rest of the new blocks to the config
    78. fixed bug that would cause brightness on blocks when a ship is exited when using shadows
    79. integrated Luaj libraries for full Lua support
    80. implemented Lua interface
    81. implemented new conversation System
    82. implemented system to create conversations with Lua
    83. implemented networked conversation
    84. fixed block modding tool not to crash when reflection reports non accessible field
    85. improved shadows to not "shine through" far away objects when close up to something else that normally should be shadowed from that far away object
    86. fixed some shader issues for mac-graphics card drivers
    87. added failsafe for path calculation to stop after a threshold is reached
    88. implemented normal maps
    89. fixed source of bugs: on unloading entities were triggered to save twice. one time for the sector unload, and one time on unload of the object itself. This was a source of various random bugs like Objects completely vanishing
    90. fixed characters controlled by players falling of moving objects when in gravity (or in sector change)
    91. implemented skin files
    92. implemented transmission for full skins
    93. removed lag from flying through open doors
    94. further improved physics performance with advanced lookup tables
    95. removed unnecessary non-scaling transformation from physics cube-cube collision process
    96. improved performance of single block-updates by a lot (building, salvaging, opening doors)
    97. reduced lag from load of missiles in one place by a lot
    98. improved A-Star path finding to avoid turning if possible
    99. implemented basic path smoothing
    100. implemented settings sliders
    101. integrated sliders for advanced build mode
    102. advanced build mode size now saved by ship entered
    103. integrated sliders for weapon settings
    104. implemented OAuth2 test communication
    105. server config option for collision damage (damage and physical response is not yet calculated perfectly, but fast block transmission to handle from physics works)
    106. minor physics optimizations
    107. fixed small synch problem with octrees (server didn't apply the data it sent to clients (marking a segment as empty), and since the clients had teh data, empty segments where never requested and therefor checks if a segment has been loaded returned false on the server which sometimes lead to gravity not being applied
    108. fixed several chunk error sources
    109. fixed hidden flag not being updated correctly after docking process
    110. implemented message log
    111. implemented message log filters
    112. implemented message log fast chat (system will place /f for faction chat or "/pm name" automatically if chat is used in message log panel with the according filter selected
    113. fixed lag/bug on docked structures after the object has already loaded in, the server tells the client that the object is physics active
    114. fixed extension error in skin transmission
    115. implemented structure to handle unloaded AI entity for clients (in the future when a controlled entity e.g. fleet is not necessarily fully loaded and has to be simulated in the database)
    116. fixed pirates attacking the NPC character in shops
    117. redesigned AI crew Panel buttons and fixed functionality
    118. added AI settings
    119. implemented basic customizable AI behavior for NPC crew
    120. fixed bug where gravity block cannot be turned off
    121. explosion blocks (disintegrator) now cause chain reaction with each other
    122. explosion blocks (disintegrator) now explode on damage
    123. draw distance no longer an option (calculated over "max segments" now)
    124. navigation filter setting is now saved on the client
    125. fixed migration problem when a sprite style block was activated
    126. fixed bug where object would be displayed from cache after spawning if before an object with the same name was deleted
    127. buying from catalog with blocks now includes value of docked ships
    128. if not enough blocks to buy from catalog, a list of total blocks needed will be sent to the player (using new chatlog panel to view)
    129. core can now be entered on the same ship if someone already is in the build block
    130. now skipping docked structures that are already occupied when up/down was pressed in flight mode
    131. fixed bug where would not be able to pick up core as astronaut
    132. fixed docking beam not resetting to core when cockpit changed to core
    133. auto-completion of player name not puts right case
    134. auto-completion of player name now works outside of commands
    135. docking on faction base with faction exception will no longer change faction of the docked ship
    136. possible fix for AI not firing on turrets
    137. fixed bug where cache would be considered newer even if object has been modified in absence
    138. fixed mass calculation in docking situations
    139. fixed build orientation arrow
    140. fixed bug where docking zone is not drawn in build-mode when the ship itself is docked
    141. fixed possible crash in shutdown
    142. fixed shield hit effect
    143. home-base protection now extends to all docked ships (e.g. if faction permission block was used)
    144. ship indicators of docked ships are now again displayed in structure (in build mode)
    145. fixed missile sector positioning for new system
    146. immensely decreased lag from loading in big structures with a lot of usable blocks (weapons etc) by first eliminating an unnecessary network transmission, using a better data structure in the grouping algorithm, and removing an unefficient exception
