Bug Singleplayer stuck at "connecting".

    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    I decided to start playing Starmade again recently and have quickly found a fairly major problem. Whenever I try to start the game in singleplayer it pops up the connecting window and does nothing, it simply sits there. No programs are run and nothing appears to happen, it just sits there until I close the window. I'm running a completely fresh install and tried downloading the latest version manually. It seems to work perfectly until I get past the options window and hit ok, but then the window pops up.
    The bug seems vaguely familiar and I seem to remember having it before but since the old forums are gone I can't find any way to fix it whatsoever. Any help would be appreciated.
    (I apologise if any of the text seems wrong, it's near midnight by me and I stayed up till 4 AM last night.)


    1200° Plasma
    Sep 23, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    Seems the solution that works 90% of the time is putting Starmade on your primary (C: ) drive instead of another one.

    (By the way, the old site and forums are still accessible from http://oldsite.star-made.org/ ;) )
    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    I already had the files on the desktop but moved them to the program files folder which made no difference. I read somewhere that running it in administrator mode might fix it but it hasn't and I tried everything I could think of (which wasn't much admittedly). I did a search on the forums and found a few other posts where the person just moved the files to the main drive but I've already put them there and the problem persists.


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    You should move them to C:\Starmade

    The programs folder is protected by Windows too.

    But, for single player, do you see the 'dedicated' server window showing up?
    (The window shown when clicking on "start dedicated server")

    In case there is no second window showing up, please restart your computer and make sure there is no stalled Java-program in the background (task manager) and make sure you selected 'sandbox'-mode not multiplayer and trying to connect to localhost.

    In case the window is showing up, please check your firewall settings.

    - Andy
    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    I moved it to C:\Starmade and that did nothing. When I run it the server window doesn't show up and I already checked for other Java apps although I never restarted my computer but I was having the same problem yesterday and I restarted since then.


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
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    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    In this case, please try running it by clicking on 'Start dedicated server'.

    It should show up then.
    If not, there should be something wrong with your database/server-files, please go to /logs directory, delete everything in it, and then please try again. After that, you should have some files in that directory again. Please send them to me (preferable zipped and uploaded).
    (Its okay to start via conversation, or post link here. Anything you like.)

    - Andy
    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    Well I ran the dedicated server and the window popped up and ran fine, although if I tried to run a singleplayer game from there it told me the game was already running and trying to connect with localhost:4242 just did the whole stuck at connecting thing. I cleaned out the logs and made a new one and it should have what's needed. I had a look myself and this part seemed the most important;
    [2014-04-14 18:13:02] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: handleQueuedSynchronizedObjects update took 26 on Server(0)
    [2014-04-14 18:13:02] [NT] Big FullUpdate: 8454 bytes: Shop(3)
    [2014-04-14 18:13:02] WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows 7
    [2014-04-14 18:13:02] Attempting to use default windows plug-in.
    [2014-04-14 18:13:02] Loading: net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin
    [2014-04-14 18:13:12] Connection Dialog Terminated -> EXIT 0
    I have no idea what most of this means other than it saying that windows 7 is an unknown windows version. In other words I'll defer to your superior technical expertise and eagerly await your response.



