[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Personality:Fuled by ambition and progress.

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):Industry and optimism,two things I do kindly use with a side order of intrest.From a dirt planet to the stars,always was there to make a profit,both on the good of others..and misery of many,and some things that may or may not be legal.HOWEVER now with the credits in hand,a new kind of merchant and service enters the long streching void.

    Plans once your in the server: 1:Use a basic mineing ship,get ores.

    2:Build a better mineing ship with said money from ores.

    3:After a while,buy a station and form a service to repair and make ships,one with a interesting way to go about repairing.

    4:Be a service to my clansmates.

    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I know people would disagree but the beta session was good today, I enjoyed it.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this):Zase


    Personality:Stubborn, sucluded

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):Zase was born into a loving but wretchedly poor family, who never had the chance to pay thier bills and debts off. They move from town to town constantly never able to remember the names of, he never saw a rest in sight or break to relax, all zase has know is to not stop. Zase\'s Father was always stealing from pirates and robbing stores to give his family some form of living, Zase\'s mother is hardely ever around the only time the two spend is the long hours while traveling together. despite this they always never seemed to give up or quit on life which was a huge factor for Zase as a child. As the years passed and Zase picked up on how to steal and get away with it, learned of other family far off who had it much better then them, and how they refused to help. He learned cunning moves to stay hidden in plain sight, and how to hijake small simple spacecraft. those where the glory years in Zase\'s eyes. When he became a young adult and some how in a miraclus feat he found a stable job in which he decided to stay, but alas his parents could not his father has stolen a spacecraft and has decide him and Zase\'s mother to fly away from the small astriod plant seamingly close to planet victus. That is when they split both ways. Years later of constant endurement of economic crashes, thefts, and jail time, Zase lost his Job during the worst economic time his town has ever seen. being forced out of his home he left in serch of work coming across small pirate bands that offered him Jobs he could\'nt refuse. He eventully turned into the everyday common criminal never being seen and never Caught. Untill not your averge small pirate group aproched him. knewing who Zase was the leader asked if he need work, Said it was a Small mission he accepted, which interned changed his life forever. he was not informed of what the mission was untill they where on a small vessel headed to a much seemingly huge ship in the outer atmosphere when they left Zase asked what the Small Mission was the small group leader he asked him join replyed they where going to raid Planet Victus Under control of the home of Eternia Empire. Zase Imidantly said he could\'nt do such a thing, but it was to late the ship had begun launching SB-BB missle and antimatter cannons at the planet and almost in an instant the Empire disabled the ship and arrested Zase and the Pirate crew they were put upon the closest Prison ship to planet victus at the time Hail.

    Plans once your in the server: Escape Hail, Find Zase\'s Parents, Find Zase\'s other Family, and seek vengence on those pirates who got him arrested.

    Other: I absolutly love to build and will be a perfectionest when I do Build.

    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    Character Name: Exio


    Personality: Quite unless I see you as a friend.

    Bio (MY CHARACTER): I\'m the kind of guy that kills for the fun of doing it. If I\'m fond of you I Might take a bullet for you, other than that stay out of my way. I was left on some planet where I was taken care of by two natives. My step father was a cut throat pirate and my step mother was killed when the Eternia military took over the planet. Thats how I ended up hating Eternia and became a mercinary that would happily take the side of Eternia\'s enemies.

    Plans once your in the server: Find an Eternia hating faction that will take me, and kill them men im told to.

    Other: Eternia must fall!
    Jun 22, 2013
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    One thing I would suggest is changiny your bio a bit to follow the lore better, its the first few paragraphs on the main post.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Looks good, you are approved and will be sent the IP once the server goes live.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    We recently made a new rule about ages, chatacter ages much be between 18-50, this is to prevent any ood ages.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Sounds like you would be perfect for Evolution. Though we aren\'t exactly Eternia hating I am sure you would fight right in: http://star-made.org/content/evolution-professional-bounty-hunters-i-private-server
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Bah don\'t you have enough people already. for some bounty hunters you got more men then an empire.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    :P Can never have too many people, I think we are the biggest faction in Starmade atm haha.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    In light of low recruitment numbers I will start actively recruiting for the Ryzan Empire.

