[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
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    Character Name: Luna_Hatashi

    Age: 18

    Personality: Usually very calm, sometimes sarcastic and other times just friendly, but has been known to change her mood rather quickly when threatening her or her friends

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):

    Well, Let\'s see. Where to begin where to begin. The girl is very resourceful, she was labeled a genius by her school and all of her classmates. this however didn\'t mean she was popular, or very well liked. She was always at the top of the class, getting the best grades, hanging out with the few people she considered friends. That was until the day the lot of her friends were beat up by kids who hated her.

    They left two in a coma and the third died of her injuries, leaving the girl traumatized. not too long after that, she came back into the school and left those who did that to her friends in coma\'s, permanently. She was taken into custody because her parent\'s weren\'t rebels, but free thinkers, and she was left alone a number of years prior, so they had to, no one was there to represent her in court.

    Despite being twelve at the time, they charged her like an adult, finding her in league with the rebels, which was an absolute lie. they threw her in with the rest of the worst of the worst in hail and were content to let the girl rot for SIX years until the event happened. in that time, she had put her brilliant mind to work, comming up with ship designs, ANYTHING that she could make when she got out to watch the world around her burn.

    Plans once your in the server: become a sort of ship manufacturer, and a general pain in the ass for Eternia

    Other: \"Eternia shall burn by my hands....\"
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    First off, remove currently unobtainable blocks from the recipe ingredients. I wasted 10000 antimatter cannons for a recipe that required 5 of SchemaDyne Advanced blocks.

    Second, the amount of blocks required to purchase a recipe is way too high IMO. I think 2000 or 1000 blocks would be the optimal amount.
    Jun 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    Name: mgmb

    Age: 15

    Personality: A man who keeps a close circle of friends and trusts very few others. He tries to have a back-up plan for everthing.

    Bio: Was fighting, until they comed, it was a surprise attack... our ship the executer was heavily damaged and my crew evaporated, my escape shuttle almost destroyed but something unusually happened I entered a worm hole and escaped but now that my shuttle is heavily damged I seek to create a name for myself..

    Plan: Construct my ship and recruit new crew, Cpt. mgmb at your orders!

    Other: Huh. Glory to Eternia.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    So...you post this on a thread for a server rather then making it an actual suggestion in the correct place, unless you expect us to change the server just for you.
    Jul 13, 2013
    Reaction score
    Server is 10x more laggy than usual, and there arn\'t many people, what\'s going on?!
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Don\'t forget to donate, guys! Server can\'t keep going on it\'s own forever. The server costs about $50 (US currency) a month. Check the topic for rewards! (You don\'t have to take the reward, if you\'d rather not.)
    Jul 16, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    hay can i join the server i am very good fixing and retrofitting old ships to give them a new life like making a cargo ship in to a destroyer stuff like that!
    Jul 16, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen

    like to make and retrofitting ship on this game.

    i know a lot of stuff on war will not take any thing that is not my from a fac.

    bio:the ship was all but gone after warping out of comebat my ship powe went down 2 days later came to a shop and was going make my life all over.

    other:like big ships!


    Jul 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this): Dar

    Age: 19

    Personality: Reserved, friendly

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): Abandoned, Dar never knew his parents or history. As long as he could remember, he was a reject. He stole food and credits to get by, and after 12 years of beatings and jail time, he finally had enough credits to buy a small spaceship. Keeping to himself and not taking and partners, Dar would sneak around space using stealth modules he stole from a shop. Unable to leave his thieving ways, Dar almost managed to steal a Destroyer right from under Eternia\'s nose, but he was discovered and arrested. After 4 months of imprisonment, Dar escaped during the destruction of Hail. Making his way to sector [2,2,2], Dar decided to start a new life with some parts and credits he had managed to salvage from a destroyed ship he had found on his way there.

    Plans once you\'re in the server: Fly around salvaging planets and stations to improve my ship. Start a small base and offer services to others for credits.

    Other: Eternia. Also, \"Plans once your in the server\" should replace \"your\" with \"you\'re\". You spelled \"Congratulations\" wrong in the donator sector.
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    You need proper grammar to RP and your character needs an age between 19 - 50 to prevent odd ages