Ship Entity Menu Freeze and power fluctuation.

    Jan 16, 2015
    Reaction score
    Having 2 issues with my current ship I have not experienced before. I started this ship a couple of days before the latest update. The problems have been there since then.

    First problem.
    Normally I can open up the ship entity menu just fine on most ships I have built. At most I get a very minor pause before it opens.

    Yet with my current new build every time I open the entity menu the game hangs for up to a few minutes before the menu opens and the game resumes (all the animated blocks go mental like they are playing back every frame from the time I opened the menu up in fast forward.) Occasionally the game just permanently freezes no matter how long I wait.

    I have reloaded this ship from blueprints both online and off, saved new prints, stripped it down and rebuilt great chunks of it, removed all of its systems, shields weapons, thrusters, power etc. and still the problem remains.
    Kind of makes things problematic as the ship works fine, but I am stuck if I need to open doors activate docked ships and turrets or check weapon stats etc that can only be accessed by this menu. Kind of a bad thing to have if attacked and I need to access that menu.

    Second problem.
    My power on the same ship fluctuates if I go over half the ships shield recharge rate.
    e.g if the charge rate is 5000/10000 then all is fine, go to 5001/10000 or higher and my power drops slightly like a tick, the more over it I go the more frequently the drop ticks over. like 100% 100% 100% 98% 100%
    go over more and it is like 100% 99% 100% 99% 100%
    Similar to if you have factories activated on a station or base that use just enough power to drop your total briefly per tick.

    More of an annoyance than anything major. But it does seem to impact some systems like weapons. I notice with a rapid firing AMC when the power drops it kind of skips a round of projectiles.

    Again this seems to be a problem I am only getting with this ship. I stripped out every power using block type one at a time and discovered it was the shield rechargers doing it. Slowly replaced them until I noticed the spike at around the 50% recharge mark. Does not seem to matter how big or small the shield recharge cap is,
    1000, 10000, 10000000. Go over 50% and it occurs.

    Current ship stats:
    Mass: 62591.0
    Length: 493m Height 144m Width 109m
    Power: 73150467.5 (2834099.8 e/sec)

    Shields: 10494930.0/1.049493E7 (<--Just noticed that. lolwut)
    Blocks R/C: 6677/121747 PowerCons: 36723.0

    Put a lot of work into this ship before I noticed the problems, would hate toscrap it, any ideas of if it is completely bugged, fixable or should I attempt to copy n paste the whole ship onto a new core.
    The ship core is about the only thing I can think of that has not been replaced. Could that be bugged?
    Mar 6, 2015
    Reaction score
    I have the exact same problems with my ship. It took about 5 minutes for the entity structure to load. I'd love to here if there is anything that can be done about this other than building a smaller ship haha.

    Another problem I have is that when I select a computer, weapon/jump/whatever, the high-lit area is offset from where the actual modules are. Everything seems to be linked up and working fine, mostly just an annoyance.

    As far as the power fluctuations. I tested it out a little bit. Even though you don't get the graphic of a projectile the damage is applied as if the projectile were there. I've had a few invisible missiles :0.

    Current ship
    Mass: 92423
    Length: 427 Height: 73 Width: 149
    Jan 16, 2015
    Reaction score
    I have the exact same problems with my ship. It took about 5 minutes for the entity structure to load. I'd love to here if there is anything that can be done about this other than building a smaller ship haha.
    Doesn't seem to be related to ship size.
    I have much bigger ships with a lot more systems on on it and they do not suffer this menu freeze problem.

    Another problem I have is that when I select a computer, weapon/jump/whatever, the high-lit area is offset from where the actual modules are. Everything seems to be linked up and working fine, mostly just an annoyance.
    Not an issue I am having and off topic. I'd like to keep the focus on addressing the problems I am experiencing no offense.
    Although at a guess I'd say it is something to do with either your video card or resolution.

    As far as the power fluctuations. I tested it out a little bit. Even though you don't get the graphic of a projectile the damage is applied as if the projectile were there. I've had a few invisible missiles :0.
    What I am experiencing is different to what you describe. Normally my AMC's spew out that many rounds that it stops drawing some of them after a while even though the projectiles still exist possibly due to the visible beam amount setting.
    When the power spikes there are no projectiles at all, not even invisible ones as if the power spiking is robbing the AMC of power for those rounds. Actually making the guns misfire. Totally different to the game only rendering X amount of 'beams' as you describe.

    At the moment this ship of mine is fairly barebones outside of its shape and size. Thrusters, Jump Drive, Power, Shields and a few white lights and blast doors is all it has and a buttload of advanced grey armor for the hull. Even when I have had weapons, radar jammer and a scanner on it the problem is the same.

    As I said removing the shield rechargers down to 50% or less of capacity stops it. So its either related to the Sheild-Rechargers or the ship core.

    I can completely strip the ship down to just its hull and ship core and rebuild all the systems and these problems persist.
    This is what makes me think it may be tied to the ship core being bugged out. Sadly there seems to be no way to strip the core and put a new one in.
    Jul 17, 2013
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    • Tester
    You are able to save a blueprint of that ship and the problems persist when spawning in the newly saved blueprint?
    You can load a differnt similar sized ship fine and operate that without a problem?

    Than i sounds like corrupted blueprint in someway.
    I do not know how to fix it but it might be of interest to schema to prevent it from happening again .
    maybe you want to put in a bug report and add that blueprint there then. mark the report as private because of the added blueprint then.
    Jan 16, 2015
    Reaction score
    Sorry for the long time to reply, been busy, but I have worked out what the issue is.

    Nope, not related to the blueprint. Seems it is the number of systems I have on the ship. have managed to replicate the problem on new builds.
    The original ship in question had a lot of 'optimised' reactors on board. A 9x9 brick based on the xyz power bonus.

    Problem is the game then counts each block not attached to a similar block as an individual system. So making combo cubes you can have 20 individual 9x9 cubes, but the game sees several hundred to thousands of individual power reactors or whatever block your using.
    (Effect happens to any block that the entity menu will list)

    The game then chucks a hissy fit as it then tries to list all these individual systems in the entity menu. Either pausing the game for a few seconds to many minutes or just completely locks the game.

    I've edited my designs now and check from time to time if the game is freezing, if I start getting lag in the entity menu I know it's time to lessen the individual systems into larger single ones.

    Pain in the bum, but hey at least we know what causes it now. There was a slight delay in older StarMade builds, so minor I barely noticed it, but since the major graphics optimisation update it has become so much more pronounced and very much game breaking noticeable.

    (I know it's not just my PC, as I got friends to board the same ships and they experienced the same issues and we all have vastly different PC's)