[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Seems good. However the age is your character age. Limit 18-50.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    You need to read the rules, there\'s something you\'ve missed.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    The personality is meant to be your character\'s. Unless your character likes to RP drunk pirates...
    Jun 3, 2013
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    Age: 32

    Personality: Funny, Competetive,Greedy.

    Bio: Cpt Rummy Arkaral was once a notorious pirate feared throught the sectors...now he\'s a homeless drunk left for dead by his own crew in a rusty escape pod, Rummy swore to himself that he will rebuild his empire and hunt down those who betrayed him. Recently Rummy found himself in luck when he came across an abandonded freighter filled to the brim with armor plating and ship systems then with his own hands he forged a mighty vessel to seek out those who would join him on his journey or atleast those who would pay him.

    Plans once your in the server: Join a band of rogues or mercenary work, whatever makes the most profit.

    Other: Eternia
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Sorry everyone for disapearing for awhile there, I went boating yesterday (wakeboarding, wake surfing, etc.) and when I got home I got really sick and I was not able to get on my computer.
    Jul 16, 2013
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    Name: Don_Quixote

    Age: 50

    Personality: Intelligent, Slightly Crazy, and Ambitious.

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): Don Quixote was born to a simple family. They were the some of the first colonal settlers of a new planet, in one of the far quadrants of space. This, coupled with the economic stress of the trip, meant that Don was not born to a lucky life, or even a slighlty easy one. From day one he worked with this mother and father, toiling in the dirt and mud, mining for minerals and other valuable materals. However, as life dragged on for Don, he knew he was not destined to live there forever. He abanoned his family on night, and set out to make a name for himself. This was a tragic falure. After being rejected from the Millitary because of his breif mental breakdowns, Don attended schooling. Allthough he learned much from his time there, he knew that he needed to step out on his own. After his education had fininshed, he decided to become an explorer himself, and began to work to gain enough funds to purchase his own ship. After countless hours of labour, he saved up enough to buy his own ship. Armed with knowledge, and ambitious dreams, Don plans to set out to change the universe......perhaps.....if he makes it past the atmosphere.

    Plans once your in the server: Don plans to explore, to be dashing, and above all, not fail. He might even join a group, if his knowledge is needed.

    Other: Eternia, what a wonderful phrase!

    Eternia, ain\'t no passing craze!

    It means no law, and the military is in array!

    It\'s our oxygen free, space odessy!

    Jun 22, 2013
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    Space odessy? Anyway your application is approved once the server is stable again use the IP on the main post.
    Jul 16, 2013
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    Well, you are supposed to sing it like the Hakuna Matata song.

    Perhaps this makes it a bit easer to read.

    Eternia, what a wonderful phrase!

    Eternia, ain\'t no passing craze!

    It means no law, and the military is in array!

    It\'s our oxygen free,

    Space odessy!

    Jun 25, 2013
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    We got some good donations and the server should be up soon, as in today or tomorrow. We were just eager to get the server started and tried starting it way too early, I feel that if people had been more patient instead of begging for the server to be up sooner we might have been able to move past these issues.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Don\'t think nothing is happening work is being done, this is something that needs to be done at the start before we really take off. In hind sight it may have been better to consider this all happening before launch day still nothing changes once we get the server online we should all be fine for a good while provided we can get the server payed.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Character Name: Zohnar

    Age: 46

    Personality: Eccentric, Intelligent, Comedic, Friendly, Fair, Honorable

    Bio: Grew up in space stations and has always been on the move. One day around the age of 20 he was captured by Eternia and imprisoned on Hail. He spent years in there for a simple crime of trading without a license. Having spent most his life in the ship has caused a great distaste for Eternia and as of the destruction of the ship has vowed to get back at those.

    Loves spending time on planets but loves space walks all the more. Enjoys collecting plants to make his ships interior look nicer. Before becoming a trader he used to design ships ment for short range but has always dreamed of designing a much larger ship.

    Plans once your in the server: To get back at Eternia through skirmishes and stealing of assets. Wants to raise an army and develop sovereign space and construct a massive dread sized colony ship ment to house those who wish to escape Eternia.