    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    [2014-04-13 00:41:20] [LOCAL GAME] CHANGED PORT TO 4242
    [2014-04-13 00:41:20] SETTING JLEFT: none on di@6f361ec7
    [2014-04-13 00:41:20] SETTING JRIGHT: none on di@6f361ec7
    [2014-04-13 00:41:20] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: handleQueuedSynchronizedObjects update took 207 on Server(0)
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] SPAWNING WITH Shop(3): AICharacter[(ENTITY_CREATURE_1397341907532)(0)]
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] REMOVING AFFINITY OF AICharacter[(ENTITY_CREATURE_1397341907532)(4)] FROM null on Server(0)
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [CREATURE] AICharacter[(ENTITY_CREATURE_1397341907532)(4)] exit align off null
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [SERVER][AI][ACTIVATE] Exit gravity that wasn't on. ignoring...
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows 7
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] Attempting to use default windows plug-in.
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] Loading: net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [SERVER] updating prices for: pI@42acc86a took 67
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: object local update of Shop(3) took 74
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: object local update of 3 objects took 77
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [NT] Big FullUpdate: 6990 bytes: Shop(3)
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [CHARACTER] init physics: (-3.0, -5.535, -0.90959364)
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [KINEMATIC] CREATED PLAYERCHARACTER OBJECT: (-3.0, -5.535, -0.90959364)
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: handleQueuedSynchronizedObjects update took 13 on Server(0)
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] TOTAL JOYSTICKS: 6
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [JOYSTICK] cannot read default joystick file because it does not exist
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [CLIENT] trying to connect to localhost:4242
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [CLIENT] establishing new socket connection to localhost:4242
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [CLIENT] Trying TCP...
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [SERVERSOCKET] Connection made. starting new processor 55143, /; local: 4242, /, keepalive false
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [CLIENT] SOCKET CONNECTED TO SERVER
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [SERVER] connection registered
    [2014-04-13 00:41:21] [CLIENT] logging in now... AndyP; ;
    Direct compare to my log, shows:
    Next thing should be joystick and connection itself.
    As you are running a fresh install, may you remove the 'Settings.properties' and 'cred' in your user-file-directory? (for windows go to: %appdata% and then doubleclick '.starmade'.)
    As it may be caused by some joystick settings being messed up somehow.
    But thats a bit of a guess, since it looks like your client is starting and the 'fullupdate' should also come from the server itself. (Maybe a firewall is interfering, but just to make sure, you should try to remove all saved settings by the launcher.)

    Also it may help to run the Starmade Diagnostic Tool.
    And post the Report here.

    - Andy
    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    Well I checked in .Starmade and deleted the cred file (which did nothing) but there wasn't a settings.properties, which is odd I suppose. I tried running it with my firewall off but nothing changed. For some reason the forums aren't letting me upload the .txt file so I'll just post the results here;
    Starmade System Checker Report
    Mon 14/04/2014

    Windows version: Windows 7 64-bit ....PASS
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 870 @ 2.93GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.7GHz
    Memory: 8192MB RAM
    Graphics Card name: AMD Radeon HD 5800 Series ....PASS
    Java version: 64-bit Java 7 ....PASS


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    oh, somehow this got out of my trails.

    May you please try to connect to a multi-player-server?
    Any from that list stating version 0.1421 will do.

    The only real reason I can imagine is a somehow broken local universe. (As you exited the program 10seconds after it reached its last step, quite long enough for local host.)

    - Andy
    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    I tried connecting to the two servers at the top of the list and neither of them worked, it just sat there saying connecting.
    [2014-04-18 10:00:11] Client dialog initialized
    [2014-04-18 10:00:11] Client dialog set visibile
    [2014-04-18 10:00:11] Client dialog set visibile done
    [2014-04-18 10:00:18] [CLIENT] initializing 0.1421 (20140404_194643)
    [2014-04-18 10:00:18] SETTING JLEFT: none on di@2467da0a
    [2014-04-18 10:00:18] SETTING JRIGHT: none on di@2467da0a
    [2014-04-18 10:00:19] WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows 7
    [2014-04-18 10:00:19] Attempting to use default windows plug-in.
    [2014-04-18 10:00:19] Loading: net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin
    [2014-04-18 10:00:29] Connection Dialog Terminated -> EXIT 0
    [2014-04-18 10:00:29] [CLIENT] CLIENT SHUTDOWN. Dumping client data!


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    So this seems to be a persistent problem.

    Please read this, and create the predictable game state then try starting sandbox games,
    and don't click on 'cancel' when stuck at 'connecting' for at least 1 minute.
    Then send me the complete logs directory, including server.cfg and settings.cfg from /starmade directory.

    Thanks in advance.

