Official Texture thread

    Apr 30, 2013
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    Beetlebear definitely cleaned up my sloppy quick little work. Seems to have a bit more contrast in the colors. That being said, I think the white, grey and black still need work. Here are some comparison shots, as close to the exact same angle as I could manage. The shots contain mostly comparisons between the grey and white blocks. Also, ignore the difference in the look for the plex lights.

    The top pictures are Beetlebear\'s textures, the bottom ones are my textures:

    On the opposite side of the ship from the sun. On Beetle\'s, the white hull blocks are almost indistinguishable from the grey making it very difficult to know which is which, while my white hull strikes me as possibly needing more contrast.

    On the side of the ship facing the sun. The white on Beetle\'s can be distinguished from the grey, but there are some spots where it isn\'t completely obvious. Distinguishable or not, even in bright light they remain only a slightly lighter grey when not directly reflecting. On mine, the white is approaching Plex Light status on much of it, but appears a solid white on others areas.

    Here the sunlight is reflecting directly off the ship\'s hull into my face. On this one, the strong-point of Beetle\'s value (brightness) choice is clear, which is that even under extreme light it remains visible as hull. As for mine, OH GOD MY EYES. IT BURNS. (Even the grey appears white.)

    Lastly, an interior shot. On Beetle\'s, I once again find it very difficult or impossible to distinguish white from grey. On mine, it can be distinguished, but not as clearly as would be ideal. It still only looks like a light grey.

    In chat, when asking people what they would choose if given the choice between making the white darker and avoiding blinding reflections or making the white lighter to look better everywhere else even when it\'s blinding in sunlight reflections, the general consensus seemed to be that brighter would be preferred. I had been thinking my white might be too bright, but others seemed to think it was too dark! I do, however, think my white may need more contrast. I wasn\'t able to decided on whether to make it brighter or darker, but it seemed clear to me that it did need to be bright, even though it results in some blinding reflections.

    And that\'s my research into hull brightness, and images to compare.

    As for Beetle, it\'s his artistic call, and if he has other things he needs to do, I wouldn\'t consider this to be as pressing an issue as the color was before. I\'m eager to see what new pixel art he has in store for us. :)
    Apr 18, 2013
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    While the textures are being redone, is it possible to remove the thick border on light blocks? It makes continuous light sources very ugly. The one item I\'d prefer them to look like is the ice crystal block (as a bonus, it also has an interesting texture).

    If it is completely neccessary to have bordered blocks, then how about introducing two types of blocks (bordered/borderless) for different artistic purpose?
    Mar 30, 2013
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    I\'d love to have borderless lights, even if they are in some way worse than the regular \"bordered\" lights.

    Just having the borderless ones available would make design aesthetics far more flexible.
    Apr 30, 2013
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    Borderless lights would be incredibly useful for aesthetic purposes, while bordered lights are ALSO incredibly useful for aesthetic purposes. So personally, I think both should be available. (Not sure if they\'d have any differences. One might be more expensive, but which one? I actually lean towards the borderless ones.)
    Apr 3, 2013
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    This hasn\'t been mentioned, but can we get borderless and pretty much invisible glass? I always hate how in these games glass is always so bloody hard to see through. I\'d like it if the glass was 100% invisible except for maybe some very minor streak markes to showcase there is something there. I want to be able to see out my windows and with the current glass, that\'s not a very easy thing to do.
    May 2, 2013
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    Have borders on glass, and make the rest 100% transparent. If you connect glass, the border disappears at the connection point.


    Apr 10, 2013
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    @yakusai: isn\'t it a mod that does that? Optifine if I remember correctly.
    Jul 9, 2012
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    Thanks for all the feedback.

    I\'ll add some borderless lights into the game, I haven\'t started working on glass yet but we\'ll have a few styles of glass as well for your liking.

    I\'m taking a break from hulls for now so the colors will stay as they were in my last post until I get all of the other textures done.
    May 14, 2013
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    I have a sugestion that may solve the problem of textures being too bright/dark.

    If a sun shield was added to the game like they have on real space suits that you could press a key to activate.

    It\'d be great if you were able to dim the light when flying towards a sun as well.
    Apr 6, 2013
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    Honestly, out of all of these, I think I really prefferred the fire set beeltlebear posted, with the clean tile.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    Some things i\'d like to see (texture wise, though in some cases there\'s some slight block changes)

    (all metals in the various colours available)
    -Smooth metal. Maybe with some noise from a detail overlay.
    - Smooth metal, only very reflective. (cubemap reflective)
    - Dusty metal.
    - Rusty metal
    - Tiles
    - Grate.
    - An organic set (kind of like the wraith or the collectors or whatnot)

    The antimater cannon should become more different from the harvester beam.