    147. changed faction_create to include name of initial member, and added faction_create_as to also include faction Id to create faction as (useful when importing sectors)
    148. fixed several bugs that might cause a crash of the lighting threads
    149. fixed synchronization bug that lead to crash or other glitches when re-requesting segments (missile battles)
    150. Turret/ship AI no longer engages targets in invisibility mode
    151. fixed freeze on faulty transformation orientation
    152. fixed narrow-octree invalidation by repeatedly removing the same position
    153. AI now shoots on turrets
    154. improved AI engagement behavior
    155. improved menu vs in-game activity behavior
    156. reorganized initial items a bit and added helmet
    157. fixed exploding block update not triggering
    158. fixed stations not being collectible by faction members
    159. faction owned blocks can now be activated by docking beam of a ship without a faction signature, but being flown by the pilot of that faction
    160. fixed missile head graphics
    161. increased maximal number of missile trails
    162. further decreased lag from missiles
    163. improved long term performance of server by fixing a bug that could possibly prevent sector from unloading (even if players are no longer present)
    164. fixed clustering of shops (for newly generated sectors)
    165. implemented personal enemies of factions
    166. made personal enemies of factions consistent
    167. added GUI options for personal enemies of factions consistent. Editable if the rank of the faction member has permission to edit
    168. attack on hostile action now will add a non-faction-player to the personal enemies, and no longer consider all neutrals enemies
    169. fixed naming in AI dialog
    170. added option to rehire/discharge AI by dialog
    171. filled in some shop employee dialog
    172. implemented buttons light up on mouse over (used in dialog options to make navigation easier on the eyes)
    173. fixed AI exception (caused by another bugfix)
    174. used chance for migration to set all 3-sided (e.g. grass patches) blocks as TOP orientation in preparation for them to be able to be rotated in any direction
    175. fixed texure bug for some graphics cards (mac)
    176. fixed possible server block service hang-up when placing auto-connected blocks like disintegrator (ty tominosama)
    177. implemented texture compression
    178. improved graphics memory cleanup function
    179. improved physics performance by removing lag from removing calculation after microscopic fluctuations of object positions
    180. fixed crash from pressing tab on some dialog text entries
    181. added player name auto-complete to text input panels that require player names
    182. added advanced options to deal with possible graphics driver bugs (compression, and mipmap options)
    183. improved synchronization of server segment requests to hopefully get rid of physical chunk errors (those that won't go away after restart and cache clear)
    184. fixed migration crash when trying to migrate block type that is not known in the block config (custom blocks)
    185. compressed inventory-changed transmission for factory blocks to be more scalable
    186. fixed AI error (FSMException) on servers
    187. fixed bug that would cause crash on startup (ResourceException)
    188. improved segment sorter to be more thread safe
    189. fixed bug where player character could be considered neutral for a short time. player character now set faction id to player's faction id before spawning
    190. fixed bug where sector information would not be updated correctly in sql database (causing protection mode of sector not to save, re-spawning asteroids etc)
    191. added mining effect
    192. improved responsiveness of all beams
    193. hopefully fixed crash from sorting factions by relation in teh faction hub panel
    194. implemented procedurally generated background (still a little slow, can be turned on in the in-game options)
    195. fixed crash on loading shop AI skin (NullPointer)
    196. inserted more tests to find a specific bug causing a gl exception
    197. switched to regular textures for better compression and mipmap handling (some graphics card threw OUT_OF_MEMORY, despite having plenty on using compressed texture arrays)
    198. decreased texture size of ultra quality shadows (not noticeable, but cuts memory consumption in half)
    199. implemented adapting procedural backgrounds in different qualities (resolution. Please note that some graphics cards don't support 4096)
    200. fixed NullPointer crash when joining multiplayer in the vicinity of an NPC player
    201. fixed jiggling when traveling in docked ship or turret
    202. slightly optimized object position transmission to reduce data that has to be sent on update
    203. fixed crash when system tries to draw floating item that doesn't exist
    204. added (probably) final vertex component mask for cube shader
    205. added correct normals for wedges
    206. added correct normals for corners
    207. added correct normals for penta
    208. added correct normals for tetra
    209. fixed GL_INVALID_OPERATION Error happening in build mode. Happened when using multi-sampled frame buffers and reading pixels from it (in advanced build mode to check for mouse position)
    210. improved lighting
    211. reduced green color in procedural backgrounds
    212. implemented admin-command "/delay_save seconds" for server admins to safely create backups. Make sure to wait a bit after using this command since in case there are running write requests, they will continue to run and finish.
    213. (/delay_save 0 will turn the delay off immediately)
    214. fixed possible server crash on invalid docking update