    - Andy
    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    So the forums are stupid and I hate them because they just generally suck and don't work well (for me, maybe I'm alone in this)... Oh yeah, and they won't let me upload the files separately so here:
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] [VERSION] VERSION: 0.1421
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] [VERSION] BUILD: 20140404_194643
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] #################### StarMade #######################
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] # version 0.1421 - build 20140404_194643 #
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] #####################################################
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] [SERIAL] "System Serial Number"
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] [LIBLOADER] OS ARCHITECTURE amd64
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] [LIBLOADER] LOADED WINDOWS 64bit NATIVE LIBRARIES
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] [LIBLOADER] LOADED NATIVE LIBRARIES
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] java.io.FileNotFoundException: .\settings.cfg (The system cannot find the file specified)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] at java.io.FileReader.<init>(Unknown Source)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] at IE.d(SourceFile:366)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] at org.schema.game.common.Starter.main(SourceFile:802)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] Could not read settings file: using defaults
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] [MAIN] LOADED ENGINE SETTINGS
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] ERROR: no content in Resource: C:\Starmade\StarMade\file:\C:\Starmade\Starmade\StarMade.jar!\org\schema\game\network\commands
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] ################# Loading from JAR #####################
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] ########################################################
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] [INITIALIZE] SECURITY MANAGER SET
    [2014-04-18 18:16:42] [INITIALIZE] COMMAND ID's ASSIGNED
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [CONFIG] RECIPES PARSED: 48
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [MAIN] INITIALIZATION COMPLETED
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [MAIN] CHECKING IF MIGRATION NECESSARY
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] DIR FROM C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints-default to C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] DIR FROM C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints-default\Isanth-VI to C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints\Isanth-VI
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] DIR FROM C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints-default\Isanth-VI\DATA to C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints\Isanth-VI\DATA
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] DIR FROM C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints-default\Isanth-VI\DATA\Isanth-VI.0.0.0.smd2 to C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints\Isanth-VI\DATA\Isanth-VI.0.0.0.smd2
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints-default\Isanth-VI\DATA\Isanth-VI.0.0.0.smd2 to C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints\Isanth-VI\DATA\Isanth-VI.0.0.0.smd2
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] DIR FROM C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints-default\Isanth-VI\header.smbph to C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints\Isanth-VI\header.smbph
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints-default\Isanth-VI\header.smbph to C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints\Isanth-VI\header.smbph
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] DIR FROM C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints-default\Isanth-VI\logic.smbpl to C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints\Isanth-VI\logic.smbpl
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints-default\Isanth-VI\logic.smbpl to C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints\Isanth-VI\logic.smbpl
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] DIR FROM C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints-default\Isanth-VI\meta.smbpm to C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints\Isanth-VI\meta.smbpm
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [IO][COPY] FILE FROM C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints-default\Isanth-VI\meta.smbpm to C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints\Isanth-VI\meta.smbpm
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [BLUEPRINT][MIGRATION] NO CONVERSION NEEDED: no old bb file exists: C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\blueprints\catalog.txt
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [SERVER] ###### READING ALL BLUEPRINTS!
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [SERVER] ###### READING ALL 1 BLUEPRINTS FINISHED! TOOK 11ms
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [MAIN] MIGRATION PROCESS DONE
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [MAIN] STARTING WITH ARGUMENTS: [-force, -port:4242]
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [CLIENT][GUI] Starting Client Login&Settings Dialog
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] Catched Exception loading server entries from last
