[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Sorry for the wait, after that age fix you are good, and will recive the IP when the server goes live.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Fixed your problem, right you are approved and will recive the IP once the server goes live.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Your application looks fine, you will recive the IP once the server goes live.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hmm, I want to say your application is good, its just I\'m not sure about one part. If you read the rules you know what part I\'m talking about.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Personality is not something I\'m too strict about, so that being said everything else looks fine. You are approved and will recive the IP once we go live.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    This looks fine, you are approved and will recive the IP once the server goes live.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Your application passes, you are approved and will recive the IP once the server goes live.
    Jul 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    Name: Ijoreangrey

    Age: 17 Personality: Secluded, Helpfull, (This is something you should find out IC, not in an application. But what ever.)

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): A man born and raised on Mars, growing up he constantly learned about many ways to harvest, and refine the many elements found on a planet, and on asteroids. Upon hitting the age of 20, he proceded to use this knowladge to create a buisness dedicated to the mining and processing of raw materials for money. At the age of 25 he managed to work out a contract for an area in the astroid belt. But during his in system hyper jump, a malfunction occured, sending him and his ship out of the system, into some unknown system many lightyears away.

    Plans once your in the server:

    Mine astroids for ore, process the ore with factories, selling either the ore or the products to the shops. Also if able to, i would like to set up a manufactoring colony/space station.


    Uhh yea, Bio may stink beacuse thats stuff you should find out ICly, and not via an application. Seriously its metagame to take this Application ICly but what ever.

    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Screen Name: E_X_O_D_U_S

    Age: Doesn\'t really apply. OLD.

    Personality: Calculating, yet naturally inquisitive. This is a being that thirsts for knowledge beyond it\'s surroundings as it\'s primary goal, and most preciously any knowledge of normal, civilized life.

    Biography: Many years ago, a government project was started to create a self-propegating supercomputer. This device would use sub-light travel over millions of years to enter nearby galaxies. Once inside, it would replicate, produce more of it\'s kind, and continue, leaving behind the framework of civilization for it\'s creators.

    The project was an utter failure. Despite all their success in creating a self-replicating machine-entity, they could not produce a machine-mind capable of still functioning properly in the mind-bogglingly huge possibilities of space and interstellar travel. Pure logic was unable to trawl through the trillions upon trillions of data points to make something usable. And so, for a time, they gave up.

    That all changed when their sun began to wax red, expanding further and further towards their planet. They became desperate, but despite the efforts of all their people it was shown time and time again that logic would not suffice. And so, they committed to them what was an irreperably evil crime, only barely overshadowed by their extinction. They took one of their own, and fused him into the computer, blending those data points into a seamless picture, to be picked apart in an illogical mind; and in doing so, shattered his mind forever.

    But forever is such a short time in space. After the launch, this particular specimen of the E.X.O.D.U.S. project has had over a million years to pick up the pieces and rebuild his consciousness, his personality, his soul.

    Or what was left of it.

    ((So, yeah. I decided to do something REALLY different, but I fell too in love with this idea to do anything else. I hope you appreciate my new contribution more than the original; I know I like it much better.))

    Plans: It will probably be hard to find a faction suiting my goals; if feasible, I might form a faction of other machine-minds from lands afar, waking up from the madness brought upon them, if people like the idea.

    Other: Is Eternia a red herring?
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    So, I\'ve heavily modified my application (#174, I think.) in a way I think is much better overall, if different than the norm. I figured I should re-submit it for approval, in case you consider these modifications unacceptable. I will understand if that\'s the case, even though I would very much prefer that it was not.
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Character Name: Noah_Alzak

    Age: 24

    Personality: Cool and collected under stress, smart and resourceful yet withdrawn and untrusting of those he does not know.

    Bio: Born into a pirating family in the early stages of space exploration, Noah grew up in the dark reaches of space. At age 10, he watched as his family was torn apart by the Eternia Empire in a campaign to crackdown on pirates and smugglers. Forced into a mining colony on the asteroid Beta Ceti 9, he became well acquainted with the empire\'s tyranny and injustice. Helplessly he watched as his younger sister Catherine wasted away, her already frail body atrophying to the point where she could no longer support herself. It took almost 2 years but, inevitably, she passed away. This loss was more than he could withstand and he retreated within himself, hardening his heart. He became cold and ruthless, savagely defeating any opponents in the brawls that were commonplace amongst the labor camps.