    215. fixed object being declared as modified blueprint after it already has fully spawned (and then blocks where added afterwards)
    216. fixed gravity bug where player would already be in velocity when activating the gravity block
    217. fixed gravity (pointing somewhere other than downwards) warping the player to a seemingly random position
    218. fixed glitching of active object when astronaut gets suddenly thrown out of an object(e.g. /destroy_entity was used on a ship with a player in it)
    219. in case of emergency shutdown (forced termination from outside by an admin) the database will no longer attempt to compact itself (as that may under rare circumstances cause corruption)
    220. fixed gravity bug where player would suddenly be put out of gravity. Also made some gravity blocks look like they weren't working at all (since it was instantly stopped). Gravity lifts should now finally be usable
    221. added gradient to advanced build mode block preview
    222. added extra alpha for block preview in advanced build mode, so that blocks that are completely transparent cans till be easily seen
    223. improved lighting for back-shading being better handled with block light
    224. fixed shadow not working in the last version
    225. improved lighting for block light to illuminate shadowed areas better
    226. fixed crash in sun sectors with shadows (light was at zero pos)
    227. included tolerance for modified blueprints (server.cfg). New version blueprints should be more resilient against falsely triggering blueprint modification. Still, please make sure the object is fully loaded before saving a blueprint
    228. kupu updated normal maps further
    229. fixed build box flickering when trying to build in build mode on a moving object
    230. fixed bug in recursive price calculation of blueprints+docked
    231. fixed normal/bump mapping (some wrong vectors caused the lighting to change, and the bump look wrong)
    232. improved self-illumination of light source blocks
    233. fixed shaders for some graphics card (ATI (mostly mac ones))
    234. fixed further 'vector-zero-length' exception
    235. when GUI is disabled, indicators in build mode are no longer drawn
    236. settings no longer reset to default if one setting is no longer valid
    237. using bitwise operations on shader for graphics cards that support them (small fps boost for those cards)
    238. fixed crash when more then one item is sold to a player shop at a price of 0 credits (divide by zero)
    239. fixed crash when recording screenshot or give with frame-buffers and anti-aliasing activated (still minor bug with white background on screenshot)
    240. improved error response when shadows are not supported on a graphics cards
    241. fixed crash when in rotating cam mode and changing sectors
    242. fixed occasional crash in cubatom panel when dragging from hotbar
    243. put in some extra debug info to find the GL_INVALID_OPERATION that is happening on some cards
    244. fixed one more GL_INVALID_OPERATION crash on 100% (on some graphics cards)
    245. reduced memory consumption in several places
    246. decreased consumption from lots of small groups of usable blocks
    247. decreased consumption from control structure
    248. improved control structure performance by using unified indexing data structure a lot better to handle in collections
    249. fixed light shining through closed doors
    250. implemented "lighten" mode for advanced build mode (makes blocks brighter)
    251. fixed "NullPointerException: Exception: REQUESTED TYPE 0 IS NULL" client crash (happened when a block-connection came in too late after the source was already removed)
    252. improved bulk-block-connection function to be more scalable and faster
    253. (hopefully) fixed [KINEMATICCONTROLLER][UPDATEACTION] Exception possibly crashing the server on sector change in some situations
    254. fixed faction protection from personal salvage beam
    255. fixed NullPointer from AI trying to walk on object that no longer exists
    256. fixed sudden change of background when changing systems (needs testing)
    257. fixed huge video memory consumption when using high res procedural backgrounds with multi-sample (couldn't even start on powerful machines)
    258. fixed mouse inversion when control is pressed
    259. fixed crash when trying to talk to an NPC that has no affinity
    260. fixed crash when using texture arrays
    261. fixed server crash when update for a not existing network object comes in (after the object was deleted). It's normally already caught, but the debug message actually caused the crash in some situations
    262. fixed server crash/freeze when a hacked old blueprint was uploaded to a server
    263. added security that on other positions so the same method of getting the server to freeze can't be used there
    264. fixed chunk error problem
    265. added separate selling price and buying price for every shop
    266. implemented abstract controller support
    267. implemented controller custom axis support
    268. implemented controller custom button support
    269. implemented abstract system to apply the same system as for keyboard to any controller
    270. implemented controller button duplication check
    271. implemented controller saving
    272. implemented controller loading
    273. implemented individual controller axis sensivity
    274. improved GUI a bit: no more moving when keys pressed in some menus; no more firing weapons when deactivating menus (might still be some menus missing to be included)
    275. prevented OS from giving initial value for controllers (rotation when starting until controller touched)
    276. integrated controller into camera system