    Other: Eternia...MUST FALL!
    Jul 16, 2013
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    Character name: Scourge

    Age: 23

    Personality: mute, serious, fierce and daring.

    Bio: Born on the planet Terra 9, raised in a normal home. Had a younger sister named Jasmine, mother named Telsa and farther named Rolan. My name was Rose. Everything was normal. Was. The Eternian war was pushing ever closer to the Terra sector. We were told that the passing war woudn\'t bother us, see the Terra sector is a free sector, no one has a side in the war. We are peaceful and try not to make trouble. The rebels and eternians know of our peaceful ways so leave us alone. The Terra sector, despite the name, is a place of paradise. The gunfire of the war in the stars was heard many days of the week. One day a fighter rocketed out of the sky and crashed in a glorious blaze in a nearby town. Screams echoed once across the planet and all else was silenced, as if the planet was holding it\'s breath. Three deadly quiet minuets passed, then a deafening roar filled the air and many large ships decesended upon the Terra planets. A ship landed heavily nearby, making the ground rumble beneath my feet. Men and women in white uniforms, left the ship and the large cargo doors at the back opened. I had no clue what was going on. Then I heard shouts and screams as the people of my town were forced out of their homes towards the ship. A man in a red suit, outfitted with shining siliver armour, marched towards our house and shouted at us to leave. My parents left imeadiatly, I was a little more hesitant, but my sister was rooted to the spot. I called for her but my words were drowned by the harsh shouts of the man in red and white. She took a step back, clutching her favourite teddy dearly. Muttering under his breath, he raised his pistol and the bullet pierced her skull. A thin trickle of crimson ran down her nose and she fell to the ground limply. I cried and was about to rush to her motionless body when my mother pulled me away. I fought her grasp but knew my attempts were futile. We boarded the ship. It was packed with the people of the planet, all frightened and upset.

    I remeber little of the next several years where we were forced into the Eternians army, to train as soldiers for the great war. I never saw my parents after the boarding, they split us into gender and age groups. After tweleve years training in the cruel, unforgiving academy, I was set to work as a soldier. I proved myself as a great fighter and rised in the ranks, getting to fight in bigger and more powerful ships. One day I was set to be the gunner for a medium sized fighter, the pilot was the man in red and white. We were ambushed and the ship went spiraling out of control. He climbed out of his cockpit and was about to jump out to saftey, then he looked at me, stared at me. I was trapped. He could\'ve easily have rescued me but I saw the look in his eyes and I will never forget that moment when he could\'ve saved me but saved himself instead. I crashed on a distant planet, only just about alive. The rebels found me, tortured me and forced me into fighting for them. Later I had found out that my parents didn\'t survive the training, that confirmed my hatred for the Eternians. I became fiercer and feared. My name changed to something that would strike fear into my enemies hearts, Scourge. The Scourge Of Eternal Death. I finally got my revenge in a dog fight with the man in red and white. Fighting is all I know now, and that the Eternians cover their evil with a cloak of false beauty. But all I can say is that both sides are evil but the Eternians more so.

    Plans: To learn how to play and to fight with the rebels as a stealthy fighter. To earn my place as a loyal warrior and to abide by the laws of the server.
    May 26, 2013
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    Application (You will be sent the IP. Keep in mind, if you leak the IP, it will be changed and you and anyone you told will be banned. This is for pre-whitelist status. Server is not currently ready for players, as it\'s under construction.)

    Character Name: Revan

    Age: 31

    Personality: Smuggler/Miner

    Bio: before Eternia formed their empire, Revan was a space miner in his 20s he sold all sorts of scrap he could find in asteroids and unsettled planets. he settled in one of the colonies in his 25s, got married and had a daughter. when the Eternia Corporation took over, pirates attacked his colony in the planet of Orion-, in the attack, the pirates took his wife and daughter and left him to die in his burning bunker which exploded. he survived miraculously, only to see his wife and daughter dead outside, who knows what they did to them. he then heard about the eternia takeover, so he began smuggling rare minerals that the empire was collecting around the systems.

    Plans once your in the server: build factories.

    Other: Eternia