    After serving 5 years in the labor camps, Noah was forcefully drafted to the Eternia Military. He underwent grueling mental and physical training designed to break him before reassembling him as the ideal soldier; a soldier with neither compassion nor mercy, a well-oiled killing machine. Starting as an ODST, Noah quickly climbed the rankings eventually piloting a Fighter-class ship in several missions deemed too dangerous for ordinary forces.

    Disaster struck though, during his 4th mission. He was the commanding officer of a 5 unit squadron assigned with the scouting of a suspected rebel hideout. Issued exclusively Fighter-class ships, his forces were no match for the Briggadier-class ship patrolling the planets orbit. One by one his forces fell until finally Noah was the last one left. His shields faltering, he made the choice to ram his ship into the Briggadier. Ejecting right before the collision, he was blown clear of the resulting explosion but was then captured by the damaged, yet still-functioning, ship.

    Kept detained by the growing rebel faction, Noah suffered day in and day out, eventually overriding the Empires programming. Growing well acquainted with the rebels own brand of atrocities, he came to the realization that whichever side may win, neither side was guilt free. The victor would apply its own brand of justice and excuse its own actions while condemning the others. This particular line of thinking prevented him from rejoining the Eternia Military when the rebel base was shelled from orbit and then flooded with Eternian troops. It also landed him a one way ticket to Hail where he celebrated his 24th birthday with a 20 person brawl and a shank in his side.

    Plans: Carve out a living performing missions for either side but most likely avoiding choosing a side to be on until one can prove itself to be the best choice. Possible bounty hunting and smuggling/transportation of forces.

    Other: Eternia

    ((PS Was the Bio a little overkill or no?))
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Once an application is approved it is always approved. When it comes to a bio I use it as a gauge to how creative the writer is and if he/she can follow the lore that has been already established. This is not a standard RP where we need to write out our actions, we will get to play them out. So when it comes to a bio feel free to change it as much as you want, of course do as you did and tell us when you do so.
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    Character Name: Exio


    Personality: Quite unless I see you as a friend.

    Bio (MY CHARACTER): I\'m the kind of guy that kills for the fun of doing it. If I\'m fond of you I Might take a bullet for you, other than that stay out of my way. I was left on some planet where I was taken care of by two natives. My step father was a cut throat pirate and my step mother was killed when the Eternia military took over the planet. Thats how I ended up hating Eternia and became a mercinary that would happily take the side of Eternia\'s enemies.

    Plans once your in the server: Find an Eternia hating faction that will take me, and kill them men im told to.

    Other: Eternia must fall!
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Age: 18

    Character name: Melonking, aka the gray fox

    Personality: humble, mysterius, quiet and aggresive in fights

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):

    3 years ago i worked at a pirate station, it was a nice place with a loot of booze and women. one day when i was working on my ship The Gray Fox, the Eternia military attacked us. everyone panicked, me and ther others was working on their ships acted fast. We got into our ships and tried to hold them off so the women and others, that was not capable of fighting could escape. it was no use, they had us surrounded, the ships that tried to escape got blown up. the only survivors was us that tried to hold em off, we stopped fighting and surrended our self.

    i dont know what happend to the other that surived. but for me, they put me in a small chell it was just enough room for me in it.it wasnt so bad, they keeped me feed 2 meals a day and a glass of water now and then. after been sitting in that chell for gods know how long, a man in a black robe opend the door. he said i should follow him if i wanted my freedom back. the man, for some reason managed to escort me to a ship and said this is your ship now. as i walked into the ship, the man said to me: fly, fly far away from here and never look back becasue they will be looking for you. i flew of the station and into the darkness of space, and i never looked back. i activated my autopilot, so i could walk around in my ship to look at it. turns out it is a transport ship, and i thought to myself: i could proably get some jobs with this ship. so now i work as an cargo transporter and bounty hunter.

    Plans once your in the server: i plan to do transportation jobs, getting cargo or passangers from A to B safely

    Other: one day i will go after the etenria military, and when that day comes they are the ones that should run.
    Jul 7, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Age: 30

    Character name: Captain_Solo

    Pesonality: ambitious, diligent, patient,...

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): I was a farmer on a small planet. As a small boy i ran away from the planet and became a mercenary. I fought against pirates and as a bounty hunter. As the years passed I became better and more popular. One day I got a call to fight for Etenia. I took the job and became a soldier. After one year contract has expired but I liked the work and I decided to stay.

    Plans once your in the server:Make a big ship and fight for Eternia.

    Other: Long live Eternia, death to rebels!!