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] java.io.FileNotFoundException
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] at org.schema.game.common.Starter.d(SourceFile:331)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] at org.schema.game.common.Starter.main(SourceFile:872)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [TEXTUREPACK] checking: C:\Starmade\StarMade\data\textures\block\Cartoon\128: [overlays.png, t000.png, t001.png, t002.png]
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [TEXTUREPACK] checking: C:\Starmade\StarMade\data\textures\block\Cartoon\256: [overlays.png, t000.png, t001.png, t002.png]
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [TEXTUREPACK] checking: C:\Starmade\StarMade\data\textures\block\Cartoon\64: [overlays.png, t000.png, t001.png, t002.png]
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [TEXTUREPACK] checking: C:\Starmade\StarMade\data\textures\block\OldStyle\64: [overlays.png, t000.png, t001.png, t002.png]
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [TEXTUREPACK] checking: C:\Starmade\StarMade\data\textures\block\Pixel\64: [overlays.png, t000.png, t000_NRM.png, t001.png, t001_NRM.png, t002.png, t002_NRM.png]
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [TEXTUREPACK] checking: C:\Starmade\StarMade\data\textures\block\Realistic\128: [overlays.png, t000.png, t000_NRM.png, t001.png, t001_NRM.png, t002.png, t002_NRM.png]
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [TEXTUREPACK] checking: C:\Starmade\StarMade\data\textures\block\Realistic\256: [overlays.png, t000.png, t000_NRM.png, t001.png, t001_NRM.png, t002.png, t002_NRM.png]
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] [TEXTUREPACK] checking: C:\Starmade\StarMade\data\textures\block\Realistic\64: [overlays.png, t000.png, t000_NRM.png, t001.png, t001_NRM.png, t002.png, t002_NRM.png]
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] Client dialog initialized
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] Client dialog set visibile
    [2014-04-18 18:16:43] Client dialog set visibile done
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] [SERVER] initializing
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] [CLIENT] initializing 0.1421 (20140404_194643)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] java.io.FileNotFoundException: .\keyboard.cfg (The system cannot find the file specified)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] at java.io.FileReader.<init>(Unknown Source)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] at dk.a(SourceFile:109)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] at of.run(SourceFile:42)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] Could not read settings file: using defaults (.\keyboard.cfg (The system cannot find the file specified))
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] java.io.FileNotFoundException: .\server.cfg (The system cannot find the file specified)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] at java.io.FileReader.<init>(Unknown Source)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] at DT.a(SourceFile:209)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] at DK.<init>(SourceFile:405)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] at om.run(SourceFile:969)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] Could not read settings file: using defaults
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] [SQL] Fetching connection (may take some if game crashed on the run before)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:53] [SQL] connection successfull
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [SERVER] port 4242 is open
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [SERVER] USING TCP...
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [MODEL] MODEL HAS SUBNODES: PlayerMdl->Creature
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [MODEL] CREATING CREATURE STRUCTURE FOR PlayerMdl
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING CREAT: Creature->Type
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NOW PARSING: type
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING CREAT: Creature->PartType
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NOW PARSING: parttype
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING CREAT: Creature->AttachmentBones
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NOW PARSING: attachmentbones
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] PARSING: [AttachmentBones: null]
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING CREAT: Creature->MaxScale
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NOW PARSING: maxscale
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING CREAT: Creature->BoxDim
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NOW PARSING: boxdim
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [MODEL] MODEL HAS SUBNODES: PlayerMdl->Animation
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [MODEL] CREATING ANIMATION STRUCTURE FOR PlayerMdl
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [MODEL] MODEL HAS SUBNODES: LegsArag->Texture
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [MODEL] CREATING TEXTURE STRUCTURE FOR LegsArag
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING TEX: Texture->Diffuse
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [Texture] ITEM Diffuse->#text
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [Texture] ITEM Diffuse->Item
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [Texture] ITEM Diffuse->#text
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING TEX: Texture->ColorMap