    We strike out against Eternia and all their machines of war. We fight together as brother and sisters in arms, where we will face the enemy for the greater good of the nation. All are needed, all have use within the Ryzan, builders, fighters, and merchents alike are valued. We may be cruel at times, this is true but, necessary in order to overcome the hardships imposed upon us by the Eternia overlords. If you wish to see this future, an Eternia-less future then join us, together we shall provail!

    Glory or Death! Edit: Oops forgot the link http://star-made.org/content/ryzan-empire-eterniarp
    Jun 27, 2013
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    IGN: Jericoz

    Age: 35

    Personality: Quiet, wary, but loyal and dedicated if you earn his friendship.


    Grew up on a industrial planet, a member of the ruling elite with close connections to Eternia.

    A dark horse from the start who would not tow the family line of oppression and so diverted funds to build his own ship to get off planet.

    His ultimate goal was to join a faction and eventually come back and liberate his people from his families fleet.

    He is now in his mid thirties, heavily muscled after coming from a high g world, bald with a stern expression which hides the calm in his heart and his compassion for his fellow man. His father used his connections in the Eternia military and had Jericoz arrested for murder, (False accusation).

    After spending many years in prisons and after many escape attempts he is being shipped aboard the Hail to be put to death, his father is said to have signed the order personally.

    Slow to make friends but once he has will never let them down or see them hurt.

    His word is his oath.

    Plans: Team up with a faction and build, explore, defend the weak and eventually become strong enough with allies to reclaim my home world and over throw my fathers dynasty.

    ((More background to come.))

    Other: Eternia server
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Character Name (keep in mind, your screen name needs to be this): iTzzGhutix

    Age: 24

    Personality: driven mad, coward, unreasonable and charismatic.

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):

    After he escaped the prison he knew that there was only one thing he wanted, vengeance. He was married to Jannet, a beautiful but modest woman. Jannet, his son and a small mine were all he had and they took it all. First they started small, by situating a few soldiers at their mine, but it quickly became obvious that they weren\'t there to make friends... They came to his house started teiring everything apart.

    There was no stopping them. After he tried to defend his son and wife, they got brutally murdered.

    He tried to hide and run from the soldiers, but they were just laughing and chasing him like he was some sort of animal. He wanted to fight back, his inner man shooted at him to not be a pussy and stand his ground.

    He finally arrived at his mine, he looked at it and he knew instantly that his only way to survive was to try and hide in one of the deeper caverns. Hurt from his struggle against the military he fled into mine almost stumbling over a rock. The mine is about 200m deep. He hid in a small hole in the side of a wall. He waited, waited and waited until he was sure they were gone.

    He went out of his mine and to his surprise the soldiers were still there, before he knew it he was captured and send to prison.

    Plans once your in the server: Join the evolution, be a bounty hunter. Help out fellow evolutionaries.

    Other: Eternia
    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    You know, Ghutix, I don\'t know if this was a mistake or not, but I rather like the sound of calling the revolution the Evolution.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this): Tom Carling

    Age: 18

    Personality: Funny, Smart, Kind, Modest, Caring and Brave.

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): I was born in the heart of the capital city of Victus. My father was a space engineer for the company Eternia. He loved his work and was as proud of his creation as anyone could be. But then Eternia got government funding, they started telling my father to make weapons. At first he as excited, but after he created their most prized weapon the Juggernaught, he realised that his work was for evil and was killing millions of people. Whole nations at a time. So he decided that we would leave Victus and live in space and maybe buy an apartment in a spacestation. However when he arrived home and we were just leaving they were their. They were hiding in the shadows, lurking around rhe corners. Suddenly one of them came out and decapitated my father\'s head right in front of me. I stood their, speechless. I ran at them and started punching them as hard as I could, but they just shrugged me aside. From that moment on I swore that I would not rest till they had paid for their crimes. Apparently he had been telling the rebels about weaknesses in their ships. So I headed off to find the rebels and joi their ranks.

