StarMade 0.09283: Fixes


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine

    Here is the full changelog (sorry, I don't have much time at the moment to write a full update report)

    - added functionality to query server info in a simple command
    - turrets don't shoot if the shoot direction is intersected by an ally or the mothership
    - AI with option "selected target" should now also aim at vacant ships
    - added server config option for player limit
    - hopefully the infinite planet fall is fixed
    - fixed possible state where controller structure would fail to load when the actual segment was not yet loaded
    - fixed bug in network transmission of keybord state and keybord events
    - should weapon output loading fail, the fallback make now a lot more sense (one of the formost blocks of the gun)
    - Power Updates:
    -- capacity = sumOf(amountOfBlocksInTankCluster^1.3)
    -- shields will no longer take power when fully loaded

    There is currently a new webserver in the works to speed up the site and also to provide faster download speed for the game,

    Thanks for playing StarMade,

    - schema
    Apr 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    Finally I don\'t have to worry about my turrets destroying my ship. YES!

    Seeing that shields got buffed... Are there plans to buff hull too? Because the way I see it: For smaller ships space is always a concern and thus it often happens I forgo hull in favor of other items like power, weapons, shields and engines. It would be nice to get a \"plating\" block that works just like minecraft snow/railoard/redstone, that gets placed on top of a block, that adds 25% armor to that section and doesn\'t add mass or health points (this could be placed on hull and hardened hull to increase the armor rating). Additionally changing the shields so that they distribute their 125 shield per 125 blocks (but block 126 is unshielded, with the shields first protecting the blocks nearest to them) and not just add 125 shields to all blocks would really take the shields to the next level as it would mean that hull plating and hull blocks become much more important on bigger ships and shields much less (a 1 000 000 block ship would need 8000 shield blocks to get shield all of their hull, but the shield would then be 1 000 000 strong, while a 500 block heavy fighter would only need 4).


    Create plating to add armor to exposed blocks, add max amount of blocks shielded based on the amount of shield blocks you have. Make armor as important as shields, to add diversity.
    Apr 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    (before I start, excuse me for my English, I\'m French)

    Hi, I got a problem that I wanna to report it. When I bind ZQSD as character\'s moving, I can\'t bind them to the ship\'s moving. It\'s really anoying, I have to change my controls every time that I get out and in my ship.

    (And thanks, you make an awesome work on that game)


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    oh, there might be a hirarchial collision with the bindings. I\'ll fix that asap