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [Texture] ITEM ColorMap->#text
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING TEX: Texture->NormalMap
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [Texture] ITEM NormalMap->#text
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING TEX: Texture->SpecularMap
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING TEX: Texture->EmissionMap
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [MODEL] MODEL HAS SUBNODES: LegsArag->Creature
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [MODEL] CREATING CREATURE STRUCTURE FOR LegsArag
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING CREAT: Creature->Type
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NOW PARSING: type
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING CREAT: Creature->PartType
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NOW PARSING: parttype
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING CREAT: Creature->AttachmentBones
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NOW PARSING: attachmentbones
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] PARSING: [AttachmentBones: null]
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING CREAT: Creature->MaxScale
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NOW PARSING: maxscale
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING CREAT: Creature->BoxDim
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NOW PARSING: boxdim
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [MODEL] MODEL HAS SUBNODES: LegsArag->Animation
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [MODEL] CREATING ANIMATION STRUCTURE FOR LegsArag
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [PARSER] not parsed: standard
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NULL FILLING FOR Ha -> HI -> Hi -> HX
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [PARSER] not parsed: ledge
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NULL FILLING FOR Ha -> HI -> Hi -> HE
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [PARSER] not parsed: shortFall
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NULL FILLING FOR Ha -> HI -> HD -> HS
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [PARSER] not parsed: middleFall
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NULL FILLING FOR Ha -> HI -> HD -> HH
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [PARSER] not parsed: longFall
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NULL FILLING FOR Ha -> HI -> HD -> HF
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [PARSER] not parsed: helmet
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NULL FILLING FOR Ha -> Hw
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [PARSER] not parsed: upperBody
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NULL FILLING FOR Ha -> HY
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [MODEL] MODEL HAS SUBNODES: TorsoShell->Creature
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [MODEL] CREATING CREATURE STRUCTURE FOR TorsoShell
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING CREAT: Creature->Type
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NOW PARSING: type
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING CREAT: Creature->PartType
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NOW PARSING: parttype
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING CREAT: Creature->AttachmentBones
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NOW PARSING: attachmentbones
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] PARSING: [AttachmentBones: null]
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING CREAT: Creature->MaxScale
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NOW PARSING: maxscale
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING CREAT: Creature->BoxDim
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] NOW PARSING: boxdim
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [MODEL] MODEL HAS SUBNODES: TorsoShell->Texture
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [MODEL] CREATING TEXTURE STRUCTURE FOR TorsoShell
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING TEX: Texture->Diffuse
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [Texture] ITEM Diffuse->#text
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [Texture] ITEM Diffuse->Item
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [Texture] ITEM Diffuse->#text
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING TEX: Texture->ColorMap
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [Texture] ITEM ColorMap->#text
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING TEX: Texture->NormalMap
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [Texture] ITEM NormalMap->#text
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING TEX: Texture->SpecularMap
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [ANIMATION] PARSING TEX: Texture->EmissionMap
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [FILE NOT FOUND] File for FACTIONS does not exist: C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\server-database\FACTIONS.fac
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [SERVER] NO FACTIONS FOUND ON DISK: FACTIONS; file: C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\server-database\FACTIONS.fac; pathString: .\server-database\FACTIONS.fac
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [SERVER][CATALOG] READ RAW BLUEPRINTS: 1
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [FILE NOT FOUND] File for CATALOG does not exist: C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\server-database\CATALOG.cat
