not feeling like building atm.

    Nov 3, 2014
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    i have to say these announcements of changes kinda make me go like *sigh* whatever i'll come back at 1.0 when stuff is finally set up and meant to stay. Am i alone with this? bothers me for i always had fun with tinkering in starmade. :(
    Nov 3, 2013
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    Being honest, I haven't had the faintest idea on how systems/weapons etc have worked for a good year or two. I don't plan on learning them either until, as you said, in 1.0 when stuff is finally set up and meant to stay. I just enjoy building/attempt to build ship hulls and make them look nice.

    Hope this is what you were asking/looking for.

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    Jan 14, 2016
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    I have just finished watching the archive of your stream from yesterday and it was funny to hear you talking about the builders that inspire you as you have been such an inspiration to my builds as I have commented before on your channel.

    I can understand your reluctance to build anything until this power "consultation" and redevelopment is complete. I normally play on an RP server and I have an "order" for 10 of my Mining Drones. I don't know whether to fulfill the order only to have to redesign the power at a later date or wait until the power update is live and then sell my client the updated version?

    Personally I feel it is down to timescale. If this suggestion is already a work in progress and the discussion was instigated in order to allow for a delay then that is one thing. If the development is going to start AFTER we have all had the opportunity to have our say, then we could be looking at several weeks or more? This update could be out by the weekend or it could be March!

    I'm sure that you will ultimately do whatever is best for you in the long run but I for one would miss not seeing your builds. Maybe you could find some compromise that would allow you to keep building while not feeling that you are wasting your time, especially when it comes to designing the power system
    Jan 19, 2015
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    My server has died since the announcement, alot left about a month ago when they heard of the rebalance
    Jun 17, 2015
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    When I build a ship I think about how the whole thing will work. Not knowing how this system will work has left me sitting here nervously scouring the forums waiting for information. I don't mind refitting my ships but knowing that I am working with ideas that might mean nothing in a few months is a problem for me. I already was trying my best to future proof my builds but I now it feels fruitless.


    Nov 30, 2015
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    This strikes me as being similar to post-election apathy - where you just dont want to get out of bed because you cannot face what has happened.

    Well, the "election" hasnt happened yet - and may not. The power system is purely a proposal and you must fight to make it work for you. Not building in the next x months means it wont - you'll possibly return to an alien game you cannot enjoy as you do now.

    Surely, as somebody who makes youtube videos about starmade, making sure the game remains within the boundaries of awesome or above is a responsibility to your subscribers / fans?

    *passes rifle


    Nov 3, 2014
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    This strikes me as being similar to post-election apathy - where you just dont want to get out of bed because you cannot face what has happened.

    Well, the "election" hasnt happened yet - and may not. The power system is purely a proposal and you must fight to make it work for you. Not building in the next x months means it wont - you'll possibly return to an alien game you cannot enjoy as you do now.

    Surely, as somebody who makes youtube videos about starmade, making sure the game remains within the boundaries of awesome or above is a responsibility to your subscribers / fans?

    *passes rifle


    Well i'll find other cool game to play if i must. i hope not but you know i just wanted to know if you guys feel the same kinda
    Nov 30, 2015
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    This is a chance to start building ship hulls with tons of potential for interior. One million docking ports!


    Nov 30, 2015
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    Well i'll find other cool game to play if i must. i hope not but you know i just wanted to know if you guys feel the same kinda
    I did for all of five minutes until I realised its merely a proposal, we can resist or change it and it wont be happening for a LONG time yet.
    Mar 3, 2015
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    All of my ships have gone through several generations of redesigns. As I learn new tricks and techniques, I can't even look at my old creations without feeling a sense of...Idk regret? repulsion? Nausea? Lol.

    Example: old stuff

    New stuff:

    I always wind up redoing and rebooting anyway. I am still building, and if I have to totally start from scratch I will, and those ships will be even better than before!

    Maybe it's because of the way I look at the ships. I'm not building a fleet to use (though I do use them as such), I'm building a fleet that has existed in my head for over 15 years AND THEY NEED TO GET OUT.

    I hope you get out of the funk you're in, though I totally get it. Without a sense of stability in what you do, its hard to want to keep doing it. However, your designs are maddeningly brilliant, and your YouTube videos are a pleasure to watch.

    Good luck man!
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    Jan 14, 2016
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    How many versions of the Scimitar has there been? Even if the modification was due to a game update I am sure you didn't just redo the changed systems but improved on the overall design?

    I am working on a ship of mine that has been around forever. It is now the mk2 of the Sixth version and I am redesigning it completely while keeping to the spirit of the original.

