Feature suggestion 1:
This tool actually needs a Ctrl+Z to Undo (and secondarily Ctrl+Y to Redo) function, for example you accidentally click \"All\" when repainting a different colors ship, or edit weaponry/harder stuff, there is no way to go back.
2: Arrows, or maybe Ctrl+Arrows to fine spin the object in such directions in detailed/step by step, like when moving a selection at Gimp/image editors. Seeing the ship from exactly front to see if there\'s no mistake in the energy system or weapon systems can be problematic with medium builds, and very hard with huger builds. It could also simply have the View options of \"Front view\" \"Back view\", laterals and a upper left/right corner diagonal view like for making photos, showoff.
3: Having the tool to support all current existing blocks, the issues people had with opening blueprints so far, by what I\'d guess/my experience, is with blueprints that have decorative blocks, gardens, and such, mainly those 2D blended blocks.
4: At \"View\" specific parts, Energy Tanks (Capacity blocks) option is missing.