Recent Shield Nerf

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Ok, so I also think that it is good that shields are finally being nerfed but, at the same time, my main ship lost more than 19/20 of it's shield regen which is very depressing. =.= I think that the shields were nerfed a little bit too much, and instead of nerfing shields so much, the loot from pirate stations should have been nerfed so people can't buy overpowered ships in the first place.


    Jun 27, 2013
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    I noticed that shields were nerfed tremendously.

    1 Shield Block: 806.82 Capacity, 97.27 Regen
    2 Shield Blocks: 1,280.74 Capacity, 135.66 Regen (332.9 Cap lost, 58.88 Regen lost)
    3 Shield Blocks: 1,678.24 Capacity, 164.81 Regen (409.32 Cap lost, 68.12 Regen lost)

    Capacity: (shieldBlocks*3.5)^0.66666)*350
    Recharge: (shieldBlocks*4)^0.48)*50

    Calculate for yourself how bad it gets. :P
    1,000 Shield Blocks: 80,678.2 Capacity, 2,678.91 Regen (726,141.8 Cap Lost, 94,591.09 Regen lost)
    Jun 19, 2013
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    ... and it doesn\'t look pretty, this nerf is ridiculous, and was probably done to quiet all the people out there who don\'t know how to get money really easily and hate not being able to destroy a titan in their little fighter, because that obviously is how it works in real life. It would be like shooting a pistol and being able to blow up a building. Rather than make expensive stuff useless, how about the way people make money is nerfed so that they don\'t get their hands on expensive stuff without a lot of effort. I\'d prefer for there to be amazingly powerful ships that are almost impossible to get, rather than every ship being equal and thus spending more money on a ship pointless.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Small ships should be able to kill anything up to the size of a moon, obviously.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    but we all know what is gonna happen, people are gonna have plating ships docked to their main ship, since their shields will have seperate caluclated values since the shields aren\'t all part of the same ship. This will render most ship designs useless and aesthetically pleasing ships will become less common, which would be awful for such a beautiful game, where so many ships are based off popular sci fi ships like starwars, star trek, stargate xP
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Does this solve the problem where you had to have 600 medium ships to take on a large one?
    Jun 19, 2013
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    It solves that problem, but at the expense of so many other aspects of the game mechanics. The simplicity of gaining 2 billion credits in the first few minutes of the game should\'ve been nerfed rather than the good ships. This is like making machine guns as bad as pistols, rather than making machine guns hard to get.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I have a lot of respect for the intent of the change, but it does have some issues. The shield regen rate is a little on the low side, especially given that there\'s an on-hit regen delay now. So, IMO, either dump the on-hit regen delay or boost the regen rate from it\'s post-patch state.

    Still, between this and the previous system - this system is better since shields now serve as a functional HP meter with the ability to grow back as opposed to the previous version where it was either total invulnerability or dead in 3 seconds.
    Jul 10, 2013
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    Ok, so I also think that it is good that shields are finally being nerfed but, at the same time, my main ship lost more than 19/20 of it\'s shield regen, and the capacity hit the 32 bit limit,

    Excuse me, you mean to tell me your ship has 2^31-1 shield capacity? I would love to see, where you put 2^31-1 = ((x*3.5)^0.66666)*350; x= 4.34337x10^9 blocks. With 4 billion shield blocks, your ship would need to be 1000x1000x1000 at least. I seriously doubt any server could handle interaction of something like this. Screenz pls
    Jun 19, 2013
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    @D-Car Actually, come to think of it, I don\'t think the shields should have been nerfed at all really. I mean, whilst it was slightly boring that ship battles were either short or didn\'t end, to fix that all they needed to was raise shield capacity, and then short battles would become long battles. Those that have high enough shield regens to remain invulnerable against someone deserves it, since they paid so much more to get their ship. Like I mentioned before, they just need to make it harder to get ships like that rather than make them useless. I can\'t use my flagship in combat anymore since it can\'t turn fast enough to actually fight back against fighters, whereas before it was meant to battle other titans without having to worry about small ships. The only people who were desperate for this change were the ones who didn\'t really know how to obtain wealth easily. Instead of making combat for small fighters without awesomely huge vessels slumping around, they should just make getting huge vessels difficult.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    You were personally trying to direct your over sized ship to use your main guns on tiny fast moving targets? I think you need to rethink your tactics. Bigger != Better. Smaller != Better. Good Tactics = Better.

    As for money, it didn\'t take that long to raid a single pirate station or salvage a few dozen normal stations or ice planets to afford a Thunderclap and blow your ship out of the water before, you were just as vulnerable now as you were then if you realize the small ships coming after you have relatively weak shields.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    Do you think I am trying to increase my power? I\'m saying that we shouldn\'t even beable to afford overpowered ships in the first place, rather than rendering them useless.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    If you feel that way, would you request that there should be a limit to the size of what ships can be made, and hard caps on shield cap/regin and weapon damage? In short, to stop the building of overpowered ships you must also retcon and depower the currently over powered ships. If you wish to play a game that is balanced and nothing is over/underpowered, please wait until the game is released, not complain about imbalance and balance adjustments while it is in alpha testing phases.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    If it is in alpha, and thus pre-balance adjustment, then why is he \"balancing shields\" now. If he is changing things now, then now is the time to suggest changes for balance. I\'m suggesting that there be overpowered ships, but you need to work very hard to earn the money to get it. It shouldn\'t be easy by any means. Only a large faction with hardworking people should be able to muster up the money to buy such a behemoth.

    @Optic Gloom I went from 400k to 35k so I know how you feel =.=
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Heh seeing as the shields got nerfed my space station went from around 400k shields and 500k regen to 3,000,000,0 and 40k regen
    Jun 26, 2013
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    You wish for overpowered, hard to gain ships. The owners don\'t want overpowered ships. Owners win.

    Btw, you don\'t need direct money to make ships. You can make the parts for the ships at 15% of their worth once you understand factories so removing untold riches will only slow interested players by maybe a day or two. If you are wondering how fast they work, my single array of factories produce over a hundred items a minute from the start of mineral seporation to end result. The only thing worth buying is reinforced hull because 40000A is a pain to collect in mass.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    But there should be overpowerd ships. Like in real life - if you multiply number of your guns, say by 2, you should get twice the firepower (or engine power, or shield power etc. ). Of course there are some boundaries, but they are really big (like energy needed to power such thing exceeding power output of the sun, galaxy or universe)
    Jun 24, 2013
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    As goofy as the end result is, I still think the current version is a step in the right direction. It\'s not GOOD yet, but it\'s an important step. The current math works out to small ships at least being able to do some damage and having a snowball\'s chance in hell of killing a titan. Previously .... it was nothing except \"go big or go home\".