    Strangely enough it is the power system that will get the biggest overhaul. It has always been based around an 11x11x11 power cube. Removing this and rerouting the power, realigning the sides of the ship and moving the core about 2-3 blocks forward will allow me to incorporate a RP interior with negligible affect on the performance.

    I would rather see you try and steer the development and watch videos on how you have made the changes to your existing ships rather than watching you play some other random game that I have no interest in.

    saying that it is your duty to remain focused on playing StarMade through this transition may be putting too much pressure on you but a lot of people look towards you for inspiration and guidance.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    I am actually looking forward to seeing how the changes will alter ship design. I expect some of my ideas will be more viable with a new system than they are now. Bring it on!
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    Oct 24, 2014
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    Just think how bummed you would be if you were a Battleship designer in the 1930's when the Aircraft Carrier came out and made everything you did practically obsolete.
    Jan 31, 2014
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    Just think how bummed you would be if you were a Battleship designer in the 1930's when the Aircraft Carrier came out and made everything you did practically obsolete.
    In WW2 most battleships were lost in Pearl harbor while sitting stationary.
    A carrier sitting still would get equally ripped to shreds.
    Today people still believe this myth that carriers are some kind of untouchable mythical beast that is superior to everything.
    Nov 3, 2014
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    How many versions of the Scimitar has there been? Even if the modification was due to a game update I am sure you didn't just redo the changed systems but improved on the overall design?

    I am working on a ship of mine that has been around forever. It is now the mk2 of the Sixth version and I am redesigning it completely while keeping to the spirit of the original.

    Strangely enough it is the power system that will get the biggest overhaul. It has always been based around an 11x11x11 power cube. Removing this and rerouting the power, realigning the sides of the ship and moving the core about 2-3 blocks forward will allow me to incorporate a RP interior with negligible affect on the performance.

    I would rather see you try and steer the development and watch videos on how you have made the changes to your existing ships rather than watching you play some other random game that I have no interest in.

    saying that it is your duty to remain focused on playing StarMade through this transition may be putting too much pressure on you but a lot of people look towards you for inspiration and guidance.
    I also rather see me implement a really new cool system. it is just - right now it is like - senseless. i have an idea though for what i could use some projects for. i doubt that i will be quiting on Starmade i mean it has really cool aspects and all even if this should go horribly wrong they will probably just alter it again... it is just this not knowing what will be makes it hard to start on new projects. for example the miner iam building it is like well depending on how big this thing needs it's reactor i could put a cargo container here or i might have to push it back.
    Jan 31, 2014
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    I don't think I'll be doing anything at all until I see how this turns out, frankly I think it would be better to expand other systems than to completely bork up a perfectly usable power system.
    What about better flight AI, NPC crews, quarters, fauna, and any other planned features that we were supposed to have in some form by now.
    Mar 3, 2015
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    In WW2 most battleships were lost in Pearl harbor while sitting stationary.
    A carrier sitting still would get equally ripped to shreds.
    Today people still believe this myth that carriers are some kind of untouchable mythical beast that is superior to everything.
    Sorry to interject this, since it's off-topic, but...

    Most battleships in fact were not sunk at pearl harbor. The British still had theirs. The US still had most of theirs in the Atlantic fleet. Not to mention, of the 8 battleships present, 4 were sunk, one was beached, and the rest had only "minor" damage. L half of the sunken ships were refloated and rebuilt.

    Battleships in the Pacific were replaced offensively by carriers, but they still filled a valuable role that no iter vessel could fill at the time: offshore artillery bombardment and screening against fighters. Without the battleship, the carriers of ww2 would have gone down as fast as anything else.

    Anyway, it is frustrating to not know how things are going to go. It would be nice to have a little more input from schine on how this new mechanic would even work.


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    I too feel there is little point to building for the foreseeable future.
    If updates make it so that I am not allowed to do anything that interests me with 50-95% of the ship I am building I can't imagine ever becoming inspired to build again.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    I must admit I feel a lot like Drakkart for a lot of alpha games, but I have just got back into Starmade since I was waiting SO long to get to a build I thought may not change. The builds I have been doing so far is template based builds and in them I have large rooms set up like reactors. This system could work well for now till the change comes. All you have to do is build as though the plans are already there. Split the systems up, keep them in similar areas and when the changes come, you have less maintenance to do.
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    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Welp, you can always just focus on building interesting shells.

    Sure, you don't know what systems are going to look like to put in them, so focus on recreation shells where the look is what matters anyway. Make a full scale Enterprise D, or a double scale X-Wing, or whatever else. Work on perfecting your engine porn. Make station shells.
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