    All lights should be self illuminating (the texture is not affected by light level)
    -Purple lights. Pink lights. Orange lights.
    -Wedge lights. possibly even corner lights.
    -Animated lights, Lava in different colours basicaly.
    -Rimless lights.
    -Liquid lights. Basicaly transparent lights that you could use as windows. Perhaps with some animated bubbles in.
    -Organic lights. (kind of like a wraith ship. I assume many of us have watched sga) that kind of stuff.
    - sprite lights. Like plants or lightbulbs.

    - sand should be usualy white, then each plannet can have it\'s own colour correction or fog which can make it yellow or red or green or even blue. Similar story with rock.
    - Wedge terrain. this isn\'t minecraft. Smooth that stuff out.

    Lights look so much cooler than just generators. Perhaps there should be alternative generator textures. I don\'t know. When you watch science fiction, often the power core is a huge glowing thing.
    Jun 6, 2013
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    Um. In a way, I find the unified looks of the older pack are more attractive. They also seemed a bit more interesting? I\'m not a huge fan of everything being labeled as it is. The icons just don\'t look as sophisticated as it used to/I don\'t mind it looking a bit alien? Also, lots of the controllers in my ships are facing away from the player or are sunk into the floor. As it stands, the only surface which distinguishes these items is the front face, so if the player is intended to interface with them in another direction they are out of luck. Maybe they could have different colored lights? I guess you could orient them in advanced mode, but I liked the fact that they each were unique before. I also liked having thruster and weapons bays where you could look down the barrel of a cannon and tell that you were looking at the weapon chamber, not just another gray bit of the ship.

    So those are my first impressions really. That and the tops of chests. I think that was a bit weird. The one item that could probably be okay with just a grey top, doesn\'t actually get a grey top. The hardened hulls look pretty good. As do the doors.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    These latest textures are terrible. They all look the same.

    Learn how to use the mod tools, beatle, you can make new decorational blocks without scheema\'s help

    Run lights, wires,bars or pipes down the side of all the guns/engines

    make the shield blocks selfiluminating/bright. Computers glowing would be fairly cool too.

    Simplify/smooth the hull/terrain. It\'d be best if the Metal hulls were textured as flat blocks of metal without detail,

    add alternative hulls (different levels of shinyness,grates,pipes)

    pink lights .rimless lights.
    Dec 30, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    YAY HD TEXURES PACK for those who\'s PC can handle them.

    Btw all the cool hull models, there should REALLY be a 3rd type of hull, so, Normal Hull, Hardened Hull and Schemadyne Hull, only obtainable through Schema stuff factory, 500 hull, 75 % armor, (it keeps the line of 25, 50 and 75% armor), and have that awesome newer hull model :D

    It\'d be best if the Metal hulls were textured as flat blocks of metal without detail,

    You can just go get the oldest build around and get the textures from early alpha game when textures had no details. lol
    Dec 30, 2012
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    Yup, new textures are great, even so it seems many people would prefer blue based engines, as hey fill the backs with ice crystals to make them look like, many ships, EVE ships have blue engines, Star Trek ships, etc.

    Anyway, SUGGESTION (idea by Doom):

    Blinking lights at the decorative panels, blinking buttons and such, to add life to ships, like in the movies.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    Prefer blue based engines? I think not. Well... I\'d rather choose the colour of my engine thrust as well as the colour of the projectile for my cannons. Blue, Orange,yellow, white, green, red, pink, purple.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    first off, great work on the game textures. the textures are nice and clean for the most part. Yet, i still feel compelled to add my 2 cents. my apologies in advanced if many others have made these suggestions. i know you can\'t please everyone in a game like this lol

    ill start with ore. i wish there were more visual difference between the ores. At times when the tool tip breaks and you can\'t tell which ore is which, it makes my eyes bleed after prolonged exposure to a chest full of ore

    second, how do you feel about making the green hull a bit darker? or adding darker/lighter variations of each hull color? I love the blue and purple, and those ice crystals are genius, but i feel like the game needs darker contrast besides black and grey.

    keep up the awesome work.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I like all of the new textures with the recent update, except for the lava texture, it just looks strange, I actually preferred the previous lava texture because it looked hotter, brighter. This new one looks a bit too yellow, would love it to be more orange/red, and it also needs some black in it (pieces of rock/stone).