    I proved to be a skilled fighter very early on and was promoted to the elite rebel fighter squad, Evolution. Now I will make them pay for the loss of my father and my only relitive since my mother had died when I was 5 from a rouge astroid. I will not be happy until the head of the CO of Eternia is on a stick.

    Plans once your in the server: Join up with my faction mates in Evolution and start my journey to defeat Eternia.

    Other: Death To Eternia


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    Age: 22

    Personality: Noble, weak-willed, angry, quiet, loner

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): I grew up with my mother. She was extraordinarily hard-working and intelligent, managing to secure a position as a reputable computer scientist. Myself, I was always more quiet and not particularly notable in any way, save for my habit of avoiding other people and having a speech impediment at a young age (which was remedied by extensive speech therapy and ear surgery). During school, I would never pay any real attention to the teachers - but I never really had to. Natural talent for the sciences and languages assisted me greatly as I grew, never once having to genuinely study those subjects. Bullies were a problem, despite being successful in all other areas of education. I was completely unable to handle them in any way, resulting in a further aversion to public spaces.

    As I grew older, I grew larger, reaching 6\'0\" and 280 lbs. by 17. Nobody bothered me at that point, leaving me no reason to learn to handle unpleasant encounters. I continued learning, and went on to university at 20 - where everything fell apart. Grades dropped below my expectations, so I started to completely avoid my classes (resulting in my grades completely crashing).

    One night, a friend of mine invited me over for a small get-together and LAN party on a game of Starforce 28000, and I accepted. On our way to our destination, his pathetic and frail ship was attacked by a pirate. A single AM round went clean through the cockpit, killing him instantly as I lay in my bunk, and outright terrifying the hell out of me. Oxygen started escaping from the ship and I felt myself slipping away, despite the adrenaline that had flooded my body. I managed to cling to the very edge of consciousness for several minutes when the door opened, and the pirate stepped inside to search for cargo. He took a single look at me and assumed that I was already dead for lack of motion, then enabled the PlexDoor that would seal the ship off from the demolished cockpit.

    I opened my eyes and saw him standing there, rummaging through our belongings, checking the ship to see if it would be worth selling to a scrap dealer. While his back was turned, I lifted off the covers and dashed into his ship, slamming the blast doors behind me and taking command of his Isanth-IV before thrusting away and getting my revenge with several shots through my friend\'s ship\'s hull.

    I left for the fringes of society in the borders of the known universe, where I spent my money on booze and was forced to sell the pirate ship to handle the bar tabs. I\'ve been sitting here at this shop ever since, doing odd jobs while waiting for my bank account to make a return.

    My goal is to eliminate all threats to my high standards of conduct. Pirates, unethical mercenaries, slavers, jerks, religious extremists, and others are offensive to me simply by existing, and as such, I will take any chance to eliminate them that I get.

    Plans once your in the server: Join the Evolution, as a recruiting officer has contacted me and offered me a job. Looks like being a penniless socialist helped me get a job! After all, nobody would miss me if I were to be killed on the job. Good chance to knock off pirates, too.

    Other: Eternia
    Jul 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Character Name: Palle

    Age: 17

    Personality: Fun, Competitive person, Creative

    Bio: Palle was abandoneden from his father when he was nearly 8 years old, nobody knew why he did it, but the rumors sound like he was dedicating his life to Eternia. Palle lived alone in 9 years, harvesting and got some easy mercenary jobs to get food and built on his little spaceship. Everyone knew he was a born mercenary. One day Palle will go against Eternia because they stole his father. One day...

    Plans once your in the server: Begin my journey as a mercenary and earn money to build a good enough ship to go against Eternia

    Other: “...And you, you better run because i\'m going to destroy you for what you\'ve taken from me.”