FlyingDebris Creeper__God... If I could suggest a couple things that may or may not help:
1- Reduce the amount of total blueprints on the server (not sure if this has been done recently) Last time I was on there were so many blueprints in the admin list. I recommend lowering the blueprints allowed to 5 maybe? 10? I've been told in the past that this can contribute to overall load on the server (not sure if this is true)
2- Set up a spreadsheet on google drive where people can enter sectors they want to be saved in the case of a reset. 1 or 2 sectors per person, not sure why you would need more. If it's not in the doc, it doesn't get saved. This way a reset can be performed at any time and sectors can be imported with ease after said reset. It's as easy as copying and pasting the sectors from the spreadsheet into a bulk export file and all the sectors can be saved with one command. On top of that, with the amount of people with admin privileges it should be no issue having people import their own sectors for the most part. Saving them as "IGN_1" "IGN_2" and so on should make it even easier for people to import their own.
3- Recommend that everyone SAVE YOUR SHIPS/STATION TO LOCAL. This should be common sense while playing on a multiplayer server but people still forget/refuse to do it for one reason or another. This would further reduce the chance that anyone loses any of their hard work.
All this can be explained easily in the server message and will help give you the ability to perform a reset on short notice and fairly regularily if need be (which I might recommend)
Hope this helps, and I would be willing to help out if you need anything... just let me know.