[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 24, 2013
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    Hope to get a pm sometime soon regarding the ip and such. Also don\'t get too many people on at once unless your sure the server can take it, been on a server which had 100 slots.. got to about 68 people and the server just lagged way too much for everyone, was too much for it to take.

    I take it the slow invite of accepted applications are because server still needs a few things done and you need to stress test the sever?
    Jun 22, 2013
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    I\'ll let you in on a little secret. When it comes to approving applications just for the whitelist all we look for is that the appliaction follows the rules, and the bio follows the lore.

    Now when we look for beta testers its more complex then that, we look at your bio mostly, what we want is one that has few errors in the writing to show that you are careful with your writing. One that shows creativity, since roleplaying is inherently about being creative. Intresting stories and intresting writing syles help to seperate your bio from others. A longer bio also helps your chances, as well as obvious maturity from the writer. Everyone\'s application is considered when we do this, if you do change your application tell someone, I don\'t make a habit of checking ones that I already looked at.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    personality:prefers to be hidden and like unknown, then strikes even bigger faction/ships


    live at: Xenon II

    mutated into a sort of alien when he was 12 like the rest of the Xenon I colony

    birthday: 4010

    My name is Emmanuel, i am the commander of the Grepa colonist of xeno II, the survivors of the japan destruction which happened when earth got destroyed by our growing sun at least, that\'s what my parent told me.

    I am a few galaxy away from my base because i sent myself to discover this galaxy with only that small Grepa-miner-0_2 ship and i wanted to see it myself.

    plan:colonizing over 3 planet, destroying 1 factions which has red as color,building 1 dreadnough, 4 battleships, 6 destroyer, 10 cruiser 10 frigate 15 fighter and have at least 4 people joining my faction(even though i kinda more need 10)

    other:we promise to be peacefull as we are mainly miner(and also that even our fighter kinda suck a bit at turning-_-)
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Well that is a pretty specific plan... Anyway you need to go back and reread the rules, also it might be best to also reread the server lore, your bio needs to follow the lore.


    Jul 4, 2013
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    Character Name: Orv

    Age: 38

    Personality: Cynic, easily amused.

    Bio: Everyone\'s innocent inside, right? So that must mean I am too. They convicted me of smuggling but that\'s hardly a crime in the grand scheme of things. A few spices here, a few guns there, just making a living. The fact that some of those guns got to the rebellion is a minor coincidence, nothing at all on my end. This empire is on the edge of tearing itself apart, and I mean to collect on my time served. Can\'t say whether the money will be useful if it all goes tits up, but a gun\'ll never go out of style.

    Plans once your in the server: Nose about, make some contacts, maybe get back into the old business.

    Other: You should really add a middle paragraph in the server lore, probably mostly about the rebellion/the Hail, because you jump right into both of those existing (or having existed) without an explanation.

    PS. Eternia
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Age: 21

    Personality: Methodical, Serious, Inventive & humourful

    Characters name:Franz polo

    Franz polo was awaken by a loud explosion, \"could it be another riot\"? No it can\'t be that explosion was too loud to be made from the chemicals that a prisoner can get there hands on. His deduction proven reality moments later by another explosion this time accompanied by the wailing of the atmospheric alarm. Crying out certain death to all onboard the penal spacestation Hail where the Eternian Empire sent it\'s most unsavory offenders. Atleast that\'s what they tell the public, in reality more then just criminals end up in Hail. As was Franz case, he was imprisoned for merely being a captian in the now outlawed Corp. Consortium.

    In a time just before The Eternian Empire took hold of the universe with the dreaded Juggernaught. The Consortium & Eternia stood toe to toe for the contract from military to help deal with the \"pirate problem\" that Eternia themselves at one point had paid off to attack rival Corporations to make their shipping services seem \"safer\" then other corporations. This plan however backfired when the pirates greed overwhelmed their senses & they began attacking Eternian cargo frigates.

    The door to Franz cell unlocked snapping him back into reality, An enemy fighter had apparently hit the station with a powersupply beam! Shorting the circuts to all the cell doors, Who on earth would stand up to the Eternian Empire? However these thoughts were quickly swept away with the jeers & shouts of the other prisoners vying for their freedom the prize & saviour of them all. The escape pods for the guards, not a single merciful eye was cast upon the hapless guards who would mercilessly beat & starve Hails denzians. Franz knew this to be a fact for even though he was an innocent man. He knew that to not be the case with his fellow escapists. Franz having dealt with a mutiny attempt before on one of his cargo runs knew exactly how to quell the enraged masses. Quickly he grabs a nearby guard being beaten, help me & I save your life Franz whispers. the guard noded, now do exactly as I say. Moments later the guards voice blares over the station wide loudspeaker \"The warden has enacted code endgame, I repeat endgame is now in effect\". The once boisterous wave of prisoners fell silent you could hear the creaking of the hull as it gaveway under the stress. Even the most ignorant of them knew what this news meant.

    Endgame is when a captian aboard a vessal that\'s either been stranded in deepspace or over run by the enemy locks the escapepods in place & begins a selfdestruct countdown. Dispair filled everyones eyes as they consigned themselves to death. Franz seized the opportunity he had been waiting for. He stepped forward using his most commanding voice \"We\'ve come too close my brothers to let this be the end of us The warden says we should die well I say we keep on living it takes a key to activate endgame we can steal it from him & turn it off\"! With a new sense of life in them they shouted & ran off to the wardens quarters. Now it\'s your turn Franz said turning to the guard I saved you now you save me. The guard noded & stuck his hand on a biometric scanner allowing the door to the pod bay to unlock. as they traveled in the pod together they remained silent each pondering the meaning of life.

    Suddenly the pod was caught in a docking beam the guard let out a sigh of relif with the anticipation of being rescued by his comrades. When the door fell open his countenance fell with it. The men on the otherside wore the symbol of The O.V.R. Old Victus Republic or Old Victus Rebals as The Eternia Empire calls them. a Small group of rebals made up of the remenants of the old Victus military & Consortium who stand against the Eternian Empire. Will you stand with us one of them asks, Whole heartedly franz replies!

    Ingame: I would attempt to build up the O.V.R. & help create the intricacies of the Roleplaying game storyline & help create good RvB faction development between the Eternian Empire & the O.V.R. to make it more fun! I would also help design & create Consortium & Victus Military Exclusive ships.

    Other: Eternia
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Well its not in the other section, but that\'s just nitpicking. Right you are good to go, once the server goes live you will be sent the IP.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    It is a bit too old for someone traveling in space, 50 is the limit we decided to set.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Pssssst... Read OTHER applications. They all have something in common for applications for ETERNIA. Its all in the rules.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    For anyone asking about the IP, you won\'t get it until the beta is over. I also doubt zam is accepting anymore beta participants so please stop asking.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    The fact of the matter is it\'s crap. It\'s really slow. I live in the countryside.

    Sometimes it\'s ok, sometimes not.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Is it possible that someone in charge can post a thread specifically for the ships [i.e. a listing of all current ships in the server\'s catalog (the ones that will be used as \"official\" Eternia/rebel ships)] and a listing of the ships that have yet to be built? With that, it might be possible to have the community post blueprints for the ships that the server needs. Just a thought, really; it would help speed things along as well. Also, it would simply be nice as reference before buying any particular ship (having pictures, that is).
    Jun 22, 2013
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    What I mean by ships I mean ship, to my knowledge the Juggernaught is the only unfishished one.