Did you tried to build really small vessels ?
I know it's difficult to build small ships, trust me.With the 1m = 1 bloc, it's hard to make things interesting without ending up building something bulky, it's the same mechanic with bigger ships as you'll be forced to deal with heatboxes that will need to be filled with chambers of different types. If i want to make my ship thin with wedge shapes you can't, as it is using the ship boundaries.
However, the new system will need LESS blocks, thus LESS space, in total. If I can pull all of the power and power regen out of that little orange fighter, and replace it with something that takes up less space, heat zone included, I'm all for it.
I am in Raiben's court though, I would prefer that the power overhaul make power more interesting. The heat idea could be interesting, however my issue with the proposed system is that it isn't different. You're still taking some blocks, putting them into some pattern, and blammo, power system. The numbers for the old power system could simply be changed so that they generate more power, and add in a heat mechanic. It's nice that it takes up less space, but it's not really different.
But I have absolutely no problem with a system that takes up less space than it does now.
I'm not claiming that the proposed system is perfect. It's a start. Can you improve upon it within the confines of the proposal? Can you improve upon it outside the confines of the proposal.I can even make some examples that are worst, for example if i want to build a cross style ship (if you look at it from the front to give you an idea). The boundaries is a big box but in fact you can only use the 4 wings of the cross to fill with chambers and systems, leaving most of the heatbox empty, resulting in a useless and inefficient ship. Even for someone that just want a good looking ship using a cross shape he'll be missing so much space for the chamber that someone with a more bulky build not even well made will simply outpower him by far in everything.
I don't think the system as proposed is unworkable, it's simply not really interesting.