[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 20, 2013
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    OH YEAH! We got a server, even cheaper and for more slots. I went to the UK hosting site and decided to say \"SCREW YOU SMPROHSTING\" and now we\'ve got a 64 slot server for about $35 a month.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Awesome! So when do we get ip or is it up already? Desperate to play before I go on holiday on the 22nd
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Ignore my last post I derped, I see it goes live tomorrow 12pm cst so 6pm for me!!!
    Jul 15, 2013
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    Age: 20

    Name: Captain_Lancer

    Personality: A stern, logical man who acts as he is supposed to, commanding his men and submitting to his superiors.

    Bio: Lancer was originally a pilot of the only Falcon-Class frigate, called Raptor. It was a specially designed ship, made to fool enemies into thinking it was an easy target, but it carried the heaviest armament of any frigate and had very large shield generators. One day, a Rebellion Fighter force carrying radar jamming equipment made contact with the Raptor, and signalled their carrier, a nearby Brigadier. A swarm of fighters befell the ship, destroying all thrusters as well as the weapon systems. The doomed ship had few survivors of the wreckage, and even fewer survived when the proud ship\'s fuel ignited, creating a huge explosion. Among those survivors was Captain Lancer. After 2 years drifting in his escape pod, he spotted a small Rebel fighter, which was heavily damaged, but usable. As Lancer entered the fighter, something caught his eye. There was an Eternian Brigadier nearing his fighter. He contacted the ship, and soon enough, he was being taken to that ship, to return to the Eternian headquarters and once again pilot a ship. He is supplied with a fighter, called Eagle, that is assigned patrol and support missions. He plans to exact revenge on the Rebels, and restore his place as a captain of a capital ship.

    Plans once in the server: To join the Eternian military and fight any Rebels I can.

    Other: After some time, I WILL defect from the Eternian military, after seeing how cruel they are. Oh, and Eternia.
    Jun 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    Personally, I think advertisements should be way more expensive, like 50-100k per day, or have it go up every day by 50 or 100%. 1k credits is practically nothing. You can make that much in a few minutes of salvaging.
    Jun 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    Oh, and just a heads up, I will be donating 100$ to the server when I get my paycheck in about a week and a half. That\'s why I haven\'t donated anything yet.

    And also, donations stack, right? like, the 20$ donator will get that tier of stuff, and the 10$ tier of stuff, correct?
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    Name: Doctor_Torm

    Age: 41

    Personality: Eccentric, Impassive, Very critical and analytical.


    Aldus Torm started life out by one of Eternia\'s middle-class colonies, having been the typical cold, untalkative geeky kid that would rather think of ways to make his watch run on perpetual energy than socialize with \'friends\'. Many years worth of study mostly done without the aspect of mingling with others for \'fun\' landed him as the impassive Doctor Torm of Eternia\'s R&D Division under the Artificial Intelligience and Robotics subdivision. Though he found solace in his scientific career, the machinations he developed were just as cold as his usual deadened stare.He wanted to see things run forever, independent of anything else.Though they could theoreticaly keep functioning for a indefinite amount of time, they lacked any sentience to adapt to any situations the future could bring.

    Then, he met James. James Lots worked for the biological research division and needed an expert in robotic technology to keep his creations living. At the same time, Torm had found his solution to his machines\' inability to adapt. Together the two formed \"Project Cerberus\", and in secret began to experiment on combinationsof intelligent life and machine. Their project drew supplies from the Eternian scientific community, and began to draw attention. The two began preforming reckless experiments, and became obsessed over their work; they never imagined what consequenses could hinder them. Eventually, it became known that James and Aldus had been experimenting on other human beings, and using banned substances. The military police barged into their labs and the two were detained without a seeing a court session. But already planning to escape, their journey was far from over...

    Plans once your in the server: To be able to continue the collaborative research between Professor James and Torm unhindered and without disturbance.

    Other: Eternia
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Character Name: Professor_Lots

    Age: 47

    Personality: Narcissistic, Seclusive, Driven by Scientific work, Unsympathetic, Critical Mind

    James Lots grew up in the upper class city of Zarkiye on planet Carzan. He would consider himself well raised and very content as a child, except for one thing. Nothing bothered him more than the inefficiency of the human race. All though school he persued a scientific career, hoping to have his ideas noticed by others. Eventually, James had his hard work pay off and he was approached by the Eternian biological research division. Throughout his reaseach though, he could not stand the limitations of slow-evolving life. All of James\' living creations would only last a short amount of time before ceasing to function.

    For a solution to his problem, he looked to his friend, Aldus Torm. Aldus worked with robotics and AI, which was exactly what James needed. A systematic way to repair biomass and allow a living being to survive, and thrive, for as long as needed. Together the two formed \"Project Cerberus\", and in secret began to experiment on combinations of intelligent life and machine. Their project drew supplies from the Eternian scientific community, and began to draw attention. The two began preforming reckless experiments, and became obsessed over their work; they never imagined what consequenses could hinder them. Eventually, it became known that James and Aldus had been experimenting on other human beings, and using banned substances. The military police barged into their labs and the two were detained without a seeing a court session. But already planning to escape, their journey was far from over...

    Plans once your in the server:
    My colleague and I plan on seeking out a place where we can continue our research in unoccupied space where we can work on Project Cerberus unhindered by any outsiders

    Other: Eternia
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Not currently on my own laptop so I cannot accept or deny any applications as of yet, but I promise to accept them tonight.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
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    Evolution what like to offer you sanction in our own space where you may continue work on your projects and start new research. Although hired and payed for by Eternia we do not follow their laws, and they cannot force us to do some things.

    -Evolution Admiral, Dendrake
    Jun 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I accidentally missed some details in my first application then posted a fixed version but I didn\'t receive a reply to that one, do I need to add anything else to it? Thanks.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    The builder in me needs to ask; dimensions pleas?!?!?! I beg you!! I must know!!