    277. implemented remote debug system to check on raw server positions
    278. removed sector physics mirroring from sectors to a planet and vice versa (physics glitches possible, but will take care of possible heavy lag and random warps, until better solution found)
    279. structure panel now available for any usable structure
    280. fixed some missiles not showing up
    281. fixed GUI texture compression (washed out GUI textures)
    282. fixed a accuracy problem in segment sorting (small alpha errors on transparent blocks can still occur)
    283. removed unaffected segments within missile blast radius from missile block update (missile performance)
    284. missile damage now sends segment update directly instead of issuing re-requests on client (faster update when missile hits & better synchronization)
    285. fixed possible bug in updating whole segments when missiles hit (collections (ship properties) not updating correctly)
    286. implemented system in the pre-light calculation system to handle angles
    287. fixed bug where on server restart an entry would reset to being enemy usable even it was turned off before
    288. optimization in several areas (network protocol, group calculation, light calculation)
    289. fixed another bug in segment sorting (distance was not calculated to the middle but the corner)
    290. moved segment/chunk impact to synchronized chunk revalidating instead of doing it threaded (no gain in doing that except synch issues). This will hopefully take care of a lot sources of bug, like the mass being calculated wrong and several others that could happen absolutely randomly
    291. fixed minor source of bugs: initially newly loaded objects had no way to know their sector for one update when the object was updated before the data was inserted as a network object. Bypassing that now for the server to check directly
    292. right mouse click on docking beam now ignores activatable blocks (doors)
    293. maxDrawnSegments can now be changed ingame without problems, and with correct cleaning up (problem was always to get all threads to either finish or stop at a point where they don't currently own mesh themselves)
    294. categorized and reordered options GUI
    295. fixed a cause of server disconnects (tried to change an object on server that no longer existed. Could happen when the server removed the object and the change didn't yet reach the client)
    296. fixed crash when changing options
    297. further optimized lighting calculations for faster segment(chunk) loading
    298. fixed server crash when replacing only empty segment on a structure
    299. fixed server NullPointer when projectiles fly in inactive sector
    300. increased diffuse lighting
    301. fixed data problem when generating new planets (discovered due to the synch update of earlier patch)
    302. optimized block collection calculation to faster ditch requested updates from removed objects in the queue
    303. new drawing optimization should improve display performance of blocks by ~10% (depending on graphics card/driver. Fallback available to switch and customize optimization) using bigger Vertex Buffer Objects and dynamically allocating and filling them reduces costly openGL calls since multiple chunks can be drawn from the same buffer context (drawback: more video RAM overhead due to fragmentation, but does not scale)
    304. "file does not exist" should no longer spam log on multiplayer (skin files that cannot be sent will stop trying after the 5th time)
    305. inventory slot merge may be fixed (synchronization issue)
    306. fixed NPC-Command menu not working when exiting ship in build mode
    307. fixed personal enemies of faction not working
    308. personal shop buy/sell permission now working
    309. fixed bug with collection not updating on block removal (e.g. weapons keep working even if all the weapon blocks got removed or shot off)
    310. faction members can now salvage faction home in astronaut mode
    311. fixed possible deadlock (server freeze) when writing universe data
    312. fixed bug where both inventory stacks of the same type would vanish when trying to merge and the sum of both exceeds the maximum stack size
    313. possible fix for frame-buffer error happening on some hardware when using shadows
    314. fixed another inventory merge bug (when changing slots while server is still subtracting blocks from building)
    315. personal shop permission should now cover all shopping transactions
    316. fixed AI not shooting at objects
    317. fixed serverAI transmission not being in synch (lead to heavy rubberbanding and server/client position differences of AI ships)
    318. fixed permissions to edit AI config (admins can now edit objects by selecting them and open the AI control panel)
    319. fixed possible source for segment(chunk) errors: server took re-requests of segments which hints at a synch error
    320. fixed serious server bug, where in case a sector was loaded while saving (inactive sector becomes active again), there could be a several bugs (foremost docked ships undocking without reason)
    321. fixed bug where docked object were not hittable by missiles
    322. fixed eject from enterable block when block gets destroyed
    323. fixed core overheating timer when core destroyed by missile
    324. added another texture pack from kupu
    325. added some character model fixes from omni
    326. reactivated head tilting (only without helmet)
    327. fixed bug in animation structure where deactivated animation would prevent other animations
    Jul 2, 2013
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    • Master Builder Gold
    • Councillor 2 Gold
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    The best patch to date!