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [SERVER] NO DB CATALOG FOUND ON DISK: CATALOG; file: C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\server-database\CATALOG.cat; pathString: .\server-database\CATALOG.cat
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [FILE NOT FOUND] File for SIMULATION_STATE does not exist: C:\Starmade\StarMade\.\server-database\SIMULATION_STATE.sim
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [SIMULATION] no simulation state found on disk. creating new...
    [2014-04-18 18:16:54] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] LOADING SECTOR... (2, 2, 2)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:55] [DATABASE][SYSTEMS] NO SYSTEM ENTRY FOUND FOR -1 FOR (0, 0, 0)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:55] [SECTOR] TRANSIENT (2, 2, 2) GENERATING TRANSIENT SECTOR DATA -4197430182728888620
    [2014-04-18 18:16:55] [DATABASE][SYSTEMS] NO SYSTEM ENTRY FOUND FOR -1 FOR (0, 0, -1)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:55] [DATABASE][SYSTEMS] NO SYSTEM ENTRY FOUND FOR -1 FOR (-1, 0, -1)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:55] [SERVER][UNIVERSE] WARNING: LOADING SECTOR TOOK SOME TIME... (2, 2, 2): STATS: inst 74ms, loadDB 4ms, add 0ms, entity 23ms
    [2014-04-18 18:16:55] [ServerListener] Server initialization OK... now waiting for connections
    [2014-04-18 18:16:55] [LOCAL GAME] CHANGED PORT TO 4242
    [2014-04-18 18:16:55] SETTING JLEFT: none on di@7a886c25
    [2014-04-18 18:16:55] SETTING JRIGHT: none on di@7a886c25
    [2014-04-18 18:16:55] [SERVER][UPDATE] WARNING: handleQueuedSynchronizedObjects update took 17 on Server(0)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:55] [SERVER] updating prices for: pI@5b44699b took 20
    [2014-04-18 18:16:55] WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows 7
    [2014-04-18 18:16:55] Attempting to use default windows plug-in.
    [2014-04-18 18:16:55] Loading: net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin
    [2014-04-18 18:16:55] [NT] Big FullUpdate: 7350 bytes: Shop(4)
    [2014-04-18 18:17:15] [DATABASE] UPDATING SECTOR: (2, 2, 2) trans: true
    [2014-04-18 18:17:15] [SERVER] SERVER SECTOR WRITING STARTED #3 active: false at (2, 2, 2) (ents: 4)
    [2014-04-18 18:17:15] [SERVER] WRITING ENTITY TAG: Shop(4)
    [2014-04-18 18:17:25] [SECTOR][CLEANUP] removing entities and Sector[3](2, 2, 2): Sector[3](2, 2, 2); Sector[3](2, 2, 2)
    [2014-04-18 18:17:25] [SERVER] waiting for sector Sector[3](2, 2, 2) entities to be cleaned up [Asteroid(5)sec[3], Asteroid(6)sec[3], Shop(4), Asteroid(7)sec[3]]
    [2014-04-18 18:17:25] [DELETE][Server(0)] Sendable 5(Asteroid(5)sec[3]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified!
    [2014-04-18 18:17:25] [DELETE][Server(0)] Sendable 6(Asteroid(6)sec[3]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified!
    [2014-04-18 18:17:25] [DELETE][Server(0)] Sendable 4(Shop(4)) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified!
    [2014-04-18 18:17:25] [DELETE][Server(0)] Sendable 7(Asteroid(7)sec[3]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified!
    [2014-04-18 18:17:25] [DELETE][Server(0)] Sendable 3([SERVER RemoteSector(3)false; (2, 2, 2)]) Physically DELETING DONE and Notified!
    [2014-04-18 18:20:22] Connection Dialog Terminated -> EXIT 0
    [2014-04-18 18:20:22] [CLIENT] CLIENT SHUTDOWN. Dumping client data!
    [2014-04-18 18:20:22] [CLIENT] CLIENT SHUTDOWN. client data saved!
    [2014-04-18 18:20:22] WARNING: USING EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN HOOK: onShutDown
    [2014-04-18 18:20:22] [SERVER] SERVER SHUTDOWN. Dumping server State!
    [2014-04-18 18:20:22] [SERVER] WRITING FACTIONS AND CATALOG!!! Count: 2
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] STARMADE SERVER VERSION: 0.1421; Build(20140404_194643)
    [2014-04-18 18:16:52] STARMADE SERVER STARTED: Fri Apr 18 18:16:52 EST 2014
    [2014-04-18 18:20:22] [SHUTDOWN] writing current universe STARTED
    Seriously, fuck these forums.


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    Yes, pasting stuff in, is really hard when being used to hold shift while pressing enter (avoid double line jump in some editors), as it sometimes reverts the paste.

    Back to topic:
    Hm, there is really no reason it is not connecting in the logs.
    So I assume you have some sort of security software installed (firewall, virusscanner) that actively prevents java or in special starmade to connect.

    There seems to be no other possible reason for it.

    - Andy
    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    What I meant was that when I tried to upload the log file as an attachment to the post it kept throwing me an error.
    I tried running it with both my firewall and antivirus off. It didn't help.


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    Please check your assigned memory settings.

    User proper powers of 2.

    Max: 2048
    Initial: 1024
    Earlygen: 256

    maybe something went wrong in that.

    - Andy
    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    I don't actually know where to check or change that, could you give me a hint?


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    Start the laucher, and before pressing "start"
    go to the top menu bar, and click on "settings" then "memory settings"

    check both tabs for sane values.

    - Andy
    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    Well I checked them and for some reason the values were all at half that, except the initial memory for the dedicated server was at 1024. I set them all to the values you posted and it made no difference.