Read by Schine Power usage to adjust shields, weapons, thrust


    Identifies as a T-34
    Nov 16, 2013
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    I don't think that adjusting power should change how a system functions, it should just change how effective it is. If you give a cannon 50% of it's max power, it should run at 50% of it's fire rate and damage. Instead, one should simply be able to tell a system that it is allowed to use x % of your power. Since at the moment things are balanced around ships usually being to power all of their systems at once, systems should also have their max power consumption greatly increased, so most ships will not be able to have all of their systems running at maximum capacity at all times- if you want to get the most out of one system, you will need to take power away from other systems.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    This is a thought i have been thinking of how to best use of power as it is now its about who has the better set up while power is important i believe its importances on everything and the need to balance it in your ship to allow for

    Weapons (firepower, rate of fire)
    Exc arc(random power users like lights)

    Higher power allows for more powerful shots but with a slower rate of fire then on a lower power usage

    Lower power would allow faster fire rate then with more power but with less damage then with a higher power usage.

    To adjust power usages for the weapons would be done through a weapons computer


    Cannon computer

    Power. [1000000]

    Available power [50000000000]

    Fire power [20000]

    Rate of fire 20 shots per minute

    Shields power usages would be split between maintaining said shields and recharging

    Shield computer
    Recharge power. 1000000
    Recharge rate. 300000 per second
    Power to maintain 100000

    Thrust computer

    Mass 1000000000000
    Power. 2000000
    Speed 34

    Lights and other power users like say a arcade would use a preset power like 1 power per appliance

    It makes better sense then the using computers to boost performance and bring us to more sci fi verse and balance out ships obviously bigger ships will have harder hitting power then smaller ships but that is common sense bigger ships will have much more power at their disposal then a lighter class vessel and they shouldnt have less it should come down to who can out muscle and out think their opponet

    This will force players to have to choose between
    Or mobility

    Starmade isn't ready for this, and will not be for a long time. But please fix the spelling and reformat for cohesion.
    The idea is complex and we already do this using the mass system.


    The Harlequin Builder
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Honestly I really like this idea. Perhaps tying in the weapons systems may not be the best idea due to the slave system we have, unless the change is a flat measure of efficiency/damage that the weapon is doing. The largest plus in this is really thrust and shields, since we don't have a slave system for either of those. Just to play devils advocate though, what if we did have a slave system set up for thrust and shields?

    Don't get me wrong, i much prefer the sliders and dynamic power allocation idea...big star trek fan. But it is worth considering the alternative that already is built into the game to a degree.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    To properly handle slaves and logic and stuff, it would probably be best to change the logic system, so that you can "deactivate" any number of slaved slave blocks or weapon blocks. Imagine hitting a single button, and it deactivates a logic block that has half the weapon blocks, half the slave blocks, and half the effects blocks slaved to it. You would be able to instantly halve the weapon power at the push of a button (or logic!).

    Similarly, you could slave only the effect or secondary weapon blocks to the activation block, and change the effect (and to a lesser extent, the power usage and damage potential of the weapon). Example: Push a button to make your weapons fire at half-speed, more damage per shot, or rapid-fire and less damage per shot, simply by slaving half the secondary cannon blocks to an activation button. (Instantly changing an example c/c weapon system with 100/100 cannon/cannon construction to 100/50 cannon/cannon for slow-fire, heavy-hitting bullets, or something like that.)

    Similarly, if systems were to obtain any kind of slave-block system, using this logical block control would translate directly to that, allowing the pilot incredibly detailed control of their systems, all depending on how skilled the ship builder is at logic constructs.

    Best of all, this modified idea would fall neatly into the devs' plan to have block control on everything, instead of relying on more conventional input methods. (Read: slider bars and numeric data entry.)
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    The Harlequin Builder
    Jun 28, 2013
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    To properly handle slaves and logic and stuff, it would probably be best to change the logic system, so that you can "deactivate" any number of slaved slave blocks or weapon blocks. Imagine hitting a single button, and it deactivates a logic block that has half the weapon blocks, half the slave blocks, and half the effects blocks slaved to it. You would be able to instantly halve the weapon power at the push of a button (or logic!).