    Keep up the great work schema! :D
    Jul 20, 2013
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    Based schema. (and other devs too!)

    For those who weren\'t using the dev builds, this is probably almost like a new game.


    1200° Plasma
    Sep 23, 2012
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    Love the update, but shadows only seem to work properly quite close, at a distance everything is in shadow
    Sep 20, 2013
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    Hats off to all the stramde community people who made this posssible. *takes off hat*
    Apr 25, 2013
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    I downloaded the game but when it tried to install:

    it gave me this stupid error then wiped EVERYTHING it spend 2 hours downloading from my starmade directory (or at least it wont try installing it again; it just goes ahead and tries to redownload everything).




    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
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    • Schine
    Servers might be a little stressed atm. you can download it directly from

    download the zip that is newest in that list, make a backup of your old installation and then replace the files with the content of the zip.
    Oct 20, 2013
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    Schema, this is jaw-dropping. And to think, it\'s only version 0.14.....



    Wiki Administrator
    Sep 10, 2013
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    for everyone that dosen\'t know when you start up your game you may still have the old character model.

    to change this go in to your sever config and look for this


    and change it to this


    hope this helps
    Apr 30, 2013
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    What he/they said. Which, on that note, thank you Crimson for offering that tip in the comments here. :)
    Aug 11, 2013
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    Might be a dumb question, but how do i put the helmet on?

    Also, theres a small issue with the fabricator, that if you have the mouse buttons switched, you instantly place a block after harvesting one. Could the switch buttons option not switch the fabricator button aswell?


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
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    • Schine
    Thank you. good point. This is for people that are updating from the old version. I have to make that setting override for the next version


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
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    • Schine
    If you are updating or playing with an existing player on a server, you have to ask the admin to give you a helmet.

    If you already have one you can place it in the action bar, and then activate it (like the pistol) to put it on/off

    I\'ll fix the issue with switched mouse buttons asap