[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Please note as there is currently no way to transfer worlds in StarMade, it will be a reset. I apologize for this. Although keep in mind, I have to rebuild my stuff too.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    Personality:Aggressive, Loyal, Will take a bullet for a friend type of guy, Lawful and just.

    Character name: skylark

    Bio: My name is skylark. I have been part of the Eternian military for a long time now. I have served for 10 years as a officer in one of Eternians ships, Briggadier... My story begins when i was just 8 year old in the planet of Victus. It was just like any other day. I was with my mother and father, just walking around the park as we do every Sunday.. But when from afar, distant shouts, followed by explosions, and flames roaring up into the atmosphere and into space. The planet was under attack by a vicious faction of pirates, destroying, killing, looting everything in sight. We tried to run away from the onslaught, but they were every where! We manage to hide in a building along with the others. When a stray bomb blew up a few meters from the building, which caused it to collapsed on top of us. Pinning almost everyone down under the heep of rubble.. I was fortunate enough to squeeze my way out of those beams that fell that pinned me.. But my parents weren\'t so lucky.. I tried with all i might to free them, but i can\'t. A group of pirates were coming down the street, killing ever single survivor. I can\'t just leave my parents.. When this person came out of no where, leading everyone to safety. Saying there are shuttles, ready to launch. My parents insisted the the man to take me along with him to safety. Without hesitation the officer carried me while i look back to my parents crying, then another bomb came down killing everything on the building. Few years passed, the man that saved me and took me in was Aldus Torm. From there on, we stuck together for a while. Few weeks have passed after the attack when i insisted Aldus that i want to enter the Eternian Battle School. He helped me get in since he was part of Eternia\'s R&D Division. He has contacts, and helped me fund my studies. Years have passed i am now 26 when i earned my rank and now flying in one of Eternian\'s ship. The Briggadier. We were on a mission, to pursuit the pirates that have raided the planet 18 years ago. 2 year flight into the darkness of space when our intel payed off. We manage to find the pirate\'s station. They didn\'t simply layed their hands down, we were into a fight. But this time, Eternian forces are prepared, and years have passed our technology has improved. We won.

    Finally. I can now have peace, i avenged my parents. The only family i have now is Aldus Torm, who\'m im willing to do anything for. Aldus Torm was also a scientist/researcher w teamed up with James, a fellow colleague was doing un-authorized research. Which i was a part of. When everyones back is turned, i sneak into the industries supplies and get what they need. One day, i was with them during their experimentation. When the military police broke in the lab and they were detained without seeing a court session. As for me, i was stripped from my rank and dishonorably discharge and was sent to Hail along with the two scientist. It\'s been a few years now.. Somethings not right, every crew in Hail is panicking.. The ship;s crashing.. This is it.

    Plans once your in the server: Aid with the research of the two scientists.

    Other: Eternia.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    The IP is all ready to go, it will be sent in 35 minutes! Are you all ready for the final, grand release of Eternia?!
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Welp, I can only send 5 messaged a minute so some of you will need to wait a little longer
    Jun 22, 2013
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    name: moral

    age: 27

    personality: angry, bitter.

    bio: (I prefer to make it up as I go along =/ )

    Plans: Make a ship, get monies, make a bigger skip, make a station, make.bigger.ship.
    Jul 16, 2013
    Reaction score
    age 18

    Personality: N8-Toe is adventurus and curious, a little to much so as it led to him being abord the Hail. N8-Toe wants to learn and experiment with everything and wont let anything get in the way of his tinkering. a team player prefers to work with othesr then work in solitude.

    Bio: Working in a shipyard N8-Toe worked on the warhships of the Eternia military. he wondered why they neaded so many and where these ships where headed. He investigated qustioning others and getting info hear and there. yet he dug a little to deep. after realizing that all was not as it seamed and that the dissenters wherent completly destroyed. after trying to alert others to this he was arrested and convicted without trial. he was soon transfered to the hail where he was to stay for the rest of his life

    or so he thought.

    plans: do what i have always done. tinker and indugle my curiosity. use my knowledge from the shipyards to aid in creating ships for the rebels and knowledge of the workings, and weaknesses, of the Eternia ships to help the rebels fight. to take the figth back to Eternia and get revenge for what they did

    other: Eternia
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    You need to change your characters age to between 18 - 50 to prevent odd ages.