The following little tech demo is an indicator that I have finally started a large project, large enough to house this in my CIC at least.
A fully functional 33x13 display! Right now, it only features two static messages (alert and systems online), but I plan for a huge amount of static messages as well as dynamic ones (where their content is directly influenced by the current status of the ship's systems, like damage displays on the ship cross-section).
FEATURES (planned or implemented):
- 33x13 pixels
- Every message can have one of five colors (white, red, yellow, green, blue) or alternate/flash between two of them
- Messages can have animations of arbitrary length in them .
New: looped animations are also possible now
- Messages can be both static (content always the same when triggered) or dynamic (content depends on additional inputs aside from trigger signal)
- Maximum contrast and readability, even better once placed in a special case (to be designed)
- Relatively low performance impact,
none at all (logic does not update any blocks or lights aside from the core clock) when non-flashing message with reasonable animation content is loaded