Recent Shield Nerf


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Only problem with that is that with heavier firepower, we\'ve also always had to deal with lower firerates in exchange for a larger shell.

    As it stands, big guns are also always closer to machineguns than small ones are.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    If you have around 3 million shield capacity now, that means you\'ve got around 226,762 shield dispersers. If you\'re really concerned about fighters, put a whole bunch of missile launchers on your ship/station/whatever, and some powerful but fast-tracking turrets, and blast the frakkers out of space when they try to come for you.

    It\'s not like you should have any shortage of money if you can afford something that absurd. (Of course, if it was a ship, you were probably just or buying designs that were so overdesigned and overpowerful that they just cost MAX_INT...)
    May 6, 2013
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    I enjoy the new balance, as it forces ships to have more than just a thousand block cannon and huge piles of shields. Suddenly, ships have to watch their backs. Perhaps have turrets covering their blind spots, or use fighter escorts. Heck, this update completely adds validity to the escort fighter concept, since the (rather foolish) AI can at least be used to keep an enemy\'s shields down while you maneuver.

    I admit this is a question of what kind of game you want to be playing. If you want the pvp to be more Roll-playing style, you would want lots of stat-matching and building up to see who has spent the most time gathering ore or trading with the shops, quest game style, to get the biggest penis-shaped pile of total invulnerability.

    With the action game style, all ships would be equal. It wouldn\'t matter what kind of ship you made, but rather who shot first (call of duty style) and Lag would matter more than skill.

    What I truly hope for, and what I hope Schema is aiming for, is a game where every ship has its own valid roll, but that design and development effort will weigh heavily without being all-consuming. Where CLEVER fighter pilots with nerves of steel can pinpoint weaknesses in capital ships before they are pinned down and crushed by the more powerful vessels. Where teams and factions working together will gain an actual advantage over basement trolls with million-ton monstrosities. A game, in short, where people make SHIPS, not mere guns with engines and shields.

    TLDR: Build Ships Not Giant Shield Piles
    Jul 4, 2013
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    I would like to put my 2 cents worth in on this discussion. The previous sheild system allowed a ship of a relatively small size 280mass, 37m long, 18m wide, 14m high to be pretty much impervious to any amc, missile or disentegrator. So to say you had to have a huge ship to protect yourself from small fighters is not quite accurate. With 500 sheild dispersers plus the proper power regen and power storage any ship could take quite a lot of fire.

    As for what schema has come up with now, the same ship now is capable of taking only a minute or 2 of sustained fire before the sheilds fail. The need for regen time after sustained fire is the part of the equation that reduces the sheilds dispersers to a useless waste of interior space and mass. So now the choice is to replace the sheilds with extra hardened hull to withstand more hits while you do your best to run so you do not lose your 2 day sculture to some jack ass in a flying gun or suicide ship.

    I recognize that part of the game is about pvp, ship to ship combat and tactics but when you have some 12 year old come on your server and buy as many disentigrators as they can afford and put them around the core and just ram into the nearest ship they see, the game becomes a rather stupid waste of time.

    So what is the point of the game? Are we playing this game to build ships and explore the universe and see how cool we can make our ships, or are we playing to just shoot it out at spawn and leave the debris floating in space? I for one would like to have more control over the mechanics of what type of play happens on my server. I do not want players that come on and do the hit and run, blow up everything in sight type of bull. I want players who come on my server to build ships and harvest materials and build factories and colonize the universe.

    So sheilds are nerfed and they no longer allow some one who actually read the wiki and dug around for information to figure out how to make a ship that would withstand the damage that may be inflicted by the hit and run jerks. This takes away the desire to build a cool ship because basically who wants to build a cool ship just to see it blown to smithereens by some hit and run jerk. I certainly do not want my designs to be blown up. I want to be able to show them off and share ideas and such with other players.

    So to sum it up, balance is required, I need to be able to design a ship with protection systems that may sustain some damage but not fail entirely when subjected to sustained fire. I need a way to protect my creations from the destroyers who do not care about what I built or about my server. This is not minecraft factions hardcore pvp kill everything in site is it?

    Schema is that what you want your game to be, a game about who can put the most amc\'s on a core and destroy as many ships as possible with no thought or creativity? Or do you want your game to be about design and specifications and exploration with some danger involved from other players and mobs?
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Haven\'t had the chance to try the new shields, but sounds like a bit of a slegehammer adjusting. Mayhaps instead of no regen under fire it could be 50% or something.

    If you fear suicide gankers, maybe try saving the blueprint every now and then? Or build in faction hangar. Getting griefed sounds at least partially self inflicted, if you hang around starter sectors without protection and don\'t save your ships.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    They nerfed this way too much imo. All I wanted was shield recovery timer on hit. That would of been plenty.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    the recovery timer is the problem here some one can just put a little turret to fire with maximum reload and pretty much no damage to just stop shield recharge at all its to abuseable
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Generally you should renforce your hull so that its harder for enemies to destroy important blocks.Missles will still be a problem though.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Idk about you guys but I think the basic idea of a big ship is to be a tank that moves slow and has medium fire power, while small ships are fast have a low, but decent amount of shields with lot of fire power. plus I think the idea of big ships is that they are able to be savataged.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Wouldn\'t it be more effective to just have the same old shields but have them get weaker as the ship grows?

    You\'re stretching that shield over a massive hull after all.

    EDIT: How about allowing servers to be able to have a variable setting to allow the old shield mechanics:

    SERVER_SHIELD_OLD = True //Allows for older more OP shields with no cool-down on hit, boosts regen and capacity
    Jun 19, 2013
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    Thing is big ships should be able to go faster but have a slower acceleration
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I find the shields way better as they are now. It\'s still not even near perfect, but a big step in the right direction. It was utter bull that you could just make a gigantic shield block and say \"I am an invincible god\" ... THAT\'s bull, not that a swarm of fighters can take out a capital ship, that is better than the invicibility crap.

    If you want protecting from small ships, use turrets.

    The only suggestion I want to make is to raise shield capacity even MORE so the battles take longer. You should try to wear the enemy shields down, not to just hope to be the first to fire a 5 second burst of 2000 damage a shot AMCs to burst through a shield, the thick hull and then directly blow up the core. Or instead of raising the shields, they should rework AMCs. Instead of having to choose between making giant blocks of AMCs as gatling guns of doom or only use a few blocks and have a peashooter you should have to choose between strong, long range, but slow firing cannons to take out other big ships, or smaller, faster and perhaps a bit more inaccurate (to hit flying ships.. or the AI should be able to calculate how far it has to aim infront of the enemy fighter to hit it while it flies at full speed) AMCs to kill fighters.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    new idea.

    what if the larger the ship the more shields but less regen, and the smaller the ship the less shilds but more regen.

    this way small ships can take down big ships, but it just takes alot of small ships, and big ships can take down small ships but the small ship can recover fast if not hit.

    this would benefit small ships having agility

    this would also benefit big ships becuz of their turrets

    also I think we should change the..

    blue>purple>red color to...


    this way we can tell ships shields strength better.

    and last we should get rid of the hit delay completely.

    like if you agree.


    First Citizen
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Not sure if I like that, but I think the best solution would be more capacity and less regeneration. Or to increase capacity even more and keep the hit delay nerf, because it\'s after all it\'s basic purpose- to make regeneration useless in combat situations.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    That way ships wouldn\'t be aesthetically pleasing, and most ship designs that look awesome would be rendered totally impractical in a combat situation.