[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 27, 2013
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    Will give it another 10 mins then give up and turn pc off if server not up :(
    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    Neroneala I will still give you those parts if your on and server ever comes back up
    Jul 12, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Character Name: Modar

    Age: 21

    Personality: obedient servant, who wants to discover the true self and become someone he would never expect to be

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): My life was rather peacefull and quiet, i was working in the cenomite mine as the operator of laser digger. I had wife and 2 children, we were living in small house on the one of moons of achosyx planet. Everything was going smoothly ... until the accident at the mine. I barely survived explosion when one of the cargo ships that was taking the ores lost control of the engines and crushed in to the cargo bay. Explosion destroyed gravity generators and all of workers were dropped out in to the space. My whole life was running before my eyes as my oxygen tank was slowly emptying. After many hours i finally lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen...
    That was the last time i remember myself a human. What happened after that will forever be a mystery, but for now i have a mission. After that i wake up in the prison cell aboard Hail. I dont know how i get there but my stay wasn\'t long. The strange half human half robot person called Fifler payed ransom for me. He\'s only wish was to help him with the creations that he made.

    Plans once your in the server: I live to serve my master Fifler

    Other:Eternia, (Fifler is my friend in real life, and we are going to play together)
    Jul 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Lone\'s wreck slowly drifted, with a minor ammount of spin on it, red lights flashed and sirens blared as Lone tried to repair some of the systems of his ship. no shields, no communications, no weapons, no thrust, and worst of all, no air its only a short ammount of time before air runs out and noone knows how long it might be before someone might stumble upon his ship or worse, the eternia military. he pulled out his only working weapon, an old 9mm glock 17, now it was an anchent weapon compaired to the laser weapons others carried, but he always perfered a goold old slugthrower, the sound also struck fear into the hearts of some enemies. he dropped out the magazine and looked at the side, full 17 rounds, then he pulled the slide back slightly to reveal the brass shellcasing, no matter what came, he would be ready...
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    Character Name: Starspawn

    Age: 330 years internal clock, it traveled to the system at relativistic speeds, so outside it is much older

    Personality: both fearful and welcoming of strangers, it pretends that it is human in order to attempt to make people more comfortable around it, of course, this often does not work as planned

    Bio: We are together, a fractal conciousness uploaded by another culture into a tiny ship sent into space to explore the cosmos, we have an indefinite number of crewmembers in our mind our boundries are abstract as we are data running in parrelel, our paths before we joined are many, some of us were artists, others of us were explorers, two of us were military. our memories have been trading between ourselves, we have experienced eachothers lives and now have arrived at our destination to explore. Eternian forces however, have annoyed us, we should talk to them politely to make them stop aggressive action against

    Plans once your in the server: exploration, socialization, building a dyson sphere(I wish), building a large computational structure to act as a starship

    Other: Eternia


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    Looks like we killed it on day 1. >.>
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Well I got no idea what\'s going on, I can\'t get to anyone else on this, so... guess just sit tight and imagine that things are working.
    Jul 13, 2013
    Reaction score
    Character name: 6of10

    Age: Unknown

    Bio: 6of10 is a rogue borg that was kicked out of the hive mind, hundreds of sectors away from Eternia. Though they have never been in range of each other, the Borg have become increasingly aware of the Eternia millitary, and have been planing to overthrow it. 6of10 still beleves he\'s part of the system, hearing fake commands in his head. His orriginal species was not of the starmade universe, but from far far away, he was the last of his kind.

    Plans once on server: Plans to find his true purpose, starts out as an enemy but is subject to \"reprograming\", seperating the machine mind from his soul. (Mainly, find Eternia and join it.)

    Extra note: Depending apon who finds him first,6of10 can be turned to join any side, including Eternia. Furthermore, if he joins the rebels, he can be a serious threat to Eternia, for through him, in his glitched state, they can access the data of the borg, and have an infinate (almost) army at their disposal. This goes as well for Eternia.

    other: Eternia
    Jul 13, 2013
    Reaction score
    when will the server be up?

    Also, am i in? I had to edit my application like, a billion times.
    Jul 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    So any word on what\'s going happening or when the server will be up?