    Similarly, you could slave only the effect or secondary weapon blocks to the activation block, and change the effect (and to a lesser extent, the power usage and damage potential of the weapon). Example: Push a button to make your weapons fire at half-speed, more damage, or rapid-fire and less damage, simply by slaving half the secondary cannon blocks to an activation button.

    Similarly, if systems were to obtain any kind of slave-block system, using this logical block control would translate directly to that, allowing the pilot incredibly detailed control of their systems, all depending on how skilled the ship builder is at logic constructs.

    Best of all, this modified idea would fall neatly into the devs' plan to have block control on everything, instead of relying on more conventional input methods. (Read: slider bars and numeric data entry.)
    Yes, but that relies on players being skilled in logic. the sliders are a lot more friendly to new users, which is one reason why i prefer it.
    Mar 31, 2016
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    Plus logic takes up valuable space on smaller vessels, that could be used for other things like, Idk, more thrust, power, or firepower ... something useless like that. :)


    Oct 30, 2015
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    The point is, systems handed a larger percentage of capacity, and given the ability to use more power than standard to draw on that capacity beyond normal (temporarily!), will be more powerful.
    I like this idea of capacity. We have a good slave system already so lets not reinvent the wheel. Lets invent a Rocket-Wheel! :D

    So here is my spin. At any given time a ship has a 'non-allocated Energy-Pool' or Leftover Capacity. Allow this extra power to be applied to Auxiliary Power or 'Emergency Power'. Then just let the pilot assign this power to whatever global systems are needed. Speed boost or shield strength or damage OP. A new combat mechanic (hmmmm, a lot like Farcry) would let you respond to the shifting tides of battle.

    To keep a little risk/reward element Emergency over-ride could cause Damage-Over-Time to the ship's systems HP.
    Mar 31, 2016
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    I like this idea of capacity. We have a good slave system already so lets not reinvent the wheel. Lets invent a Rocket-Wheel! :D

    So here is my spin. At any given time a ship has a 'non-allocated Energy-Pool' or Leftover Capacity. Allow this extra power to be applied to Auxiliary Power or 'Emergency Power'. Then just let the pilot assign this power to whatever global systems are needed. Speed boost or shield strength or damage OP. A new combat mechanic (hmmmm, a lot like Farcry) would let you respond to the shifting tides of battle.

    To keep a little risk/reward element Emergency over-ride could cause Damage-Over-Time to the ship's systems HP.
    No, because you've got the capacity, this is just giving you a rapid vent for it that's NOT permanent. Say all the systems you could fit are drawing, except, Idk, a nuke that you don't want to / can't manage to punch through an enemy's defenses to use; you have no use for this capacity, unless you can rapidly overdrive (basically that kinda effect), say, your shields cause you're getting pounded. It doesn't last long, but you get, say, increased shield cap and greatly increased shield regen for the time it does last.
    Jul 27, 2015
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    Yes, but that relies on players being skilled in logic. the sliders are a lot more friendly to new users, which is one reason why i prefer it.
    And as players become better at ship building logic becomes easier to use and manipulate.

    Plus logic takes up valuable space on smaller vessels, that could be used for other things like, Idk, more thrust, power, or firepower ... something useless like that. :)
    That is the point, a Frigate will have more need for power manipulation than say a Fighter or Corvette. Thus to have a single pilot fighter (that should be calibrated when it is being maintained in the hanger) able to manipulate its three or four systems on the fly should cost something to do it.


    Aug 10, 2015
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    I have done some work and have a tad more info now on the subject now as far as ship power goes cannons produce relitively very little drain on power even when thrust at full throttle and shields come into play i still find i have no drain unless i use missiles which will halve power stored

    Trust me there was alot of experimentation done at the expence of my computer hell the thing litterally wont work any more but it was slightly worth it

    Higher class vessles will have tons upon tons of unused energy which could be better used in systems to allow for better firepower and rapidity of fire to a system or better shield regan or better thrust

    Or into subsystems in the hangar or the poker hull in the engin room or the hyper drive

    There is much untapped potential in surplus power plus we could use the slave system too

    cannon computer would allow you to adjust the reload speed

    Damage beam allows longer range or faster lock on for missiles

    Missile computer allows for more shot gun spread or better heat seeking ability of missiles

    The effects could benefit from this as well making them as potent as if you placed a block which would free up space for more power or shielding and force builders to optimise their power for better efficiency then just bunching them in one giant box