[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Character Name: Sol Agrani

    Age: 18

    Personality: Happy, mostly quiet ,brave

    Bio: Born on a little space station in the outer sectors nothing is really known about him and noone seems to care, the only thing sombody once said is that he is a brave crew member who isnt talking a lot.

    Plans once your in the server: To find a faction wich I can fight for.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Ok then, you are approved and will recive the IP when the server goes live. However I would recrommend that you change your name, its for your character not your username.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Also your character age needs to be between ages 18-50, this is to prevent any odd ages.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Evolution is our Bounty Hunter faction. Sorry but if you take this name then we will take it as an insult in roleplay and probably end up destroying you.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Ummmm TC.... We are bounty hunters... You may need to change your bio man
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Slight change to my bio:

    I was born in the heart of the capital city of Victus. My father was a space engineer for the company Eternia. He loved his work and was as proud of his creation as anyone could be. But then Eternia got government funding, they started telling my father to make weapons. At first he as excited, but after he created their most prized weapon the Juggernaught, he realised that his work was for evil and was killing millions of people. Whole nations at a time. So he decided that we would leave Victus and live in space and maybe buy an apartment in a spacestation. However when he arrived home and we were just leaving they were their. They were hiding in the shadows, lurking around the corners. Suddenly one of them came out and decapitated my father\'s head right in front of me. I stood their, speechless. I ran at them and started punching them as hard as I could, but they just shrugged me aside. From that moment on I swore that I would not rest till they had paid for their crimes. Apparently he had been telling the rebels about weaknesses in their ships. Lost without my father, I stole a ship from the local space port and set a course for the wilderness of space.

    Tight for money, I was looking for a job. So I joined a group of Bounty Hunters called Evolution and that is my story so far.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    The Ryzan Thread has been updated.

    A section on the Interior and Religion of the nation has been added.

    An official application has been made so you can now join.

    Jul 5, 2013
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    A little Change in my Application

    Character Name: Palle

    Age: 23

    Personality: Vengeful, Creative, Tactical, Smart.

    Bio: Palle was abandonen from his father when he was nearly 8 years old, nobody knew why he did it, but the rumors sound like he was dedicating his life to Eternia. Palle lived alone in 9 years, harvesting and got some easy mercenary jobs to get food and built on his little spaceship. Everyone knew he was a born mercenary. One day Palle will go against Eternia because they stole his father. One day...

    Plans once your in the server: Going to be a mercenary, and follow my destiny-

    Other: “...And you, you better run because i\'m going to destroy you for what you\'ve taken from me.”
    Jul 5, 2013
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    Misunderstood 1 of the rules:) Gotta read it twice :)

    Character Name: Palle

    Age: 23

    Personality: Vengeful, Creative, Tactical, Smart.

    Bio: Palle was abandonen from his father when he was nearly 8 years old, nobody knew why he did it, but the rumors sound like he was dedicating his life to Eternia. Palle lived alone in 9 years, harvesting and got some easy mercenary jobs to get food and built on his little spaceship. Everyone knew he was a born mercenary. One day Palle will go against Eternia because they stole his father. One day...

    Plans once your in the server: Going to be a mercenary, and follow my destiny-

    Other: Death to Eternia !
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen

    Character Name: SolAgrani

    Age: 18

    Personality: Happy, mostly quiet ,brave

    Bio: Sol was found near death in an abanded pirate station a long time ago when he was a child. It was a merchant who found him and decided to raise him as he was a normal child. When he was old enough the merchant told him the story. This was when Sol decided to search for his family.

    In order to earn money for his own ship he decided to work as a mercanary. At his first job the merchant he was supposed to guard was atacked by a small group of pirates. Sol got injured in the fight and the merchant was killed.

    Four weeks have now passed and Sol is cured, but he is still optimistic to find his family.

    Plans once your in the server: To find a faction wich I can fight for and earn some money, preferably the rebels

    Other: Eternia